Day of Defeat source
Game: | Day of Defeat: Source |
User: | ![]() |
File(s): | 1 |
Download: | Download now: Day of Defeat source |
Views: | 21416 |
Downloads: | 1975 |
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- echo "*"
- echo "**"
- echo "***"
- echo "****"
- echo "*****"
- echo "******"
- echo "*START*"
- echo "********"
- echo "-------------------------------------------------------"
- echo "--------------------Loading...---------------------"
- echo "-----------------" Fuck
- *******************************************************
- ::::Bl!zZ's Autoexec 1.0!::::
- *******************************************************
- *******************************************************
- ::::update: 30.01.2013::::
- *******************************************************
- *******************************************************
- ::::SYSTEM::::
- *******************************************************
- //AMD PHENOM(tm) II X6 1090T PROCESSOR 3.20 GHz
- *******************************************************
- *******************************************************
- *******************************************************
- //(meine startoptionen)
- // -fullscreen
- // -w 1024
- // -h 768
- // -32bpp
- // -console
- // -threads 6
- // -noforcemparms
- // -noforcemaccel
- // -noforcemspd
- // -dxlevel 95
- // -applaunch 300
- // -port 27015
- // -refresh 65
- ****************************************************
- ::::Binds & Scripts::::
- ****************************************************
- alias cfg_version "echo Bl!zZ'S Cfg v1.20, multicore + highfps"
- bind F1 "+overview_largemap"
- bind F2 "ch_groesser"
- bind F3 "ch_kleiner"
- bind F4 "crosshairfarbe"
- bind KP_LEFTARROW "say !medic"
- bind F "exec serverinfo.cfg"
- bind F7 "toggleconsole"
- bind F9 "incrementvar mat_monitorgamma 1.6 2.2 0.4"
- bind 7 "jpeg"
- bind h "dropammo; voice_takeammo"
- bind "8" "exec light.cfg"
- bind "9" "exec Heavy.cfg"
- echo "~~~ ...keybinds successfully loaded ~~~"
- ****************************************************
- ::::CPU settings::::
- ****************************************************
- cl_threaded_bone_setup "0"
- cl_threaded_client_leaf_system "0"
- host_thread_mode "2"
- mat_queue_mode "-1"
- mem_max_heapsize "6144"
- mem_min_heapsize "6144"
- net_queued_packet_thread "1"
- r_3dnow "1"
- r_queued_decals "0"
- r_queued_post_processing "0"
- r_queued_ropes "1"
- r_sse2 "1"
- r_sse_s "1"
- r_threaded_client_shadow_manager "1"
- r_threaded_particles "1"
- r_threaded_renderables "0"
- snd_mix_async "1"
- studio_queue_mode "1"
- echo "~~~ ...CPU Settings successfully loaded ~~~"
- ****************************************************
- ::::CROSSHAIR settings::::
- ****************************************************
- alias "ch_groesser" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_scale 10 30 1"
- alias "ch_kleiner" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_scale 10 30 -1"
- alias "farbe1" "cl_crosshair_red 0; cl_crosshair_green 0; cl_crosshair_blue 0; alias crosshairfarbe farbe2"
- alias "farbe2" "cl_crosshair_red 0; cl_crosshair_green 0; cl_crosshair_blue 255; alias crosshairfarbe farbe3"
- alias "farbe3" "cl_crosshair_red 0; cl_crosshair_green 255; cl_crosshair_blue 0; alias crosshairfarbe farbe4"
- alias "farbe4" "cl_crosshair_red 0; cl_crosshair_green 255; cl_crosshair_blue 255; alias crosshairfarbe farbe5"
- alias "farbe5" "cl_crosshair_red 255; cl_crosshair_green 0; cl_crosshair_blue 0; alias crosshairfarbe farbe6"
- alias "farbe6" "cl_crosshair_red 255; cl_crosshair_green 0; cl_crosshair_blue 255; alias crosshairfarbe farbe7"
- alias "farbe7" "cl_crosshair_red 255; cl_crosshair_green 255; cl_crosshair_blue 0; alias crosshairfarbe farbe8"
- alias "farbe8" "cl_crosshair_red 255; cl_crosshair_green 255; cl_crosshair_blue 255; alias crosshairfarbe farbe1"
- farbe2
- cl_crosshair_alpha "255"
- cl_crosshair_approach_speed "0" //Geschwindigkeit, mit der das Fadenkreuz beim Laufen groesser wird (0=gar nicht, 1=hoechste, 0.015=Standard)
- cl_crosshair_file "crosshair4" //Fadenkreuz
- cl_dynamic_crosshair "0" //Fadenkreuz wird beim Laufen groesser (0=aus, 1=an)
- cl_observercrosshair "1"
- cl_crosshair_scale "13"
- echo "~~~ ...crosshair settings successfully loaded ~~~"
- ****************************************************
- ::::GAMEPLAY settings::::
- ****************************************************
- _overview_mode "1"
- bloodspray "1"
- cl_autoreload "1"
- cl_autorezoom "0"
- cl_bob "0"
- cl_bobcycle "0.8"
- cl_bobup "0.5"
- cl_chatfilters "31"
- cl_deatheffect_always_on "0"
- cl_deathicon_height "12"
- cl_deathicon_width "0"
- cl_dod_freezecam "0"
- cl_enabledeatheffects "0"
- cl_enabledeathfilmgrain "0"
- cl_enablespectatoreffects "0"
- cl_gunlowerangle "30"
- cl_gunlowerspeed "2"
- cl_identiconmode "2"
- cl_low_violence "0"
- cl_showhelp "0"
- cl_showpluginmessages "0"
- cl_spec_mode "6"
- cl_wpn_sway_interp "0"
- cl_wpn_sway_scale "0"
- commentary "0"
- developer "0"
- hud_autoaim_method "0"
- hud_classautokill "0"
- hud_deathnotice_time "5"
- hud_draw_fixed_reticle "0"
- hud_fastswitch "1"
- mat_filmgrain "0"
- overview_alpha "1"
- overview_health "1"
- overview_locked "1"
- overview_names "0"
- overview_tracks "0"
- overview_zoom "2.5"
- spec_scoreboard "0"
- violence_ablood "1"
- violence_agibs "1"
- violence_hblood "1"
- violence_hgibs "1"
- echo "~~~ ...gameplay settings successfully loaded ~~~"
- ****************************************************
- ::::GRAPHICS settings::::
- ****************************************************
- budget_background_alpha "128"
- budget_bargraph_background_alpha "128"
- budget_show_averages "0"
- budget_show_peaks "0"
- cc_captiontrace "1"
- cc_linger_time "1"
- cl_SetupAllBones "0"
- cl_ShowSunVectors "0"
- cl_coldbreath_enable "0"
- cl_debugrumble "0"
- cl_detail_avoid_force "0.4"
- cl_detail_avoid_radius "128"
- cl_detail_avoid_recover_speed "0.25"
- cl_detail_max_sway "5"
- cl_detaildist "1200"
- cl_detailfade "400"
- cl_ejectbrass "0"
- cl_idealpitchscale "0.8"
- cl_muzzleflash_dlight_1st "1"
- cl_muzzleflash_dlight_3rd "1"
- cl_phys_props_enable "0"
- cl_phys_props_max "0"
- cl_playerspraydisable "1"
- cl_ragdoll_collide "1"
- cl_ragdoll_fade_time "1"
- cl_ragdoll_physics_enable "1"
- cl_rumblescale "1"
- cl_show_splashes "0"
- closecaption "0"
- flex_rules "0"
- flex_smooth "0"
- g_ragdoll_fadespeed "100"
- gl_clear "0"
- ifm_steadycam_2ddragconstant "11"
- ifm_steadycam_2dspringconstant "33"
- ifm_steadycam_armspeed "0.5"
- ifm_steadycam_mousefactor "1"
- ifm_steadycam_mousepower "1"
- ifm_steadycam_noise "0"
- ifm_steadycam_rotatedamp "0.95"
- ifm_steadycam_rotaterate "60"
- ifm_steadycam_sensitivity "1"
- ifm_steadycam_zoomdamp "0.95"
- ifm_steadycam_zoomspeed "1"
- joystick "0"
- jpeg_quality "80"
- lookspring "0"
- lookstrafe "0"
- mat_aaquality "4"
- mat_antialias "4"
- mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar "0"
- mat_bloomscale "0"
- mat_bufferprimitives "1"
- mat_bumpmap "0"
- mat_clipz "0"
- mat_colorcorrection "0"
- mat_compressedtextures "1"
- mat_debugdepth "0"
- mat_debugdepthmode "0"
- mat_disable_bloom "1"
- mat_disable_fancy_blending "1"
- mat_disable_lightwarp "1"
- mat_disable_ps_patch "1"
- mat_disablehwmorph "1"
- mat_fastspecular "1"
- mat_filterlightmaps "0"
- mat_filtertextures "1"
- mat_forceaniso "0"
- mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware "0"
- mat_hdr_enabled "0"
- mat_hdr_level "0"
- mat_hdr_manual_tonemap_rate "0"
- mat_mipmaptextures "0"
- mat_monitorgamma "1.8"
- mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled "1"
- mat_monitorgamma_tv_exp "2.5"
- mat_monitorgamma_tv_range_max "275"
- mat_monitorgamma_tv_range_min "0"
- mat_motion_blur_enabled "0"
- mat_non_hdr_bloom_scalefactor "0"
- mat_parallaxmap "0"
- mat_picmip "2"
- mat_reducefillrate "0"
- mat_software_aa_strength "-1.0"
- mat_software_aa_quality "0"
- mat_software_aa_edge_threshold "1.0"
- mat_software_aa_blur_one_pixel_lines "0.5"
- mat_software_aa_tap_offset "1.0"
- mat_software_aa_debug "0"
- mat_software_aa_strength_vgui "-1.0"
- mat_specular "0"
- mat_supportflashlight "1"
- mat_trilinear "0"
- mat_vsync "0"
- mp_decals "200"
- muzzleflash_light "1"
- option_duck_method_default "1"
- props_break_max_pieces "0"
- props_break_max_pieces_perframe "0"
- r_3dsky "0"
- r_PhysPropStaticLighting "1"
- r_WaterDrawReflection "0"
- r_WaterDrawRefraction "0"
- r_ambientboost "0"
- r_ambientfactor "0"
- r_ambientmin "0"
- r_cheapwaterend "1"
- r_cheapwaterstart "1"
- r_decal_cullsize "10"
- r_decals "200"
- r_decalstaticprops "0"
- r_dopixelvisibility "0"
- r_drawbatchdecals "1"
- r_drawdetailprops "1"
- r_drawflecks "0"
- r_drawmodeldecals "1"
- r_DrawSpecificStaticProp "-1"
- r_dynamic "0"
- r_entityclips "0"
- r_eyegloss "0"
- r_eyes "0"
- r_fastzreject "1"
- r_flex "0"
- r_hunkalloclightmaps "1"
- r_lightaverage "0"
- r_lod "0"
- r_maxmodeldecal "10"
- r_maxsampledist "64"
- r_occlusion "0"
- r_propsmaxdist "1"
- r_renderoverlayfragment "0"
- r_rootlod "2"
- r_ropetranslucent "0"
- r_shadowmaxrendered "32"
- r_shadowrendertotexture "0"
- r_shadows "1"
- r_teeth "0"
- r_waterforceexpensive "0"
- r_waterforcereflectentities "0"
- r_worldlightmin "1"
- r_worldlights "1"
- ragdoll_sleepaftertime "3"
- rope_averagelight "0"
- rope_collide "0"
- rope_rendersolid "1"
- rope_smooth "0"
- rope_smooth_enlarge "0"
- rope_smooth_maxalphawidth "0"
- rope_subdiv "0"
- rope_wind_dist "0"
- texture_budget_background_alpha "128"
- echo "~~~ ...GFX settings successfully loaded ~~~"
- ****************************************************
- ::::NETSETTINGS settings::::
- ****************************************************
- cl_allowdownload "1"
- cl_allowupload "1"
- cl_cmdrate "100"
- cl_downloadfilter "nosounds"
- cl_forcepreload "1"
- cl_interp "0.02"
- cl_interp_all "1"
- cl_interp_npcs "1"
- cl_interp_ratio "0"
- cl_lagcompensation "1"
- cl_pred_optimize "2"
- cl_predict "1"
- cl_predictweapons "1"
- cl_resend "2"
- cl_smooth "1"
- cl_smoothtime "0.01"
- cl_timeout "10"
- cl_updaterate "100"
- fps_max "121"
- net_compresspackets "1"
- net_compresspackets_minsize "128"
- net_graph "1"
- net_graphheight "0"
- net_graphmsecs "400"
- net_graphpos "1"
- net_graphproportionalfont "1"
- net_graphshowinterp "1"
- net_graphshowlatency "1"
- net_graphsolid "1"
- net_graphtext "1"
- net_maxfilesize "16"
- net_maxfragments "1260"
- net_maxroutable "1260"
- net_maxpacketdrop "5000"
- net_scale "5"
- net_splitpacket_maxrate "1048576"
- net_splitrate "3"
- rate "60000"
- clientport "1337"
- echo "~~~ settings successfully loaded ~~~"
- ****************************************************
- ::::SOUND settings::::
- ****************************************************
- adsp_debug "0"
- dod_playachievementsound "0"
- dod_playrivalrysounds "0"
- dod_playwinmusic "0"
- dsp_enhance_stereo "0"
- dsp_slow_cpu "0"
- dsp_volume "1"
- snd_async_fullyasync "0"
- snd_surround_speakers "5"
- snd_digital_surround "1"
- snd_duckerattacktime "0"
- snd_duckerreleasetime "2"
- snd_duckerthreshold "0"
- snd_ducktovolume "1"
- snd_legacy_surround "0"
- snd_mixahead "0.1"
- snd_pitchquality "0"
- suitvolume "0.25"
- voice_enable "1"
- voice_scale "1"
- soundscape_flush "9999"
- echo "~~~ ...sound settings successfully loaded ~~~"
- ****************************************************
- ::::MAUS settings::::
- ****************************************************
- m_forward "1"
- m_customaccel "0"
- m_customaccel_scale "0.00"
- m_customaccel_max "0"
- m_customaccel_exponent "0"
- m_mouseaccel1 "0"
- m_mouseaccel2 "0"
- m_mousespeed "0"
- m_yaw "0.022"
- m_pitch "0.022"
- sensitivity
- zoom_sensitivity_ratio
- ****************************************************
- ::::Contents::::
- ****************************************************
- // Module 1: Netgraph script
- // Module 2: Duckjump
- // Module 3: Weapons spec.
- // Module 4: Lautstaerke
- // Module 5: Befehle
- // Module 6: Removes some error texts from console
- // Module 7: INEYE-DemoRECORDER!
- ****************************************************
- ::::Module 1: Netgraph script::::
- ****************************************************
- alias +fps "net_graph 1; cl_showfps 1"
- alias -fps "net_graph 0; cl_showfps 0"
- bind "k" "+fps"
- ****************************************************
- ::::Module 2: Duckjump::::
- ****************************************************
- alias "+jumpehs" "+jump; +duck"
- alias "-jumpehs" "-duck; -jump"
- bind "PGDN" "+jumpehs"
- ****************************************************
- ::::Module 3: Weapons spec::::
- ****************************************************
- alias wepGre_ "use weapon_frag_ger; use weapon_frag_us; use weapon_smoke_ger; use weapon_smoke_us"
- alias wepKni_ "use weapon_amerknife; use weapon_spade"
- alias wepSec_ "use weapon_colt; use weapon_p38; use weapon_c96; use weapon_m1carbine"
- alias wepRpg_ "use weapon_bazooka; use weapon_pschreck"
- alias wepRif_ "use weapon_k98; use weapon_garand; use weapon_k98_scoped; use weapon_spring"
- alias wepRgr_ "use weapon_riflegren_ger; use weapon_riflegren_us"
- alias wepSub_ "use weapon_mp40; use weapon_thompson"
- alias wepMac_ "use weapon_bar; use weapon_mp44; use weapon_mg42; use weapon_30cal"
- alias wepSec "wepSec_"
- alias wepPri "wepRif_; wepSub_; wepMac_; wepRpg_"
- // Grenade cycle
- alias pgre "use weapon_frag_ger; use weapon_frag_us; use weapon_riflegren_ger; use weapon_riflegren_us"
- alias pgre2 "use weapon_smoke_ger; use weapon_smoke_us"
- alias grenup "gu1"
- alias gu1 "pgre2; pgre; alias grenup gu2; alias grendn gu1"
- alias gu2 "pgre; pgre2; alias grenup gu1; alias grendn gu2"
- alias grendn
- ****************************************************
- ::::Module 4: Lautstaerke::::
- ****************************************************
- bind "F10" "toggle voice_scale 1 .75 .5 .25 0" // Ingamevoice Lautstaerke: 100% / 75% / 50% / 25% / AUS
- ****************************************************
- ::::Module 5: Befehle::::
- ****************************************************
- // Wird fr manche Befehle bentigt
- sv_cheats "1"
- mp_freezetime "0"
- mp_buytime "60.0"
- phys_pushscale "999999999"
- jpeg_quality "100"
- //Befehle
- cl_extrapolate "1"
- cl_forwardspeed "400"
- cl_yawspeed "400"
- con_enable "1"
- con_filter_enable "1" // filtert unerwnschte nachrichten aus der console
- con_filter_text_out "Too many vertex format changes in frame, whole world not rendered"
- con_filter_text_out "Failed to load sound itemsitempickup.wav, file probably missing from disk/repository"
- con_filter_text_out "Failed to load sound itemsmmopickup.wav, file probably missing from disk/repository"
- skill "1"
- sv_client_predict "1"
- r_RainSimulate "0"
- ********************************************************
- ::::Module 6: Removes some error texts from console::::
- ********************************************************
- con_filter_enable "1"
- con_filter_text_out "vertex"
- con_filter_text_out "Attempted"
- con_filter_text_out "CMaterial"
- con_filter_text_out "Achievements disabled"
- con_filter_text_out "Too many vertex format changes in frame, whole world not rendered"
- con_filter_text_out "Can't use cheat cvar fog_start in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1."
- con_filter_text_out "Can't use cheat cvar fog_end in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1."
- con_filter_text_out "Can't use cheat cvar fog_startskybox in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1."
- con_filter_text_out "Can't use cheat cvar fog_endskybox in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1."
- con_filter_text_out "Can't use cheat cvar r_farz in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1."
- soundscape_flush
- mat_savechanges
- ********************************************************
- ::::Module 7: INEYE-DemoRECORDER!::::
- ********************************************************
- bind "f11" "starta"
- alias starta "record Match1_1st_HALF;bind f11 startb;echo Recording 1st Half of the Match 1!"
- alias startb "record Match1_2nd_HALF;bind f11 startc;echo Recording 2nd Half of the Match 1!"
- alias startc "record Match2_1st_HALF;bind f11 startd;echo Recording 1st Half of the Match 2!"
- alias startd "record Match2_2nd_HALF;bind f11 starte;echo Recording 2nd Half of the Match 2!"
- alias starte "record Match3_1st_HALF;bind f11 startf;echo Recording 1st Half of the Match 3!"
- alias startf "record Match3_2nd_HALF;bind f11 startg;echo Recording 2nd Half of the Match 3!"
- alias startg "record Match4_1st_HALF;bind f11 starth;echo Recording 1st Half of the Match 4!"
- alias starth "record Match4_2nd_HALF;bind f11 startend;echo Recording 2nd Half of the Match 4!"
- alias startend
- bind "f12" "stop"
- bind "z" "+qz;"
- alias +qz "+attack2; wait 33; -attack2; +attack; wait 3; -attack;"
- ****************************************************
- ::::Autoexec End Here! - Bl!zZ::::
- ****************************************************
- /// Clear console and output some information
- cl_clearhinthistory
- clear_debug_overlays
- clear
- echo ""
- echo "---------------------------------"
- echo " Memory stats "
- echo "---------------------------------"
- memory
- echo " "
- echo "---------------------------------"
- echo " Code support "
- echo "---------------------------------"
- echo ""
- echo "---------------------------------"
- echo " Bl!zZ's Autoexec Related "
- echo "---------------------------------"
- echo ""
- echo "---------------------------------"
- echo " 100% KEIN CHEAT "
- echo "---------------------------------"
- echo ""
- version
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