dota2 fps config
dota2 fps config
Game: | Dota 2 |
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- con_enable "1"
- dota_killcam_show 1 // Enables information windows upon death (default 0)
- dota_sf_hud_killcam 1 // Enables information windows upon death (default 0)
- dota_health_per_vertical_marker "250" // Health segmenting in the lifebar (default 250)
- dota_health_marker_major_alpha "255" // Opacity major healthbar divider (default 255, 0=invisible 255=opaque)
- dota_health_marker_minor_alpha "128" // Opacity minor healthbar divider (default 128, 0=invisible 255=opaque)
- dota_hud_healthbar_number "1" // Health number above the lifebar on (default 1)
- dota_screen_shake "1" // Screen shake on certain spell effects (default 1)
- dota_force_right_click_attack "1" // Rightclick deny disabled (default 0)
- dota_disable_range_finder "0" // Visual spell range indicator activated (default 1)
- dota_minimap_hero_size "800" // Slightly bigger hero icons on minimap (default 600)
- dota_minimap_misclick_time "0.4" // Threshold delay to accept minimap clicks (default 0.2)
- dota_camera_accelerate "10" // Decelerating map scroll (50 = insta stop, 1 = smooth slowdown, vanilla DotA would be 50)
- dota_player_multipler_orders "1" // Control all units with CTRL click (default 0)
- dota_player_units_auto_attack "0" // Hero autoattack disabled (default 1)
- dota_camera_speed "6500" // Scrolling speed (vanilla DotA-like is 6500, default 3000)
- dota_camera_disable_zoom "1" // Disables mousewheel zoom (default 1)
- dota_unit_fly_bonus_height "150" // Flying height of air units (Default 150)
- dota_always_show_player_names "1" // Always show player names
- dota_ability_quick_cast "1" // Doubletapping to selfcast
- dota_unit_multiple_selection "1" // ???
- //Fade time on visual effects on doing or receiving damage reduced to half duration
- dota_health_hurt_decay_time_max "0.4" // (Default 0.8)
- dota_health_hurt_decay_time_min "0.15" // (Default 0.3)
- dota_health_hurt_delay "0.05" // (Default 0.1)
- dota_pain_decay "0.4" // (Default 0.8)
- dota_pain_factor "1.5" // (Default 3)
- dota_pain_fade_rate "1.5" // (Default 3)
- dota_pain_multiplier "0.4" // (Default 0.8)
- windows_speaker_config "1" // Sound optimized for headset
- windows_speaker_setting "1" // Sound optimized for headset
- volume "0.25" // Volume adjusted for teamspeak
- snd_musicvolume "0" // Ingame music volume (Min "0" Max "1.0")
- fps_max "100" // Max FPS for client to render (Default 120)
- mat_vsync "0" // VSYNC on/off (0 Disables, 1 Enables)
- mat_triplebuffered "1" // Enable with vsync if fps is less than 60 (0 Disables, 1 Enables)
- // Fitting Netgraph in the topbar for 1680x1050, 1920x1200 and 1920x1080. Play around with net_graphinsetbottom and net_graphinsetright to adjust it for other resolutions
- net_graphinsetbottom "55" // Position from bottom edge. Put "55" for 1280x800 (Default 0)
- net_graphinsetright "-100" // Position from right edge. Put "-100" for 1280x800 (Default 0)
- net_graphproportionalfont "1" // Makes net_graph text smaller (Default 1)
- net_graph "1" // Enables the Net_Graph (Default 0)
- ///////////////
- /// NETCODE /// If your connection is good (DSL and above) these values should work, however if you experience lag/delay issues try the values in the brackets.
- ///////////////
- rate "80000" // Total amount of bandwidth Dota 2 may use (Default 80000, try 40000 if lags/delays)
- cl_updaterate "40" // Amount of updates recieved from server per second (Default 40, try 20 if lags/delays)
- cl_cmdrate "40" // Amount of updates sent to server per second (Default 40, try 20 if lags/delays)
- cl_interp "0" // cl_interp 1 / cl_updaterate * (cl_interp_ratio ) (Default 0.1)
- cl_interp_ratio "1" // Multiplies final result of cl_interp (Default 2)
- cl_smoothtime "0.01" // When errors occur smooth display over X time, 0 Disables (Default 0.1)
- //////////////
- /// SCRIPT /// Do not edit these unless you know what you are doing. Respective bindings are in the binding part below.
- //////////////
- // Courier picks up whole stash and brings it to you with speedup before returning to base
- // ATTENTION: Since the 6.73 patch this script seems to trigger the heros ultimate when the courier is dead! We're looking for a fix.
- alias "quick_courier" "dota_select_courier; dota_ability_execute 2; dota_ability_execute 3; +dota_camera_follow; say_team Courier is coming to me! Please wait."
- // Net_Graph Toggle Script
- alias "showgraph" "showgraph_off"
- alias "showgraph_on" "net_graph 1; alias showgraph showgraph_off"
- alias "showgraph_off" "net_graph 0; alias showgraph showgraph_on"
- // Shows scoreboard and APM in the console
- alias "+showboard" "+showscores;dota_apm"
- alias "-showboard" "-showscores;"
- // Shows 1025 rangeunits, the proximity range to be revealed while smoked, 1300 = lvl4 pudge hook range, 700 = tower range, 1150 = dagger range
- alias "+range" "dota_range_display 1025"
- alias "-range" "dota_range_display 0"
- //////////////////////
- // CUSTOM BINDINGS // Script bindings to use the scripts from above and some other misc keys .
- //////////////////////
- bind "x" "quick_courier" // Courier Script
- bind "F10" "showgraph" // Toggle Net_Graph
- bind "" "+showboard" // Show Netgraph and APM
- bind "y" "+range" // Show Range Radius
- bind "F8" "exec autoexec.cfg" // Executes this autoexec again
- bind "F11" "toggleconsole" // Open Console
- //////////////////////
- /// MAIN BINDINGS //// Main Dota 2 bindings from the menu.
- //////////////////////
- // ATTENTION: Either remove this whole BINDING part to not overwrite your own bindings or replace these bindings with your own and unbind ALL keys in the options menu afterwards to prevent them from being overwritten each time you start a game! To unbind a key in the options menu select it and press DEL.
- bind "q" "dota_ability_execute 0" // Main Ability 1
- bind "w" "dota_ability_execute 1" // Main Ability 2
- bind "e" "dota_ability_execute 2" // Main Ability 3
- bind "r" "dota_ability_execute 5" // Main Ability Ultimate
- bind "d" "dota_ability_execute 3" // Secondary Ability 1
- bind "f" "dota_ability_execute 4" // Secondary Ability 2
- bind "mouse5" "dota_item_execute 0" // Itemslot 1
- bind "mouse4" "dota_item_execute 1" // Itemslot 2
- bind "v" "dota_item_execute 2" // Itemslot 3
- bind "z" "dota_item_execute 3" // Itemslot 4
- bind "x" "dota_item_execute 4" // Itemslot 5
- bind "c" "dota_item_execute 5" // Itemslot 6
- bind "v" "dota_purchase_stickybuy" // Stickybuy
- bind "b" "dota_purchase_quickbuy" // Quickbuy
- bind "." "toggleshoppanel" // Open Shop
- bind "," "+voicerecord" // Toggle Voicecomm
- bind "c" "dota_select_courier" // Select Courier
- bind "o" "dota_ability_learn_mode" // Skill an ability mode
- bind "h" "dota_hold" // Hold Position
- bind "TAB" "dota_cycle_selected" // Switch through controlled units
- bind "j" "use_item_client actions action_item" // Use action item (added in final Dota 2 release)
- bind "k" "use_item_client current_hero taunt" // Use taunt item (added in final Dota 2 release)
- bind "l" "dota_glyph" // Use Fortification Glyph
- bind "f1" "dota_recent_event" // Jump to ping location
- bind "escape" "cancelselect" // Cancel
- bind "enter" "say" // Text Say
- bind "u" "dota_learn_stats" // Skill Stats
- bind "a" "mc_attack" // Attack Move
- bind "s" "dota_stop" // Stop
- bind "F9" "dota_pause" // Pauses the match
- bind "F12" "jpeg" // Make Screenshot
- bind "space" "+dota_camera_follow" // Tab to select hero, doubletap to jump to hero
- bind "1" "dota_select_all_others" // Select all other controlled units
- bind "mouse1" "+attack" // Select Click
- bind "mouse2" "+attack2" // Action Click
- /////////////////////////
- echo "KSL Config Loaded."
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