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✖️ THE GLOBAL ELITE CONFIG® by jah'rakal ✖️

Headshot Machine ;)

═► The config consinst of:

╔►Better/smoother Aim & Movement ✔️
╠═►Optimized Net & FPS-Setting ✔️
╠══►Optimized Sound-Settings ✔️
╠═══►Optimized Hit-Detection ✔️
╠════►Bigger opponents -> Easier Headshots, Body shots ✔️
╠═════►Optimized HUD / Radar ✔️
╠══════►Easier see enemys through smoke ✔️
╠═══════►Easier to hit bunnyhops ✔️
╚════════►Buy-Script ✔️

Benim Oyunda Kullandığım Bazı Ayarlarım. Eğer Kendine Göre Alışık Değilsen Değiştir.

Some Of The Settings I Used In My Vote. If You Are Not Accustomed To Self, Change..

bind "x" "+voicerecord" | Default = bind "k" "+voicerecord"

bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump" | Default = bind "SPACE" "+jump" ( Works in Two commands - İki Komutta Çalışır )

bind "CAPSLOCK" "+speed; r_cleardecals" | Default = bind "SHIFT" "+speed" ( ; r_cleardecals = This Code Deletes Blood Traces. It is recommended - Bu Kod, Kan İzlerini Siler. Önerilir )

bind "SHIFT" "+duck" | Default = bind "CTRL" "+duck"

═► Use my launchparameter:

-console -novid -cl_cmdrate128 -cl_updaterate 128

═► IMPORTANT // How to install configs ?

---Turkish ---

Adım 1 - Steam'ı Kapat

Steamın çalışmadığından emin olun.

Adım 2 - Userdata'dan Nasıl Silinir ?

CS:GO'da her steam profiline özel ayarları kaydetmek için mevcut olan kısmı siliyoruz.
Yerel Disk (C:) > Program Files (x86) > Steam > userdata > Burada sizin steam 3 id'niz ile oluşturulmuş sayılı bir klasör mevcut > 730 > local > cfg
Evet arkadaşlar bu dizine ulaştıktan sonra cfg adlı klasördeki tüm dosyaları siliyoruz.

Adım 3 - Config Nasıl Temizlenir ?

Yerel Disk (C:) > Program Files (x86) > Steam > steamapps > common > Counter-Strike Global Offensive > csgo > cfg
Evet arkadaşlar cfg adlı klasörde "autoexec" "config" adlı dosyaları silin.

Adım 4 - Config Nasıl Yüklenir ?

Oyuna Girdikten Sonra Konsolu Açın Ve "exec jahrakalv2.cfg" yazın.

Hepsi bu. İyi Oyunlar Ve İyi Eğlenceler :)

---English ---

Step 1 - Turn off the steam

Make sure Steam does not work.

Step 2 - How to Delete Userdata ?

CS: In GO we delete the existing part to save custom settings for each steam profile.

Yerel Disk (C:) > Program Files (x86) > Steam > userdata > There are a number of folders created with your steam 3 id here. > 730 > local > cfg
Yes, we delete all the files in the folder named cfg after friends have reached this directory.

Step 3 - How to Clean Config ?

Yerel Disk (C:) > Program Files (x86) > Steam > steamapps > common > Counter-Strike Global Offensive > csgo > cfg
Yes delete the files named "autoexec" "config" in the folder named cfg, friends.

Step 4 - How to Install Config ?

Copy the config to the following directory;

C:Program Files (x86)Valve > Steam > Steam > Apps > common > Counter-Strike Global Offensive > csgo > cfg

Open Console After Entering Game And Write "exec jahrakalv2.cfg"

That is all. Good Games And Good Fun :)

Scripts,Alias Codes - Script,Alias Kodları

Easy Control Wiewmodel
Use In Game, Keyboard = ( ^ v ‹ › )

Easy Buy-Script

KP ENTER = Buy Vesthelm And Vest
KP DEL (,) = Buy Defuser
KP INS (0) = Buy Tec9 And Fiveseven
KP PGDN (3) = Buy Deagle
KP DOWN (2) = Buy M4a1 And Ak47
KP END (1) = Buy Hegrenade
KP LEFT (4) = Buy Flashbang And Smokegrenade
KP 5 = Buy Ssg08
KP RIGHT(6) = Buy Awp
KP HOME (7) = Buy Incgrenade And Molotov
KP UP (8) = Buy Mp9 And Mac10
KP PGUP (9) = Buy Bizon
KP PLUS (+) = Buy P90

CJUMP Script
Use In Game = Left ALT

Voice On/Off 1 vs X (X=1,2,3,4,5)
Use In Game On/Off = V

Net Graph With Scoreboard
Use In Game = TAB

Delete tracks (Blood,Bullet Tracks vb..)
Use In Game = CAPS LOCK

Weapon Right/Left Button
Use In Game = T

Best Net_Graph Settings For You - Senin İçin En İyi Net_Graph Ayarları


Senin İçin En İyi Net_Graph Ayarları

Düşük bir pinginiz varsa (1'den 100'e kadar), bunları jahrakalv2.cfg'ye koyun

rate "128000" Bu maksimum indirme bant genişliği p/sc
cl_cmdrate "128"
rate "128000"
cl_cmdrate "128"

Şimdi farklı pingler için interp ayarları

PING 1-29 cl_interp 0.007813;cl_interp_ratio 1
PING 30-59 cl_interp 0.015625;cl_interp_ratio 1
PING 60-89 cl_interp 0.015625;cl_interp_ratio 2
PING 90-100+ cl_interp 0.03125;cl_interp_ratio 2

Şimdi Yeni Ayarlar

İlk önce eski hız ayarlarını kullanmayın, ancak diğer her şeyi kullanabilirsiniz
İnternet hızınız 1.5 MBps'in üzerindeyse kullanım oranı = rate "196608"
İnternet hızınız 6 MBps veya daha fazla ise kullanım oranı = rate "786432"

Burada İnternet hızınızı öğrenebilirsiniz =


Best Net_Graph Settings For You

If you have a low ping (from 1 to 100),put these in jahrakalv2.cfg

rate "128000" this is max download bandwith p/sc
cl_cmdrate "128"
cl_updaterate "128" this is how many packets p/sc you can recive
rate "128000"
cl_cmdrate "128"

Now the interp settings for different pings

1-29 cl_interp 0.007813;cl_interp_ratio 1
30-59 cl_interp 0.015625;cl_interp_ratio 1
60-89 cl_interp 0.015625;cl_interp_ratio 2
90-100+ cl_interp 0.03125;cl_interp_ratio 2

Now the new settings
First of don't use old rate settings,but you can use everything else
If your internet speed is over 1.5 MBps use rate 196608
If your internet speed is 6 MBps or more use rate 786432

Here you can learn your internet speed = Speedtest.net

•Please leave a comment, and +rep me if you like my work.
•My Steamlink: http://steamcommunity.com/id/jahrakal07
• My Rank: The Global Elite
• Rank: The Global Elite proof: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1289385161
•HF GL! And have a nice day! :)

Game:   Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
User: jahrakal
File(s): 2
Download: Download now: ✖️ THE GLOBAL ELITE CONFIG® by jah'rakal ✖️
Views: 7608
Downloads: 2087
jahrakalv2(smile blue plus cross).cfg
jahrakalv2(white dot).cfg


HerSel  February 12, 2018 07:02 PM


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