best for 1366/768
Game: | Dota 2 |
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Views: | 10116 |
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- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // //
- // ██████╗ ███████╗██████╗ ███╗ ███╗██╗ ██╗██████╗ █████╗ █╗ ███████╗ //
- // ██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔══██╗████╗ ████║██║ ██║██╔══██╗██╔══██╗ ╚╝ ██╔════╝ //
- // ██████╔╝█████╗ ██████╔╝██╔████╔██║██║ ██║██║ ██║███████║ ███████╗ //
- // ██╔══██╗██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗██║╚██╔╝██║██║ ██║██║ ██║██╔══██║ ╚════██║ //
- // ██████╔╝███████╗██║ ██║██║ ╚═╝ ██║╚██████╔╝██████╔╝██║ ██║ ███████║ //
- // ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚══════╝ //
- // ██████╗ ██████╗ ████████╗ █████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗███████╗ ██████╗ //
- // ██╔══██╗██╔═══██╗╚══██╔══╝██╔══██╗ ╚════██╗ ██╔════╝██╔════╝██╔════╝ //
- // ██║ ██║██║ ██║ ██║ ███████║ █████╔╝ ██║ █████╗ ██║ ███╗ //
- // ██║ ██║██║ ██║ ██║ ██╔══██║ ██╔═══╝ ██║ ██╔══╝ ██║ ██║ //
- // ██████╔╝╚██████╔╝ ██║ ██║ ██║ ███████╗ ╚██████╗██║ ╚██████╔╝ //
- // ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚══════╝ ╚═════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝ //
- // //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Blog // Twitter // Email // Version //
- // // @Bermuda_UT // // 1.50 //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Visit to keep up to date //
- // WordPress ShortLink to post : //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CFG layout is now optimized for Notepad++ //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // All bindings here // Edit to change bindings //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////
- bind "F8" "reload_cfg" // Reload the script :)
- bind "F11" "toggleconsole" // Toggle Console. I recommend using non-text edit/input values, ie. any F-key.
- bind "-" "taunt" // All chat taunt.
- bind "=" "troll" // Trololololol. Press the button 5 times with ~1 second interval.
- bind "F3" "quick_courier" // Quick courier script.
- bind "F6" "apm_show" // Opens console, shows apm. Press again to close console.
- bind "/" "roshandeath" // Only shows roshan death time in chat. Roshan timer fuction has been disabled by Valve in multiplayer games. RIP roshan timer.
- bind "CAPSLOCK" "showboard" // Toggle scoreboard.
- bind "F10" "showgraph" // Displays netgraph chart which contains ping, fps, etc
- bind "F4" "+show_runetop" // Hold F4 to see top rune.
- bind "F5" "+show_runebottom" // Hold F5 to see bot rune.
- bind "SPACE" "+quick_rune_1" // Quick rune script. Total 3 types, use whichever comfortable. Simply change the last number to change type.(1~3)
- bind "k" "bear_return" // Bear teleport to LD.
- bind "j" "bear_phase_boots" // Bear use first item. I use it as phaseboots
- bind "h" "dota_hold" // HOLD! Just like WC3.
- bind "HOME" "spectatorcam" // Spectator camera. Camera slows down and moves very smoothly
- bind "KP_MINUS" "manual_disconnect" // Disconnect from current game and exit to main menu (can reconnect). Default : Keypad minus (-)
- bind "PGDN" "recall_settings" // Output current setings in the console.
- bind "END" "show_ping" // Output every player's ping in game.
- voice_mixer_volume "1.00" // (Default 1.0) Set your in-game mic volume. Percentage into decimals (ie. 0.42 = 42%)
- dota_custom_channels "bermuda_ut;" // Chat channel customization. Add channel names with ; to separate each channel names. Ex) "bermuda_ut;iceiceice;South Korea;"
- con_enable "1" // Console : Enabled to save you trouble typing -console in launch options.
- developer "0" // Developer mode, displays console log in game screen. This is very disturbing during gaming so its disabled.
- contimes 5 // Number of console lines to overlay for debugging.
- fps_max 60 // Put your monitor refresh rate here and disable vsync ingame, vsync can cause huge fps dips.
- /////////////////////////
- // Multicore Rendering //
- /////////////////////////
- // WARNING : Delete this section completely if your running on a single core CPU.
- r_threaded_shadow_clip 1
- r_queued_decals 1
- r_queued_post_processing 1
- mat_queue_mode 2
- cl_threaded_bone_setup 1
- cl_threaded_init 1
- snd_mix_async 1
- //////////////////////////////////
- // System / Performance Related //
- //////////////////////////////////
- // Currently set to Stable and Performance Friendly mode.
- // Change values to given defaults if you have random crashes.
- //
- // Settings that can be changed in game are not listed here!
- //
- // HD mode for high end users : set all values to default values and r_lod "0".
- dsp_enhance_stereo 1 // Default : 1 // Optimal : 0 // Setting to 1 enhances the stereo effect for a slight performance sacrifice.
- dsp_slow_cpu 0 // Default : 0 // Optimal : 1 // Setting to 1 reduces the quality of dsp sound effects, improving performance on systems with slower CPUs.
- snd_pitchquality 0 // Default : 1 // Optimal : 0 // Max fix sound stuttering
- r_deferred_simple_light 1 // Default : 1 // Optimal : 0 // Does improve FPS if you disable(0) it. However, the game looks ugly. Disable this if you really need extra fps.
- r_deferred_simple_projections 1 // Default : 1 // 0 Disables the aoe skill circle..! Strongly recommend keeping it 1, but if you really wish to squeeze more fps, make it 0. Reported by Iѕмαιℓy.
- r_renderoverlayfragment 0 // Optimal : 0 // Default : 1 // Enable/disable texture rendering over another texture.
- r_lod "-1" // Optimal : -1 // High quality textures : 0 // Default is -1.
- sv_forcepreload 1 // Default : 0 // Optimal : 1
- mat_reduceparticles 0 // Default : 0 // Optimal : 1
- mat_reducefillrate 0 // Default : 0 // Setting it to 1 may increase fps. Differs across system.
- // Theoretically, this command forces game server to preload the assets for you. May cause longer initial loading, but faster loading after a single game.
- // For the follwing, you can try playing around with the numbers(0-3) to find best settings for you system.
- // (Go ingame, change the value, save, press F8 and reload the script, check fps)
- //
- // Currently set to default values. Setting them all 3 gave best fps for my system. This may differ for your system.
- // I suggest sticking to using default values if you suffer crashing.
- // ***The stability of these settings can differ by patch***
- mem_level 3 // Optimal : 3 // Dota Default : 2 // Default in the previous version : 1 // Previous Optimal : 0
- gpu_level 3 // Optimal : 3 // Dota Default : 3 // Default in the previous version : 0 // Previous Optimal : 0
- gpu_mem_level 3 // Optimal : 3 // Dota Default : 2 // Default in the previous version : 2 // Previous Optimal : 0
- cpu_level 3 // Optimal : 3 // Dota Default : 2 // Default in the previous version : 0 // Previous Optimal : 0
- //Note : If screen tearing occurs consistently, enable vsync, then feel free to delete fps_max.
- //////////////////////////
- // Client Side Settings //
- //////////////////////////
- cl_interp_ratio 2 // Interp modifier. Although there are debates about 1 vs 2, Keep it 2 since we all play Dota 2 in official Valve server.
- cl_interp 0.02 // cl_interp_ratio / cl_updaterate. Please do edit this if you have altered interpratio or updaterate
- cl_cmdrate 40 // 40 is maximum for Dota 2. Higher the better most of the time.
- cl_updaterate 40 // 40 is maximum for Dota 2. Higher the better most of the time.
- cl_smooth 0 // Disabled smooth view/eye origin after prediction errors. Incase Dota 2 has prediction system..!
- cl_smoothtime 0 // Smooth client's view after prdiciton error over this may seconds. If you plan to use smooth, play around with this.
- cl_lagcompensation 1 // Perform server side lag compensation. Keep this 1.
- cl_pred_optimize 2 // Optimize for not copying data if the client didn't receive network update. 2 default.
- cl_forcepreload 1 // Preload assests on your computer, longer inital loadings, faster loading afterwards. Optimized.
- rate 80000 // Max bytes/sec host can recieve data from server. This is maximum for Dota 2
- net_maxcleartime 0 // Max # of seconds we can wait for next packets to be sent based on rate setting.
- dota_embers 0 // Enables(1) background animation at main menu. Disable(0) it for better performance.
- //////////////////////
- // Gameplay Related //
- //////////////////////
- dota_force_right_click_attack 0 // (Default 0) Option force right attack. Enable(1) : Rightclicks are always A+LClick
- dota_always_show_player_names 1 // Show(1) playernames always. Disable(0) : Do not show.
- dota_disable_range_finder 0 // Enables(0) a green arrow that extends from the hero which shows hero's ability range.
- dota_minimap_hero_size 800 // (Default 600) Makes minimap hero icans a bit bigger for your eyes.
- //dota_camera_accelerate 50 // Optimized for players from DotA WC3 (Almost no acceleration)
- //dota_camera_speed 5800 // Optimized for players from DotA WC3 (A bit slower than DotA1 WC)
- dota_health_hurt_decay_time_max 0.50 // (Default 0.8) This section is to tweak the time taken for blood stains around your screen to fade when your hero gets attacked
- dota_health_hurt_decay_time_min 0.15 // (Default 0.3) The names themselves makes sense of what they do.
- dota_health_hurt_delay 0.05 // (Default 0.1) Note : Currently set to fade pretty quickly.
- dota_pain_decay 0.4 // (Default 0.8) Just change back to defaults if you are not bothered with this.
- dota_pain_factor 1.5 // (Default 3) or you can just leave them as they are.
- dota_pain_fade_rate 1.5 // (Default 3)
- dota_pain_multiplier 0.4 // (Default 0.8)
- dota_sf_hud_force_killcam 0 // (Default 0) Keep this 0.
- dota_reset_camera_on_spawn 0 // (Default 1) Move camera to hero when respawns.
- ////////////////////////
- // Net Graph Settings //
- ////////////////////////
- // Credits to for the coordinates... Where did they go?
- // Fitting Netgraph in the topbar for 1680x1050, 1920x1200 and 1920x1080. Play around with net_graphinsetbottom and net_graphinsetright to adjust it for other resolutions
- net_graph "1" // Graph shown on default
- net_graphheight 64
- net_graphinsetbottom 422
- net_graphinsetleft 0
- net_graphinsetright -130
- net_graphpos 1
- net_graphproportionalfont 0
- net_graphtext 1
- /////////////////////
- // Easter Eggerino //
- /////////////////////
- r_deferred_global_light 1 // 0 = horror mode.
- //bind "F12" "clear; toggleconsole; echo"You got screenshot-bombed by Bermuda :P";"
- /////////////
- // Scripts //
- /////////////
- //Taunt. Caution : use it at you own risk :D
- alias "taunt" "say u came 2 the wrong neighbourhood oniichan <3 <3" //troll XD
- //Quick Courier Script!
- alias "quick_courier" "say_team Using courier.; dota_courier_burst; dota_courier_deliver;"
- //Customizing > ^ edit 'Using courier' part as what you wish to say!
- //Ever popular Net_Graph Toggle Script
- alias "showgraph" "showgraph_off"
- alias "showgraph_on" "net_graph 1; alias showgraph showgraph_off"
- alias "showgraph_off" "net_graph 0; alias showgraph showgraph_on"
- //Triggers scoreboard, Press the binded key again to hide the scoreboard.
- alias "showboard" "showboard_on"
- alias "showboard_on" "+showscores; alias showboard showboard_off"
- alias "showboard_off" "-showscores; alias showboard showboard_on"
- // Bear script! Bonus :)
- alias "bear_return" "dota_select_all_others; dota_ability_execute 0; dota_select_all"
- //^ bear tp to druid script
- alias "bear_phase_boots" "dota_select_all_others; dota_item_execute 0; dota_select_all"
- //^ bear use 1st item!(where I put bear's phaseboots).
- // Rune Camera scripts
- // Coded by Bermuda
- // Foundation
- alias "center_hero" "dota_select_all; dota_select_all; +dota_camera_follow"
- alias "cam_top_rune" "dota_camera_set_lookatpos -2265 1800"
- alias "cam_bot_rune" "dota_camera_set_lookatpos 3010 -2450"
- // Basic Rune Script
- alias "+show_runetop" "cam_top_rune"
- alias "-show_runetop" "center_hero"
- alias "+show_runebottom" "cam_bot_rune"
- alias "-show_runebottom" "center_hero"
- // Quick Rune Type 1
- alias "quick_rune_top_1" "cam_top_rune; alias +quick_rune_1 quick_rune_bot_1"
- alias "quick_rune_bot_1" "cam_bot_rune; alias +quick_rune_1 quick_rune_top_1"
- alias "+quick_rune_1" "quick_rune_top_1"
- alias "-quick_rune_1" "center_hero"
- // Quick Rune Type 2
- alias "quick_rune_top_2" "cam_top_rune; alias +quick_rune_2 quick_rune_bot_2; alias -quick_rune_2 "
- alias "quick_rune_bot_2" "cam_bot_rune; alias +quick_rune_2 quick_rune_top_2; alias -quick_rune_2 center_hero"
- alias "+quick_rune_2" "quick_rune_top_2"
- alias "-quick_rune_2" ""
- // Quick Rune Type 3
- alias "quick_rune_top_3" "cam_top_rune; alias -quick_rune_3 quick_rune_bot_3"
- alias "quick_rune_bot_3" "cam_bot_rune; alias +quick_rune_3 quick_rune_center; alias -quick_rune_3 "
- alias "quick_rune_center" "center_hero; alias +quick_rune_3 quick_rune_top_3 "
- alias "+quick_rune_3" "quick_rune_top_3"
- alias "-quick_rune_3" "quick_rune_bot_3"
- //Roshan death
- alias "roshandeath" "chatwheel_say 57;"
- //Timer function disabled by Valve. Only shows Roshan death time. However will keep this in place incase some other solution pops up.
- //Show APM on console
- alias "apm_show" "apm_show1"
- alias "apm_show1" "echo ;echo =-=-=-=-=-=-=----Your APM----=-=-=-=-=-=-=; dota_apm; echo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-Press F6 again-=-=-=-=-=-=-=; echo ;toggleconsole; alias apm_show apm_show2"
- alias "apm_show2" "toggleconsole; alias apm_show apm_show1"
- //Toggle Spectator Cam
- alias "spectatorcam" "spectatorcam_on"
- alias "spectatorcam_on" "dota_camera_speed 1800; dota_camera_accelerate 5; echo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=----Spectator Camera Enabled!----=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=; alias spectatorcam spectatorcam_off"
- alias "spectatorcam_off" "dota_camera_speed 5800; dota_camera_accelerate 50; echo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=----Spectator Camera Disabled!----=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=; alias spectatorcam spectatorcam_on"
- // Note : Put your custom camera speed ^ and acceleration ^ here!
- //Manual disconnect incase you need it!
- alias "manual_disconnect" "disconnect; echo You have manually disconnected from your game."
- // The core script of this CFG
- // This functions everything 42.
- // Very Important Script = VIS
- alias "troll" "troll1"
- alias "troll1" "say Hi. My name is Nadal. I'm a potato engineer in Wadiya.; alias troll troll2"
- alias "troll2" "say Our great leader Aladeen wants winnerino TI5 Dota 2.; alias troll troll3"
- alias "troll3" "say But I'm Aladeen about our leader Aladeen chapionerino.; alias troll troll4"
- alias "troll4" "say Helperino. Cappucino. Pls copy pasta spread the awareness.; alias troll troll5"
- alias "troll5" "say Glory to Wadiya.; alias troll troll1"
- // Much importanterino. Many Wowerino. Cappucino Alpacarino.
- // Recall settings function
- alias "recall_settings" "toggleconsole; status_system; status_client;status_gameplay;status_memory; echo"
- alias "status_system" "echo"
- alias "status_client" "echo"
- alias "status_gameplay" "echo"
- alias "status_memory" "echo"
- // Show ping function
- alias "show_ping" "echo"
- // Reload CFG.
- alias "reload_cfg" "exec autoexec.cfg;toggleconsole"
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Spices // Please dont edit from here onwards :) //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- toggleconsole
- echo " "
- echo " "
- echo "=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=----BermudA Script ENABLED - GLHF.----=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="
- echo ""
- echo " LCCCCCLCLCCLLLLLLLLLLCf Bermuda wishes you,"
- echo " .LLf, tLLLLLLf: iLLLL ____ _ _ _ _____"
- echo " .LLLLt. .tLLLLLf; tLLLf / ___| | | | | | ___|"
- echo " tLLLLf1. .tffLLfLLLL. | | _| | | |_| | |_ "
- echo " ;fffffff1. .1ffffff1 | |_| | |___| _ | _|"
- echo " ffffffffff1 .1fff1 ____|_____|_| |_|_|"
- echo " iffi ;tffffti tff"
- echo " ift :tttfft; :fft Relax, Enjoy, Don't Panic."
- echo " tffti;1tttttttttt11tfft Don't rage like a noob. "
- echo " tffttttttffffffffffffft"
- echo "=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--------------------------------------=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="
- echo " F8 ReloadCFG | F4,5 RuneCam | F3 Courier | F10 ShowGraph | / RoshanDeath "
- echo " -/= taunt/troll| p Show APM | CAPS ScoreBoard| SPACE QuickRune| PGDN Settings"
- echo "=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--------------------------------------=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="
- echo " HOME Toggle Spectator Camera | F11 Toggle Console"
- echo "=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--------------------------------------=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="
- echo " Version 1.50 - Visit to get the latest version!"
- echo " "
- echo " "
- //A welcome message from Bermuda himself :D
- dota_shop_force_hotkeys ""
- dota_minimap_hero_size
- dota_hud_healthbars "2"
- dota_hud_healthbar_hoveroutline_alpha "120"
- -speed camera
- dota_camera_speed "6500"
- -Acceleration
- dota_camera_accelerate "50"
- -Disconnect zoom
- dota_camera_disable_zoom "0"
- -Recover camera at
- dota_reset_camera_on_spawn "0"
- -How to turn
- Prescribed in the
- dota_camera_disable_yaw "0" // On / Off. function
- dota_camera_yaw_rotate_hold_time "1" // Time to return to the original pohitsiyu (returns 0)
- dota_camera_yaw_rotate_speed "0.2" // Speed of rotation
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