BF 4 HIGH FPS CFG V1.5 Naval Strike Ready - GAMERCONFIG
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BF 4 HIGH FPS CFG V1.5 Naval Strike Ready

All Old Settings Fixed with the Naval Strike CFG Changes.

Sound: Soldier walk effekt sounds now louder than other sounds
Blur effekt is now lower than before.
Dust and Smoke effekt now lower than before.

AND: the User.cfg is back in action ;)

Old Settings:
Clean Optic
Lower Smoke
Latenz Delay Fixed
Color Blind Optic
Full Mouse Controll Speed
Netsettings Fixed
user.cfg now Implement on PROVESAVE_profil
Mous RAW Input Bug FIXED

Screenshot: NEW CFG

Screenshot: OLD Settings

Screenshot: Old / New


Put PROFSAVE_profil.cfg in your Gamesettings Folder.
Example: C:UsersUsernameDocumentsBattlefield 4settings

Put the user.cfg in your Game Folder
Example: C:OriginGamesBattlefield 4

****Kopieren Erlaubt mit Verlinkung zur Quelle*****

Game:   Battlefield 4
User: Nikon
File(s): 2
Download: Download now: BF 4 HIGH FPS CFG V1.5 Naval Strike Ready
Views: 5498
Downloads: 493


CurryReaktor  May 11, 2014 03:05 PM

Sehr geile Config, ganz ehrlich sie erhebt den Spielspass wieder.

1 (1 Vote)
Nikon  May 4, 2014 02:05 PM

a little feedback looks nice ;)

0 (0 Votes)

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