3914 console commands for Alien Swarm
Last uploaded configs:
Top configs:
- +ability1
- +ability2
- +ability3
- +ability4
- +ability5
- +alt1
- +alt2
- +attack
- +attack2
- +back
- +break
- +camdistance
- +camin
- +cammousemove
- +camout
- +campitchdown
- +campitchup
- +camyawleft
- +camyawright
- +commandermousemove
- +currentability
- +demoui2 // Bring the advanced demo player UI (demoui2) to foreground.
- +duck
- +forward
- +graph
- +grenade1
- +grenade2
- +holdorder
- +jlook
- +jump
- +klook
- +left
- +lookdown
- +lookspin
- +lookup
- +mat_texture_list
- +mouse_menu // Opens a menu while held
- +movedown
- +moveleft
- +moveright
- +moveup
- +nextability
- +posedebug // Turn on pose debugger or add ents to pose debugger UI
- +prevability
- +reload
- +right
- +score
- +secondary
- +selectmarine1
- +selectmarine2
- +selectmarine3
- +selectmarine4
- +selectmarine5
- +selectmarine6
- +selectmarine7
- +selectmarine8
- +showbudget
- +showbudget_texture
- +showbudget_texture_global
- +showscores
- +showvprof
- +speed
- +strafe
- +use
- +vgui_drawtree
- +voicerecord
- +walk
- +zoom
- -ability1
- -ability2
- -ability3
- -ability4
- -ability5
- -alt1
- -alt2
- -attack
- -attack2
- -back
- -break
- -camdistance
- -camin
- -cammousemove
- -camout
- -campitchdown
- -campitchup
- -camyawleft
- -camyawright
- -commandermousemove
- -currentability
- -demoui2 // Send the advanced demo player UI (demoui2) to background.
- -duck
- -forward
- -graph
- -grenade1
- -grenade2
- -holdorder
- -jlook
- -jump
- -klook
- -left
- -lookdown
- -lookspin
- -lookup
- -mat_texture_list
- -mouse_menu // Executes the highlighted button on the radial menu (if cl_fastradial is 1)
- -movedown
- -moveleft
- -moveright
- -moveup
- -nextability
- -posedebug // Turn off pose debugger or hide ents from pose debugger UI
- -prevability
- -reload
- -right
- -score
- -secondary
- -selectmarine1
- -selectmarine2
- -selectmarine3
- -selectmarine4
- -selectmarine5
- -selectmarine6
- -selectmarine7
- -selectmarine8
- -showbudget
- -showbudget_texture
- -showbudget_texture_global
- -showscores
- -showvprof
- -speed
- -strafe
- -use
- -vgui_drawtree
- -voicerecord
- -walk
- -zoom
- achievement_debug "0" // Turn on achievement debug msgs.
- achievement_disable "0" // Turn off achievements.
- addip // Add an IP address to the ban list.
- adsp_alley_min "122"
- adsp_courtyard_min "126"
- adsp_debug "0"
- adsp_door_height "112"
- adsp_duct_min "106"
- adsp_hall_min "110"
- adsp_low_ceiling "108"
- adsp_opencourtyard_min "126"
- adsp_openspace_min "130"
- adsp_openstreet_min "118"
- adsp_openwall_min "130"
- adsp_room_min "102"
- adsp_street_min "118"
- adsp_tunnel_min "114"
- adsp_wall_height "128"
- ainet_generate_report // Generate a report to the console.
- ainet_generate_report_only // Generate a report to the console.
- air_density // Changes the density of air for drag computations.
- ai_actbusy_search_time "10"
- ai_auto_contact_solver "1"
- ai_block_damage "0"
- ai_clear_bad_links // Clears bits set on nav links indicating link is unusable
- ai_debugscriptconditions "0"
- ai_debug_actbusy "0" // Used to debug actbusy behavior. Usage: 1: Constantly draw lines from NPCs to the actbusy nodes theyve chosen to actbusy at. 2:
- ai_debug_assault "0"
- ai_debug_avoidancebounds "0"
- ai_debug_directnavprobe "0"
- ai_debug_doors "0"
- ai_debug_dyninteractions "0" // Debug the NPC dynamic interaction system.
- ai_debug_efficiency "0"
- ai_debug_enemies "0"
- ai_debug_enemyfinders "0"
- ai_debug_expressions "0" // Show random expression decisions for NPCs.
- ai_debug_follow "0"
- ai_debug_loners "0"
- ai_debug_looktargets "0"
- ai_debug_los "0" // itl
- ai_debug_nav "0"
- ai_debug_node_connect // Debug the attempted connection between two nodes
- ai_debug_ragdoll_magnets "0"
- ai_debug_shoot_positions "0"
- ai_debug_speech "0"
- ai_debug_squads "0"
- ai_debug_think_ticks "0"
- ai_default_efficient "0"
- ai_disable // Bi-passes all AI logic routines and puts all NPCs into their idle animations. Can be used to get NPCs out of your way and to t
- ai_drawbattlelines "0"
- ai_drop_hint // Drop an ai_hint at the players current eye position.
- ai_dump_hints
- ai_efficiency_override "0"
- ai_ef_hate_npc_duration "1"
- ai_ef_hate_npc_frequency "5"
- ai_enable_fear_behavior "1"
- ai_expression_frametime "0" // Maximum frametime to still play background expressions.
- ai_expression_optimization "0" // Disable npc background expressions when you cant see them.
- ai_fear_player_dist "720"
- ai_find_lateral_cover "1"
- ai_find_lateral_los "1"
- ai_follow_use_points "1"
- ai_follow_use_points_when_moving "1"
- ai_force_serverside_ragdoll "0"
- ai_frametime_limit "50" // frametime limit for min efficiency AIE_NORMAL (in secs).
- ai_hull // Controls which connections are shown when ai_show_hull or ai_show_connect commands are used Arguments: NPC name or classname,
- ai_inhibit_spawners "0"
- ai_lead_time "0"
- ai_LOS_mode "0"
- ai_moveprobe_debug "0"
- ai_moveprobe_jump_debug "0"
- ai_moveprobe_usetracelist "0"
- ai_navigator_generate_spikes "0"
- ai_navigator_generate_spikes_strength "8"
- ai_nav_debug_experimental_pathing "0" // Draw paths tried during search for bodysnatcher pathing
- ai_next_hull // Cycles through the various hull sizes. Currently selected hull size is written to the screen. Controls which connections are
- ai_nodes // Toggles node display. First call displays the nodes for the given network as green objects. Second call displays the nodes a
- ai_norebuildgraph "0"
- ai_no_local_paths "0"
- ai_no_node_cache "0"
- ai_no_select_box "0"
- ai_no_steer "0"
- ai_no_talk_delay "0"
- ai_path_adjust_speed_on_immediate_turns "1"
- ai_path_insert_pause_at_est_end "1"
- ai_path_insert_pause_at_obstruction "1"
- ai_post_frame_navigation "0"
- ai_radial_max_link_dist "512"
- ai_reaction_delay_alert "0"
- ai_reaction_delay_idle "0"
- ai_rebalance_thinks "1"
- ai_report_task_timings_on_limit "0"
- ai_resume // If NPC is stepping through tasks (see ai_step ) will resume normal processing.
- ai_sequence_debug "0"
- ai_setenabled // Like ai_disable but you manually specify the state (with a 0 or 1) instead of toggling it.
- ai_setupbones_debug "0" // Shows that bones that are setup every think
- ai_set_move_height_epsilon // Set how high AI bumps up ground walkers when checking steps
- ai_shot_bias "1"
- ai_shot_bias_max "1"
- ai_shot_bias_min "-1"
- ai_shot_stats "0"
- ai_shot_stats_term "1000"
- ai_show_connect // Displays the allowed connections between each node for the currently selected hull type. Hulls are color code as follows: Gre
- ai_show_connect_crawl // Displays the allowed connections between each node for the currently selected hull type. Hulls are color code as follows: Gre
- ai_show_connect_fly // Displays the allowed connections between each node for the currently selected hull type. Hulls are color code as follows: Gre
- ai_show_connect_jump // Displays the allowed connections between each node for the currently selected hull type. Hulls are color code as follows: Gre
- ai_show_graph_connect // Toggles graph connection display for the node that the player is looking at. Nodes that are connected to the selected node by
- ai_show_grid // Draw a grid on the floor where looking.
- ai_show_hints // Displays all hints as small boxes Blue - hint is available for use Red - hint is currently being used by an NPC Orange -
- ai_show_hull // Displays the allowed hulls between each node for the currently selected hull type. Hulls are color code as follows: Green -
- ai_show_hull_attacks "0"
- ai_show_node // Highlight the specified node
- ai_show_think_tolerance "0"
- ai_show_visibility // Toggles visibility display for the node that the player is looking at. Nodes that are visible from the selected node will be d
- ai_simulate_task_overtime "0"
- ai_spread_cone_focus_time "0"
- ai_spread_defocused_cone_multiplier "3"
- ai_spread_pattern_focus_time "0"
- ai_step // use ai_step again. To resume processing no
- ai_strong_optimizations "0"
- ai_strong_optimizations_no_checkstand "0"
- ai_task_pre_script "0"
- ai_test_los // Test AI LOS from the players POV
- ai_test_moveprobe_ignoresmall "0"
- ai_think_limit_label "0"
- ai_use_clipped_paths "1"
- ai_use_efficiency "1"
- ai_use_frame_think_limits "1"
- ai_use_think_optimizations "1"
- ai_use_visibility_cache "1"
- ai_vehicle_avoidance "1"
- alias // Alias a command.
- anim_3wayblend "1" // Toggle the 3-way animation blending code.
- askconnect_accept // Accept a redirect request by the server.
- ASW_ActivateExtra // Activates the item in your extra inventory slot
- ASW_ActivatePrimary // Activates the item in your primary inventory slot
- ASW_ActivateSecondary // Activates the item in your secondary inventory slot
- asw_add_room_thumbnails_to_perforce "0" // Set to 1 to cause room thumbnails to be added to Perforce on creation
- asw_adjust_difficulty_by_number_of_marines "1" // difficulty will be reduced when there are only 3 or 2 marines.
- asw_ai_button_hacking_scale "0" // Button panel hacking speed scale for AI marines
- asw_ai_computer_hacking_scale "0" // Computer hacking speed scale for AI marines
- asw_ai_enable_fear_behavior "1"
- asw_ai_fear_player_dist "720"
- asw_ai_report // Lists various AI and their efficiencies
- asw_alien_batch // Creates a batch of aliens at the cursor
- asw_alien_break_chance "0" // chance the alien will break into ragdoll pieces instead of gib
- asw_alien_burn_duration "5" // Alien burn time
- asw_alien_debug_death_style "0" // For debugging alien deaths
- asw_alien_fancy_death_chance "0" // this is the chance the alien plays a death anim before ragdolling
- asw_alien_floor_texture "0" // Alien floor texture used for replacement
- asw_alien_footstep_interval "0" // Minimum interval between alien footstep sounds. Used to keep them from piling up and preventing others from playing.
- asw_alien_horde // Creates a horde of aliens somewhere nearby
- asw_alien_hurt_speed "0" // Fraction of speed to use when the alien is hurt after being shot
- asw_alien_mining_laser_damage_scale "0"
- asw_alien_money_chance "1" // Chance of base aliens dropping money
- asw_alien_object_motion_blur_scale "0"
- asw_alien_shadows "0" // aliens will always have shadows (WARNING: Big fps cost when lots of aliens are active)
- asw_alien_shover_speed "50" // Speed of a 75kg object thrown by an alien
- asw_alien_speed_scale_easy "0"
- asw_alien_speed_scale_hard "0"
- asw_alien_speed_scale_insane "0"
- asw_alien_speed_scale_normal "0"
- asw_alien_stunned_speed "0" // Fraction of speed to use when the alien is electrostunned
- asw_alien_unlag "1" // Unlag alien positions by players ping
- ASW_AllowBriefing // Lets you restart the briefing
- asw_allow_detach "0" // Allow the camera to detach from the marine.
- asw_allow_hull_shots "1"
- asw_ammo_bag_burn_limit "30" // Amount of burn damage needed to make ammo bag explode
- asw_ammo_bag_damage "150" // Damage from ammo bag explosion
- asw_ammo_bag_damage_radius "400" // Radius from ammo bag explosion
- asw_ammo_bag_report // List contents of ammo bag
- asw_ammo_bag_report_client // List contents of ammo bag in client.dll
- asw_arena "0" // Will spawn waves of enemies (requires appropriate test map)
- asw_arena_quantity_scale "1" // Scales number of aliens spawned in arena mode
- asw_arena_shuffle_walls "3" // Shuffle walls after how many waves?
- asw_arena_wall_density_max "0" // Max density of random wall brushes in arena mode
- asw_arena_wall_density_min "0" // Max density of random wall brushes in arena mode
- asw_arena_wave // Creates a wave of aliens on the arena test map
- asw_arena_waves_per_difficulty "3" // How many waves before difficulty ramps up
- asw_auto_reload "1" // Whether your marines should autoreload when reaching 0 bullets
- asw_background_color "-2144460800.000" // Color of background tinting in briefing screens
- asw_bait_launch_delay "0" // Delay before bait is thrown
- asw_bait_refire_time "0" // Time between starting a new bait throw
- asw_barrel_health_base "3" // Health of barrel at level 1
- asw_barrel_health_growth "0" // % change in health per level
- asw_batch_interval "5" // Time between successive batches spawning in the same spot
- asw_blend_test_scale "0"
- asw_blind_follow "0" // Set to 1 to give marines short sight range while following (old school alien swarm style)
- asw_blink_charge_time "30"
- asw_blink_debug "0"
- asw_blink_height "50"
- asw_blink_range "2000"
- asw_blink_time "0"
- asw_blink_visible_time "0"
- asw_blip_speech_chance "0" // Chance the tech marines will shout about movement on their scanner after a period of no activity
- asw_bloodhound_drag "0" // Scalar applied to velocity every 0.1 seconds
- asw_bloodhound_drop_interval "3" // Interval between dropping off marines
- asw_bloodhound_max_speed "600" // Max speed of dropship
- asw_bloodhound_near_distance "500" // How near dropship needs to be to dest to start reducing thrust
- asw_bloodhound_randomness "10" // Randomness applied to hovering destinations
- asw_bloodhound_random_interval "1" // Time between changing the random destination
- asw_bloodhound_reset // Resets dropship sequence
- asw_bloodhound_sway_speed "1" // How quickly the dropship sways side to side
- asw_bloodhound_thrust "1200" // Change in velocity per second
- asw_bloodhound_tolerance "50" // Distance dropship needs to be to reach destination
- asw_bonus_charges "0" // Bonus ammo given to starting equipment
- asw_boomer_blob_child_fuse_max "1" // Cluster grenade child clusters maximum fuse length
- asw_boomer_blob_child_fuse_min "0" // Cluster grenade child clusters minimum fuse length
- asw_boomer_blob_friction "0" // Friction
- asw_boomer_blob_fuse "2" // Fuse length of cluster grenade
- asw_boomer_blob_gravity "0" // Gravity of mortar bugs mortar
- asw_boomer_blob_min_detonation_time "0" // Min. time before cluster grenade can detonate
- asw_boomer_blob_radius_check_interval "0" // How often the cluster grenade checks for nearby drones to explode against
- asw_boomer_blob_radius_check_scale "0" // What fraction of the grenades damage radius is used for the early detonation check
- asw_boomer_health "800"
- asw_boomer_inflate_debug "1"
- asw_boomer_inflate_speed "6"
- asw_breakable_aliens "1" // aliens can break into ragdoll gibs
- asw_buffgrenade "-15719838" // Color of grenades
- asw_buffgrenade_gravity "1000" // Gravity of buffgrenades
- asw_building_room_thumbnails "0" // Set to 1 to cause room thumbnails to be saved on next map load
- asw_buildroomthumbnails // Outputs room thumbnail TGAs for all rooms specific in roomthumbnails.txt
- asw_build_map
- asw_build_speech_durations // Measures speech durations and saves to file for use in async client speech
- asw_burst_pipe_chance "0"
- asw_buzzer_poison_duration "0" // Base buzzer poison blur duration. This scales up to double the value based on mission difficulty.
- asw_cain_mail // Test shows cain mail
- asw_camera_report_defaults // Report default vectors on the camera based on current settings
- asw_camera_shake "1" // Enable camera shakes
- asw_camera_volume // check if the marine is inside an asw_camera_control volume
- asw_campaign_death "0" // Whether marines are killed in the roster if a mission is completed with the marine dead
- asw_campaign_wounding "0" // Whether marines are wounded in the roster if a mission is completed with the marine having taken significant damage
- asw_cam_marine_blend "1" // Marine Camera: Whether camera should blend Z movement changes.
- asw_cam_marine_dist "412" // Marine Camera: Distance from marine.
- asw_cam_marine_dist_death "200" // Marine Camera: Distance from marine as he dies.
- asw_cam_marine_dist_rate "50" // Marine Camera: Distance from marine.
- asw_cam_marine_pitch "60" // Marine Camera: pitch.
- asw_cam_marine_pitch_death "50" // Marine Camera: pitch when he dies.
- asw_cam_marine_pitch_rate "1000"
- asw_cam_marine_shift_deadspace "64" // Marine Camera: Deadspace around the marine before camera shifting starts.
- asw_cam_marine_shift_enable "1" // Camera shifting enable/disable.
- asw_cam_marine_shift_maxx "300" // Marine Camera: How far the camera pans east/west as you move the mouse.
- asw_cam_marine_shift_maxy "200" // Marine Camera: How far the camera pans north as you move the mouse.
- asw_cam_marine_shift_maxy_south "380" // Marine Camera: How far the camera pans south as you move the mouse.
- asw_cam_marine_shift_ratex "1000" // Marine Camera: How far the camera pans east/west as you move the mouse.
- asw_cam_marine_shift_ratey "650" // Marine Camera: How far the camera pans north as you move the mouse.
- asw_cam_marine_shift_ratey_south "2000" // Marine Camera: How far the camera pans south as you move the mouse.
- asw_cam_marine_shift_z_death "-30" // Marine Camera: Shift camera vertically when he dies.
- asw_cam_marine_sphere_max "400" // Test
- asw_cam_marine_sphere_min "32" // Test
- asw_cam_marine_spring_const "0" // Camera spring constant.
- asw_cam_marine_spring_dampening "3" // Camera spring dampening.
- asw_cam_marine_spring_vel_max "35" // Camera max velocity.
- asw_cam_marine_test "1" // Camera Test.
- asw_cam_marine_yaw "90" // Marine Camera: yaw.
- asw_cam_marine_yaw_death_rate "35" // Marine Camera: yaw rotate rate when he dies.
- asw_cam_marine_yshift_static "75" // Camera y-shift value.
- asw_candidate_interval "1" // Interval between updating candidate spawning nodes
- asw_carnage // Scales the number of aliens each spawner will put out
- asw_chainsaw_attack_fade_time "0" // Time for chainsaw attack sound to fade out
- asw_chainsaw_debug "0"
- asw_chainsaw_pitch_bite_rate "50" // How quickly the chainsaw pitch changes when attack hits somethings
- asw_chainsaw_pitch_range "5" // Random variation applied above and below target pitch
- asw_chainsaw_pitch_return_delay "1" // How long after attacking something before the chainsaw pitch returns to normal
- asw_chainsaw_pitch_return_rate "50" // How quickly the pitch returns to normal when attacking chainsaw doesnt hit anything
- asw_chainsaw_pitch_target "95" // Target pitch when chainsaw starts to attack something
- asw_chainsaw_shake_amplitude "12"
- asw_chainsaw_shake_duration "1"
- asw_chainsaw_shake_frequency "100"
- asw_charge_height "5"
- asw_check_campaign // Is this map in campaign mode?
- asw_ClearHouse // Removes all Swarm from the map
- asw_clientside_avoidance "1"
- asw_clientside_avoidance_scale "1"
- asw_client_build_maps "0" // Whether clients compile random maps rather than getting sent them
- asw_cluster_grenade_child_fuse_max "1" // Cluster grenade child clusters maximum fuse length
- asw_cluster_grenade_child_fuse_min "0" // Cluster grenade child clusters minimum fuse length
- asw_cluster_grenade_fuse "4" // Fuse length of cluster grenade
- asw_cluster_grenade_min_detonation_time "0" // Min. time before cluster grenade can detonate
- asw_cluster_grenade_radius_check_interval "0" // How often the cluster grenade checks for nearby drones to explode against
- asw_cluster_grenade_radius_check_scale "0" // What fraction of the grenades damage radius is used for the early detonation check
- asw_colonist_health "90"
- asw_colonist_tom_health "30"
- asw_compliment_chatter_interval_max "240" // Max time between kill compliments
- asw_compliment_chatter_interval_min "180" // Min time between kill compliments
- asw_controller_focus_list // Lists panels receiving controller focus
- asw_controller_lag "40"
- asw_controls "1" // Disable to get normal FPS controls (affects all players on the server)
- asw_conv // Test a conversation
- asw_conversation // Triggers a conversation
- asw_corpse // Test create a clientside corpse
- asw_credits // Test shows credits
- asw_crosshair_progress_size "20"
- asw_crosshair_use_perspective "1" // Show the crosshair that has perspective or the old version?
- asw_cross_layout "1" // marine portraits are laid out in a cross shape in joypad mode
- asw_custom_skill_points "0" // marines will start with no skill points and will spend them as they progress through the campaign.
- asw_damageindicator_alpha "0" // Alpha of the HUD damage indicator
- asw_damageindicator_bullets_alpha "0" // Scales alpha of the bullets in the HUD damage indicator.
- asw_damageindicator_hurt_flash_alpha "0" // The alpha of the screen flash when the player is at low health (0.0 - 1.0)
- asw_damageindicator_scale "0" // Scales the HUD damage indicator
- asw_damageindicator_slash_alpha "0" // Scales alpha of the slashes in the HUD damage indicator.
- asw_damageindicator_slash_radius "0" // Scales the slashes in the HUD damage indicator
- asw_damageindicator_slash_scale "0" // Scales the slashes in the HUD damage indicator
- asw_damage_indicator "1" // directional damage indicator is shown
- asw_damage_spark_rate "0" // Base number of seconds between spark sounds/effects at critical damage.
- asw_debuganimstate "0"
- asw_DebugAutoAim "0"
- asw_debug_air_move "0" // Gives debug info on air moving
- asw_debug_aliens "0"
- asw_debug_alien_damage "0" // Print damage aliens receive
- asw_debug_button_skin "0" // button panels will output skin setting details
- asw_debug_charging "0" // Visualize charging
- asw_debug_clientside_avoidance "0"
- asw_debug_combat_status "0" // Show marines combat status on the screen
- asw_debug_commander_list "0" // Display fake names in commander list
- asw_debug_drone "0" // Enable drone debug messages
- asw_debug_drone_pose "0" // Set to drone entity index to output drone pose params
- asw_debug_grubs "0" // grubs will print debug messages for various things
- asw_debug_hud "0" // Draw debug info for the HUD
- asw_debug_jump_behavior "0"
- asw_debug_marine_aim "0" // Shows debug info on marine aiming
- asw_debug_marine_can_see "0" // Display lines for waking up aliens
- asw_debug_marine_chatter "0" // Show debug info about when marine chatter is triggered
- asw_debug_marine_damage "0" // Show damage marines are taking
- asw_debug_medals "0" // Print debug info about medals
- asw_debug_mine "0" // Turn on debug messages for Incendiary Mines
- asw_debug_mortarbug "0" // Display mortarbug debug info
- asw_debug_npcs "0" // Enables debug overlays for various NPCs
- asw_debug_pvs "0"
- asw_debug_scanner_sound "0" // Prints debug output on scanner pulses
- asw_debug_server_cursor // Server shows a marker where it thinks your cursor is
- asw_debug_shieldbug "0" // Display shieldbug debug messages
- asw_debug_simple_alien "0" // Print debug text for simple aliens
- asw_debug_spawners "0" // Displays debug messages for the asw_spawners
- asw_debug_spectator // Prints info on spectator
- asw_debug_spectator_server // Prints whether a player wants to spectate
- asw_debug_steps "0" // Gives debug info on moving up/down steps
- asw_debug_throw "0" // Show node debug info on throw visibility checks
- asw_debug_tile_connections "0" // Print debug info for tile connections
- asw_debug_xp // Lists XP details for local player
- asw_default_campaign "0" // Default campaign used when dedicated server restarts
- asw_default_extra_0 "-1" // Default extra equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_extra_1 "-1" // Default extra equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_extra_2 "-1" // Default extra equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_extra_3 "-1" // Default extra equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_extra_4 "-1" // Default extra equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_extra_5 "-1" // Default extra equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_extra_6 "-1" // Default extra equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_extra_7 "-1" // Default extra equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_extra_8 "-1" // Default extra equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_primary_0 "-1" // Default primary equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_primary_1 "-1" // Default primary equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_primary_2 "-1" // Default primary equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_primary_3 "-1" // Default primary equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_primary_4 "-1" // Default primary equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_primary_5 "-1" // Default primary equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_primary_6 "-1" // Default primary equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_primary_7 "-1" // Default primary equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_primary_8 "-1" // Default primary equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_secondary_0 "-1" // Default secondary equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_secondary_1 "-1" // Default secondary equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_secondary_2 "-1" // Default secondary equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_secondary_3 "-1" // Default secondary equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_secondary_4 "-1" // Default secondary equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_secondary_5 "-1" // Default secondary equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_secondary_6 "-1" // Default secondary equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_secondary_7 "-1" // Default secondary equip for marine with this number
- asw_default_secondary_8 "-1" // Default secondary equip for marine with this number
- asw_demo_camera
- asw_difficulty_alien_damage_step "0" // How much alien damage is changed per mission difficulty level
- asw_difficulty_alien_health_step "0" // How much alien health is changed per mission difficulty level
- asw_directional_shadows "1" // Whether aliens should have flashlight directional shadows
- asw_director_debug "0" // Displays director status on screen
- asw_director_peak_max_time "3" // Max time that director keeps spawning aliens when marine intensity has peaked
- asw_director_peak_min_time "1" // Min time that director keeps spawning aliens when marine intensity has peaked
- asw_director_relaxed_max_time "40" // Max time that director stops spawning aliens
- asw_director_relaxed_min_time "25" // Min time that director stops spawning aliens
- asw_dlight_list "0" // Lists dynamic lights
- asw_door_drone_damage_scale "2" // Damage scale for drones hitting doors
- asw_door_explosion_boost "2" // Sets damage scale for grenades vs doors
- asw_door_healthbars "2" // 2=show all door health bars
- asw_door_physics "0" // doors will turn into vphysics objects upon death.
- asw_door_seal_damage_reduction "0" // Alien damage scale when door is fully sealed
- asw_drawplayermesh "0" // Draw the player entity or not
- asw_draw_awake_ai "0" // Lists how many of each AI are awake
- asw_draw_hud "1" // Draw the HUD or not
- asw_drones_friendly // Makes drones friendly to marines
- asw_drone_acceleration "5" // as a multiplier on his ideal speed
- asw_drone_attacks "1" // Whether the drones attack or not
- asw_drone_auto_speed_scale "0" // Speed scale for the drones while melee attacking
- asw_drone_cycle // Lists drones along with cycle and weight
- asw_drone_death_force "5" // Scale for alien death forces
- asw_drone_death_force_pitch "-10" // Tilt the angle of death forces on alien ragdolls
- asw_drone_door_distance "60" // How near to the door a drone needs to be to bash it
- asw_drone_door_distance_min "40" // Nearest a drone can be to a door when attacking
- asw_drone_fade_time_max "4" // Maximum time a Swarm Drone ragdoll will stay around before fading
- asw_drone_fade_time_min "2" // Minimum time a Swarm Drone ragdoll will stay around before fading
- asw_drone_friction "0" // Velocity loss due to friction
- asw_drone_gib_chance "0" // Chance of drone gibbing instead of ragdoll
- asw_drone_gib_time_max "0" // Maximum time a Swarm Drone ragdoll will stay around before gibbing
- asw_drone_gib_time_min "0" // Minimum time a Swarm Drone ragdoll will stay around before gibbing
- asw_drone_gib_velocity "1" // Drone gibs will inherit the velocity of the parent ragdoll scaled by this
- asw_drone_health "40" // How much health the Swarm drones have
- asw_drone_hurl_chance "0" // Chance that an alien killed by explosives will hurl towards the camera.
- asw_drone_hurl_interval "10" // Minimum number of seconds that must pass between alien bodies flung at camera.
- asw_drone_jump_pitch_max "45" // Min pitch for drones jumping pose parameter
- asw_drone_jump_pitch_min "-45" // Min pitch for drones jumping pose parameter
- asw_drone_jump_pitch_speed "3" // Speed for drones pitch jumping pose parameter transition
- asw_drone_melee_force "1" // Force of the drones melee attack
- asw_drone_melee_range "60" // Range of the drones melee attack
- asw_drone_override_attack "1" // Enable to make Swarm drones use custom override movement to attack their enemy
- asw_drone_override_move "0" // Enable to make Swarm drones use custom override movement to chase their enemy
- asw_drone_override_speedboost "0" // boost speed for the alien drones when in override mode
- asw_drone_ridiculous "0" // hurl drone ragdolls at camera in a ridiculous fashion.
- asw_drone_show_facing "0" // Show which way the drone is facing
- asw_drone_show_override "0" // Show a yellow arrow if drone is using override movement
- asw_drone_smooth_speed "200" // when using overidden movement
- asw_drone_speedboost "1" // boost speed for the alien drones
- asw_drone_start_melee_range "100" // Range at which the drone starts his melee attack
- asw_drone_touch_damage "0" // Damage caused by drones on touch
- asw_drone_uber_health "500" // How much health the uber Swarm drones have
- asw_drone_weak_from_behind "0" // Drones take double damage from behind
- asw_drone_yaw_speed "32" // How fast the swarm drone can turn
- asw_drone_yaw_speed_attacking "8" // How fast the swarm drone can turn while doing a melee attack
- asw_drone_yaw_speed_attackprep "64" // How fast the swarm drone can turn while starting his melee attack
- asw_drone_zig_zagging "0" // aliens will try to zig zag up to their enemy instead of approaching directly
- asw_drone_zig_zag_length "144" // Length of drone zig zagging
- ASW_Drop // Makes your marine drop his current weapon
- asw_drop_ammo // Drops ammo from an ammo bag
- asw_drop_money "1" // Do aliens drop money?
- asw_drop_powerups "0" // Do aliens drop powerups?
- ASW_EditEmitterFrame // The vgui panel used to edit emitters
- asw_edit_panel // ASW Edit a VGUI panel by name
- asw_egg_respawn "0" // eggs will respawn the parasite inside
- asw_electrified_armor_duration "12" // Duration of electrified armor when activated
- asw_emitter_max_collision_speed "80" // Maximum speed that makes a full volume
- asw_emitter_min_collision_speed "50" // Minimum speed to make a sound
- asw_encounters_distance_min "900" // Min distance between edges of encounter circles
- asw_encounter_display "1"
- asw_encounter_radius_max "512"
- asw_encounter_radius_min "384"
- asw_engine_finished_building_map // Notify engine that weve finished building a map
- asw_entindex // Returns the entity index of the player
- asw_ent_create // Creates an entity of the given type in front of the current marine.
- asw_ent_teleport // Teleport the specified entity to the crosshair location. Format: ent_teleport <entity name>
- asw_facefronttime "2" // How many seconds before marine faces front when standing still.
- asw_fail_sound_delay "0" // Delay before playing mission fail music
- asw_fair_marine_rules "1" // fair marine selection rules are enforced during the briefing
- asw_fast_reload_enabled "1" // Use fast reload mechanic?
- asw_fast_reload_under_marine "0" // Draw the active reload bar under the marine?
- asw_feetyawrate "300" // How many degrees per second that we can turn our feet or upper body.
- asw_fire_alien_damage_scale "3"
- asw_fire_glow "1"
- asw_fire_glow_radius "280"
- asw_fire_spread_scale "2"
- asw_fist_passive_damage_scale "2" // Damage scale applied from charged fist passive item
- asw_fist_ragdoll_chance "0"
- asw_fixed_movement_playback_rate "0" // Movement animation playback is always unscaled
- asw_fix_cam "-1" // Set to 1 to fix the camera in place.
- asw_flamer_debug "0" // Visualize flamer projectile collision
- asw_flamer_force "0" // Force imparted by the flamer projectiles
- asw_flamer_light_b "160" // Alters the colour of the flamer dynamic light
- asw_flamer_light_exponent "5" // Alters the flamer dynamic light
- asw_flamer_light_g "192" // Alters the colour of the flamer dynamic light
- asw_flamer_light_r "255" // Alters the colour of the flamer dynamic light
- asw_flamer_light_scale "0" // Alters the size of the flamer dynamic light
- asw_flamer_size "40" // Radius at which flamer projectiles set aliens on fire
- asw_flare_anim_speed "1" // Playback rate of the flare throw anim
- asw_flare_autoaim_radius "250" // Radius of autoaim effect from flares
- asw_flare_b "200" // Colour of flares
- asw_flare_g "255" // Colour of flares
- asw_flare_launch_delay "0" // Delay before flares are thrown
- asw_flare_r "240" // Colour of flares
- asw_flare_refire_time "0" // Time between starting a new flare throw
- asw_flare_throw_speed "50" // Velocity of thrown flares
- asw_flashlight_dlight_b "250" // Blue component of flashlight colour
- asw_flashlight_dlight_g "250" // Green component of flashlight colour
- asw_flashlight_dlight_offsetx "30" // Offset of the flashlight dlight
- asw_flashlight_dlight_offsety "0" // Offset of the flashlight dlight
- asw_flashlight_dlight_offsetz "60" // Offset of the flashlight dlight
- asw_flashlight_dlight_r "250" // Red component of flashlight colour
- asw_flashlight_dlight_radius "100" // Radius of the light around the marine.
- asw_flashlight_marine_ambient "0" // Ambient light of the marine with flashlight on
- asw_flashlight_marine_lightscale "1" // Light scale on the marine with flashlight on
- asw_flip_door // Flip all door meshes
- asw_floating_number_type "0" // 2 = particles
- asw_follow_hint_debug "0"
- asw_follow_hint_max_range "300"
- asw_follow_hint_max_z_dist "120"
- asw_follow_slow_distance "1200" // Marines will follow their leader slowly during combat if hes within this distance
- asw_follow_threshold "40" // Marines in diamond formation will move after leader has moved this much
- asw_follow_use_hints "2" // 2 = always use hints
- asw_follow_velocity_predict "0" // Marines travelling in diamond follow formation will predict their leaders movement ahead by this many seconds
- asw_fonts // Shows all AS:I fonts
- asw_force_ai_fire "0" // Forces all AI marines to fire constantly
- asw_gib_bleed_time "1" // How long drone gibs bleed for
- asw_gimme_ammo // Refills all marine ammo
- asw_gimme_health // Refills all marine health
- asw_god "0" // Set to 1 to make marines invulnerable
- asw_goo_volume "1" // Volume of the alien goo looping sound
- asw_grenade_launcher_gravity "2" // Gravity of grenade launcher grenades
- asw_grenade_launcher_speed "2" // Scale speed of grenade launcher grenades
- asw_grenade_radius "350" // Radius of the rifles grenade explosion
- asw_grenade_throw_delay "0" // Delay before grenade entity is spawned when throwing
- asw_grentrail_brightness "128"
- asw_grentrail_fade "100"
- asw_grentrail_lifetime "0"
- asw_grentrail_width "6"
- asw_grentrail_widthend "1"
- asw_ground_secondary "1" // Set to 1 to make marines aim grenades at the floor instead of firing them straight
- asw_grub_speedboost "1" // boost speed for the grubs
- asw_g_jeepexitspeed "100"
- asw_hacking_fraction "0"
- asw_hack_cycle_time "0"
- asw_harverter_suppress_children "0" // harvesters wont spawn harvesites
- asw_harvester_max_critters "5" // maximum critters the harvester can spawn
- asw_harvester_new "1" // use the new model
- asw_harvester_spawn_height "16" // Height above harvester origin to spawn harvesites at
- asw_harvester_spawn_interval "1" // Time between spawning a harvesite and starting to spawn another
- asw_harvester_speedboost "1" // boost speed for the harvesters
- asw_harvester_touch_damage "5" // Damage caused by harvesters on touch
- asw_healgrenade "-14145446" // Color of grenades
- asw_healgrenade_gravity "1000" // Gravity of healgrenades
- asw_healgrenade_refire_time "1" // Time between starting a new healgrenade throw
- asw_heal_gun_heal_fade "0" // Fade time for heal guns heal sound
- asw_heal_gun_start_heal_fade "0" // Crossfade time between heal guns search and heal sound
- asw_hear_fixed "0" // hearing audio position is locked in place. Use asw_set_hear_pos to set the fixed position to the current audio locatio
- asw_hear_from_marine "0" // Audio hearing position is at current marines ears
- asw_hear_height "256" // then hear position is number of uni
- asw_hear_pos_debug "0" // Shows audio hearing position
- asw_hide_local_marine "0" // your current marine will be invisible
- asw_hide_marine // Toggle drawing of the current marine
- asw_hl2_camera "0"
- asw_holdout_announce_time "5" // How many seconds between announcing a wave and actually starting a wave.
- asw_holdout_debug "0" // Show debug text for holdout mode
- asw_holdout_resupply_time "20" // How many seconds marines have to pick new weapons in the resupply stage.
- asw_holdout_start_wave // Starts a holdout wave
- asw_holdout_wave_score_time "5" // How many seconds to show the end wave scores for.
- asw_horde_class "0" // Alien class used when spawning hordes
- asw_horde_interval_max "65" // Min time between hordes
- asw_horde_interval_min "45" // Min time between hordes
- asw_horde_max_distance "1500" // Maximum distance away from the marines the horde can spawn
- asw_horde_min_distance "800" // Minimum distance away from the marines the horde can spawn
- asw_horde_override "0" // Forces hordes to spawn
- asw_horde_size_max "14" // Max horde size
- asw_horde_size_min "9" // Min horde size
- asw_horizontal_autoaim "1" // Applies horizontal correction towards best aim ent.
- asw_hotbar_self "1" // Show your own items on the hotbar
- asw_hotbar_simple "1" // Show only 1 item per AI marine on the squad hotbar
- asw_hud_alpha "192" // Alpha of the black parts of the HUD (0->255)
- asw_hud_jeephint_numentries "10"
- asw_hud_scale "0" // Scale of the HUD overall
- asw_hud_swaps "1" // Show weapon swap icons on the HUD
- asw_ignore_need_two_player_requirement "0" // ignores the mission setting that states two players are needed to start the mission.
- asw_infest_angle "0" // Angle adjustment for parasite infestation attachment
- asw_infest_pitch "-45" // Angle adjustment for parasite infestation attachment
- asw_info_sound_continue "1" // Info message sounds continue after you close the window
- asw_inspect_profile // Display a marines profile
- asw_instant_restart "0" // itll do a full reload of the map).
- asw_intensity_decay_time "20" // Seconds to decay full intensity to zero
- asw_intensity_far_range "200" // Enemies killed past this distance will only slightly increase intensity
- asw_intensity_inhibit_delay "3" // Seconds before intensity starts to decay after an increase
- asw_intensity_scale "0" // Scales intensity increases for marines
- asw_interval_change_max "0" // Director: Max scale applied to alien spawn interval each spawn
- asw_interval_change_min "0" // Director: Min scale applied to alien spawn interval each spawn
- asw_interval_initial_max "7" // Director: Max time between alien spawns when first entering spawning state
- asw_interval_initial_min "5" // Director: Min time between alien spawns when first entering spawning state
- asw_interval_min "1" // Director: Alien spawn interval will never go lower than this
- asw_inventory // Lists marines inventory
- ASW_InvLast // Switches between primary and secondary weapons
- ASW_InvNext // Makes your marine select the next weapon
- ASW_InvPrev // Makes your marine select the previous weapon
- ASW_JukeboxFadeOutTime "1"
- asw_jump_jet_height "160"
- asw_jump_jet_pounce_height "60"
- asw_jump_jet_time "1"
- asw_key_atten "1"
- asw_key_falloff "0"
- asw_key_innerCone "20"
- asw_key_outerCone "30"
- asw_key_range "0"
- asw_knockdown_interval "3" // Min time between knockdowns
- asw_laser_sight "1"
- asw_laser_sight_min_distance "9999" // The min distance at which to accurately draw the laser sight from the muzzle rather than using the shoot direction
- asw_last_game_variation "0" // Which game variation was used last game
- asw_last_marine_dead_delay "0" // How long to wait after the last marine has died before failing the mission
- asw_last_max_players "6" // Last maxplayers used for starting a server from the main menu
- asw_last_server_name "0" // Last name used for starting a server from the main menu
- asw_last_sv_lan "0" // Last sv_lan used for starting a server from the main menu
- asw_leadership_radius "600" // Radius of the leadership field around NCOs with the leadership skill
- asw_LeaveMarine // Uninhabits your current marine
- asw_left_hand_ik "0" // IK the marines left hand to his weapon
- asw_list_cached_emitters // Lists all emitter templates currently loaded
- asw_live_marines // Reports if you have live marines
- ASW_LoadCampaign // Loads a previously saved campaign game
- asw_local_dlight_b "250" // Blue component of local colour
- asw_local_dlight_exponent "3" // Exponent of local colour
- asw_local_dlight_g "250" // Green component of local colour
- asw_local_dlight_offsetx "0" // Offset of the local dlight
- asw_local_dlight_offsety "-15" // Offset of the local local
- asw_local_dlight_offsetz "95" // Offset of the flashlight dlight
- asw_local_dlight_r "250" // Red component of local colour
- asw_local_dlight_radius "0" // Radius of the light around the marine.
- asw_local_dlight_rotate "0" // Whether local dlights offset is rotated by marine facing
- asw_location_grid_debug "0" // Outputs mission grid hexes for server and client
- asw_mad_firing_break "4" // Point at which the mad firing counter triggers the mad firing speech
- asw_mad_firing_decay "0" // Tick down rate of the mad firing counter
- asw_main_menu_option
- asw_make_jeep // Creates a clientside jeep
- asw_make_jeep_phys // Creates physics for test clientside jeep
- asw_map_range "1200" // Range in world units of the minimap
- asw_MarineInvuln // Makes your marines invulnerable
- asw_marine_aim_error_decay_multiplier "0" // Value multiplied per turn to reduce aim error over time
- asw_marine_aim_error_max "20" // Maximum firing error angle for AI marines with base accuracy skill
- asw_marine_aim_error_min "5" // Minimum firing error angle for AI marines with base accuracy skill
- asw_marine_ai_acceleration "4" // Acceleration boost for marine AI
- asw_marine_ai_followspot "0"
- asw_marine_ambient "0" // Ambient light of the marine
- asw_marine_auto_hack "0" // marine will automatically hack nearby computers and button panels
- asw_marine_box_collision "1"
- asw_marine_burn_time_easy "6" // Amount of time marine burns for when ignited on easy difficulty
- asw_marine_burn_time_hard "12" // Amount of time marine burns for when ignited on hard difficulty
- asw_marine_burn_time_insane "15" // Amount of time marine burns for when ignited on insane difficulty
- asw_marine_burn_time_normal "8" // Amount of time marine burns for when ignited on normal difficulty
- asw_marine_collision "0" // in a multiplayer game
- asw_marine_death_cam "1" // Use death cam
- asw_marine_death_cam_time "0" // Time to do the slowdown death cam
- asw_marine_death_cam_time_hold "1" // Time to hold on the dying marine at time ramps back up
- asw_marine_death_cam_time_interp "0" // Time to blend into the death cam
- asw_marine_death_cam_time_interp_out "0" // Time to blend out of the death cam
- asw_marine_death_cam_time_local_hold "5" // Time to hold on the dying marine at time ramps back up if they died
- asw_marine_death_cam_time_scale "0" // Time scale during death cam
- asw_marine_death_protection "1" // unless on 1 health
- asw_marine_debug_movement "0" // Debug overall marine movement direction
- asw_marine_edge_names "1" // Prevent marine names from going off the edge of the screen
- asw_marine_explosion_protection "0" // Reduction of explosion radius against marines
- asw_marine_face_last_enemy_time "5" // Amount of time that AI marines will face their last enemy after losing it while in follow mode
- asw_marine_fall_damage "0" // Marines take falling damage
- asw_marine_ff "1" // 2 = Always max)
- asw_marine_ff_absorption "1" // Friendly fire absorption style (0=none 1=ramp up 2=ramp down)
- asw_marine_ff_absorption_build_rate "0" // Rate of FF absorption decay build up when being shot by friendlies
- asw_marine_ff_absorption_decay_rate "0" // Rate of FF absorption decay
- asw_marine_ff_dmg_base "1" // Amount of friendly fire damage on mission difficulty 5
- asw_marine_ff_dmg_step "0" // Amount friendly fire damage is modified per mission difficuly level away from 5
- asw_marine_ff_guard_time "5" // Amount of time firing is disabled for when activating friendly fire guard
- asw_marine_force_combat_status "0"
- asw_marine_fraction_turn_scale "0" // Scale for the fractional marine turning (large turns)
- asw_marine_friction "10" // Marine movement friction.
- asw_marine_gravity "800" // Marine gravity.
- asw_marine_labels_cursor_maxdist "70" // Only marines within this distance of the cursor will get their health bar drawn
- asw_marine_lightscale "4" // Light scale on the marine
- asw_marine_linear_turn_rate "600" // Linear turning rate of the marine (used as minimum when fractional turning is employed)
- asw_marine_melee_damage "20" // How much damage the marines kick does
- asw_marine_melee_distance "50" // How far the marine can kick
- asw_marine_melee_force "200000" // Marine kick force = this / dist
- asw_marine_melee_kick_lift "0" // Upwards Z-Force given to kicked objects
- asw_marine_melee_max_force "10000" // Maximum force allowed
- asw_marine_names "1" // Whether to show the marine name
- asw_marine_nearby_angle "-75"
- asw_marine_object_motion_blur_scale "0"
- asw_marine_passive_armor_scale "0" // normal armor will scale damage taken by this much
- asw_marine_random_yaw "40" // Min/max angle the marine will change his yaw when idling in follow mode
- asw_marine_rolls "1" // marine will do rolls when jump is pressed
- asw_marine_scan_beams "0" // Draw scan beams for marines holding position
- asw_marine_server_anim // Lists animation playing on the players current marine serverside
- asw_marine_server_ragdoll "0" // marines will have server ragdolls instead of clientside ones.
- asw_marine_shoulderlight "2" // Should marines have a shoulder light effect on them.
- asw_marine_skill // Usage: asw_marine_skill [nSkillSlot] - reports the number of skill points of the current marine in that skill asw_marine_spe
- asw_marine_special_heal_chatter_chance "0" // Chance of medic saying a special healing line. Wounded special chance is this times 5.
- asw_marine_special_idle_chatter_chance "0" // Chance of marine doing a special idle chatter
- asw_marine_spectate // Usage: asw_marine_spectate [marine_num]
- asw_marine_speed_scale_easy "0"
- asw_marine_speed_scale_hard "1"
- asw_marine_speed_scale_insane "1"
- asw_marine_speed_scale_normal "1"
- asw_marine_speed_type "2" // 2=just sequence speed
- asw_marine_stumble_on_damage "1" // Marine stumbles when he takes damage
- asw_marine_switch_blend_max_dist "1500" // Maximum distance apart marines can be for a camera blend to occur
- asw_marine_switch_blend_speed "2" // How quickly the camera blends between marines when switching
- asw_marine_time_until_ignite "0" // Amount of time before a marine ignites from taking repeated burn damage
- asw_marine_toggle_crouch_chance "0" // Chance of AI changing between crouched and non-crouched while idling in follow mode
- asw_marine_turn_firing_fraction "0" // if using asw_marine_fraction_turn_scale
- asw_marine_turn_normal_fraction "0" // Fractional turning value if using asw_marine_fraction_turn_scale
- asw_marine_turn_y_pos "0" // Normalized height position for where the cursor changes the player from looking north to south.
- asw_marine_update_visibility // Updates marine visibility
- asw_marine_view_cone_cost "5" // Extra pathing cost if a node is visible to a marine
- asw_marine_view_cone_dist "700" // Distance for marine view cone checks
- asw_marine_view_cone_dot "0" // Dot for marine view cone checks
- asw_marine_yaw_interval_max "8" // Max time between AI marine shifting his yaw
- asw_marine_yaw_interval_min "3" // Min time between AI marine shifting his yaw
- asw_max_alien_batch "10" // Max number of aliens spawned in a horde batch
- asw_max_body_yaw "30" // Max angle body yaw can turn either side before feet snap.
- asw_max_saves "200" // Maximum number of multiplayer saves that will be stored on this server.
- asw_medal_accuracy "0" // Minimum accuracy needed to win the accuracy medal
- asw_medal_barrel_kills "5" // Minimum aliens killed with barrels to get the Collateral damage medal
- asw_medal_blood_heal_amount "150" // How much health must be healed to win the blood halo medal
- asw_medal_collection_sp "1" // Whether the medal collection shows singleplayer or multiplayer
- asw_medal_egg_kills "10" // if the team has wiped out all grubs in the map
- asw_medal_explosive_kills "6" // How many aliens have to be killed from one explosion to get the explosives merit medal
- asw_medal_firefighter "10" // Minimum fires needed to put out to get the firefighter medal
- asw_medal_grub_kills "10" // if the team has wiped out all grubs in the map
- asw_medal_info // Give medal info on a particular marine
- asw_medal_lifesaver_dist "100" // How close an alien has to be a fellow marine to count for the lifesaver medal
- asw_medal_lifesaver_kills "1" // How many aliens you have to kill that were close to a teammate to get the lifesaver medal
- asw_medal_melee_hits "20" // Minimum kicks needed to get the iron fist medal
- asw_medal_mine_burns "60" // How many mine kills needed to get the mine medal
- asw_medal_parasite_kills "50" // Minimum kills needed to get the parasite medal
- asw_medal_reckless_explosive_kills "1" // How many aliens have to be killed from kicked grenades to get the reckless explosive merit
- asw_medal_sentry_kills "60" // Minimum kills needed to win the sentry medal
- asw_medal_silver_heal_amount "200" // How much health must be healed to win the silver halo medal
- asw_melee_base_damage "12" // The melee damage that marines do at level 1 (scales up with level)
- asw_melee_debug "0" // Debugs the melee system. Set to 2 for position updates
- asw_melee_knockback_up_force "1"
- asw_melee_list_dps // Lists DPS for melee weapons
- asw_melee_lock "0" // Marine is moved to the nearest enemy when melee attacking
- asw_melee_lock_distance "35" // Dist marine slides to when locked onto a melee target
- asw_melee_lock_slide_speed "200" // Speed at which marine slides into place when target locked in melee
- asw_melee_reload // Reloads melee_attacks.txt
- asw_melee_reload_server_only // Reloads melee_attacks.txt
- asw_melee_require_contact "0" // Melee requires contact to transition to the next combo
- asw_melee_require_key_release "1" // Melee requires key release between attacks
- asw_mesh_emitter_draw "1" // Draw meshes from mesh emitters
- asw_mesh_emitter_test // Test spawning a clientside mesh emitter
- ASW_MessageLog // Shows a log of info messages youve read so far in this mission
- asw_minigun_pitch_max "150" // Pitch of barrel spin sound
- asw_minigun_pitch_min "50" // Pitch of barrel spin sound
- asw_minigun_spin_down_rate "0" // Spin down speed of minigun
- asw_minigun_spin_rate_threshold "0" // Minimum barrel spin rate before minigun will fire
- asw_minigun_spin_up_rate "1" // Spin up speed of minigun
- asw_minimap_clicks "1" // clicking there will fire your weapon as normal
- asw_minimap_scale // Overrides scale of the minimap
- asw_mininglaser_damage_snd_interval "1" // How often to play the damage sound when the laser beam is on
- asw_mining_laser_run_fade "0" // Fade time for mining laser run sound
- asw_mining_laser_start_run_fade "0" // Crossfade time between mining lasers charge and run sound
- asw_mission_complete // Cheat to complete the current mission
- asw_money "0" // Can players collect money?
- asw_money_elasticity "3"
- asw_money_friction "-1"
- asw_money_gravity "0"
- asw_mortarbug_face_target "1" // Mortarbug faces his target when moving
- asw_mortarbug_shell_fuse "3" // Time before mortarbug shell explodes
- asw_mortarbug_shell_gravity "0" // Gravity of mortarbug shell
- asw_mortarbug_speedboost "1" // boost speed for the mortarbug
- asw_mortarbug_spitspeed "350" // Speed at which mortarbug grenade travels.
- asw_mortarbug_touch_damage "5" // Damage caused by mortarbug on touch
- asw_mortar_round_child_fuse_max "1" // Cluster grenade child clusters maximum fuse length
- asw_mortar_round_child_fuse_min "0" // Cluster grenade child clusters minimum fuse length
- asw_mortar_round_fuse "4" // Fuse length of cluster grenade
- asw_mortar_round_gravity "0" // Gravity of mortar bugs mortar
- asw_mortar_round_min_detonation_time "0" // Min. time before cluster grenade can detonate
- asw_mortar_round_radius_check_interval "0" // How often the cluster grenade checks for nearby drones to explode against
- asw_mortar_round_radius_check_scale "0" // What fraction of the grenades damage radius is used for the early detonation check
- asw_motionblur "0" // Motion Blur
- asw_motionblur_addalpha "0" // Motion Blur Alpha
- asw_motionblur_drawalpha "1" // Motion Blur Draw Alpha
- asw_motionblur_time "0" // The amount of time to wait until updating the FB
- asw_mouse_order_dist "100" // Minimum distance squared needed to move the cursor while holding down a marine number to order that marine to face that directi
- asw_movement_direction_interval "0"
- asw_movement_direction_tolerance "30"
- asw_move_dummy
- asw_move_marine "1" // Activate remote control of named entity
- asw_muzzle_flash_new_type "0"
- asw_muzzle_light "104907008.000"
- asw_muzzle_light_radius_max "100"
- asw_muzzle_light_radius_min "50"
- asw_network_id // returns network id
- asw_new_drone "1" // Set to 1 to use the new drone model
- ASW_NextMarine // Select your next marine
- asw_night_vision_duration "20"
- asw_night_vision_fade_in_speed "400"
- asw_night_vision_fade_out_speed "5000"
- asw_night_vision_flash_max "220"
- asw_night_vision_flash_min "0"
- asw_night_vision_flash_speed "1000"
- asw_night_vision_self_illum_multiplier "25" // 1] range) by this value.
- asw_npc_go // Selected NPC(s) will go to the location that the player is looking (shown with a purple box) Arguments: -none-
- asw_npc_go_do_run "1" // Set whether should run on asw_npc_go
- asw_objective_slowdown_time "1" // Length of time that the slowdown effect lasts.
- asw_objective_update_time_scale "0" // Time scale during objective updates
- asw_old_shieldbug "0" // 0 = new model
- asw_OrderMarinesFollow // Orders nearest marine to follow
- asw_OrderMarinesHold // Orders nearby marines to hold position
- asw_override_footstep_volume "0" // Overrides footstep volume instead of it being surface dependent
- asw_override_max_marines "0" // Overrides how many marines can be selected for (testing).
- asw_parasite_defanged_damage "15" // Damage per hit from defanged parasites
- asw_parasite_inside "0" // parasites will burrow into their victims rather than staying attached
- asw_parasite_speedboost "1" // boost speed for the parasites
- asw_particle_count "0" // Shows how many particles are being drawn
- asw_path_end // mark end of pathfinding test
- asw_path_start // mark start of pathfinding test
- asw_pdw_max_shooting_distance "400" // Maximum distance of the hitscan weapons.
- asw_pellet_trail_a "40"
- asw_pellet_trail_b "255"
- asw_pellet_trail_fade "0"
- asw_pellet_trail_g "255"
- asw_pellet_trail_life "1"
- asw_pellet_trail_material "0"
- asw_pellet_trail_r "255"
- asw_pellet_trail_width "1"
- ASW_PermaStim // Free long stim
- ASW_PermaStimStop // Free long stim
- ASW_PhysicsShove // Shove objects in front of you
- asw_phys_prop_motion_blur_scale "0"
- asw_pick_stim_music // Shows a dialog for picking custom stim music
- asw_pierce_spark_scale "0" // Scale applied to piercing spark effect
- asw_player_avoidance "1" // Enable/Disable player avoidance.
- asw_player_avoidance_bounce "1" // Marine avoidance bounce.
- asw_player_avoidance_fakehull "25" // Marine avoidance hull size.
- asw_player_avoidance_force "1024" // Marine avoidance separation force.
- asw_player_names "1" // Whether to show player names under marines or not. Set to 2 to show both player and marine name.
- asw_portraits_border "8" // Black border around HUD portraits
- asw_portraits_border_shrink "0" // How much of the border is applied to the actual size of the portrait.
- asw_portraits_hide "0"
- asw_portrait_ammo "1"
- asw_portrait_class "1"
- asw_portrait_face "1"
- asw_portrait_health_cross "0"
- asw_portrait_leadership "1"
- asw_portrait_scale_test "0"
- asw_powerup_elasticity "0"
- asw_powerup_friction "0"
- asw_powerup_gravity "1"
- asw_precache_speech "0" // server will precache all speech files (increases load times a lot!)
- asw_prevent_ai_crouch "0" // Prevents AI from crouching when they hold position
- ASW_PrevMarine // Select your previous marine
- asw_queen_debug "0" // Display debug info about the queen
- asw_queen_flame_flinch_chance "0" // Chance of queen flinching when she takes fire damage
- asw_queen_force_parasite_spawn "0" // Set to 1 to force the queen to spawn parasites
- asw_queen_force_spit "0" // Set to 1 to force the queen to spit
- asw_queen_grabber_dmg "1" // Damager per pump per grabber
- asw_queen_grabber_health "20" // Initial health of the queen grabbers
- asw_queen_health_easy "2500" // Initial health of the Swarm Queen
- asw_queen_health_hard "5000" // Initial health of the Swarm Queen
- asw_queen_health_insane "6000" // Initial health of the Swarm Queen
- asw_queen_health_normal "3500" // Initial health of the Swarm Queen
- asw_queen_max_mslash "350" // Max Range of Swarm Queen moving slash attack
- asw_queen_min_mslash "160" // Min Range of Swarm Queen moving slash attack
- asw_queen_slash_damage "5" // Damage caused by the Swarm Queens slash attack
- asw_queen_slash_debug "0" // Visualize Swarm Queen slash collision
- asw_queen_slash_range "200" // Range of Swarm Queen slash attack
- asw_queen_slash_size "100" // Padding around the Swarm Queens claw when calculating melee attack collision
- asw_queen_spit_autoaim_angle "10" // Angle in degrees in which the Queens spit attack will adjust to fire at a marine
- asw_queen_spit_damage "10" // Damage caused by the queens goo spit
- asw_queen_spit_radius "350" // Radius of the queens goo spit attack
- asw_ragdoll_blend_test // Ragdoll blending test
- asw_railgun_beam_lifetime "0" // How long the railgun beam trails last
- asw_railgun_beam_width "20" // Initial width of the railgun beam trail
- asw_railgun_force_scale "60" // Force of railgun shots
- asw_ranger_health "101"
- asw_realistic_death_chatter "0" // only 1 nearby marine will shout about marine deaths
- asw_reconnect_after_outro "0" // client will reconnect to server after outro
- asw_red_muzzle_b "128"
- asw_red_muzzle_g "128"
- asw_red_muzzle_r "255"
- asw_regular_floor_texture "0" // Regular floor texture to replace
- asw_report_difficulty // Reports current skill and mission difficulty level
- asw_reserve_marine_time "30" // Number of seconds marines are reserved for at briefing start
- asw_restart_mission // Restarts the current mission
- asw_return_chat
- asw_rg_explosion "0" // Should the rg tracer have an explosion at the end?
- asw_ricochet_laser_b "0" // Red component of ricochet rifle bounce laser
- asw_ricochet_laser_brightness "255" // Width of the ricochet targeting laser
- asw_ricochet_laser_fade "0" // Width of the ricochet targeting laser
- asw_ricochet_laser_g "0" // Red component of ricochet rifle bounce laser
- asw_ricochet_laser_r "255" // Red component of ricochet rifle bounce laser
- asw_ricochet_laser_width "1" // Width of the ricochet targeting laser
- asw_rim_atten "0"
- asw_rim_falloff "0"
- asw_rim_innerCone "20"
- asw_rim_outerCone "30"
- asw_rim_range "0"
- asw_rocket_acceleration "60"
- asw_rocket_debug "0"
- asw_rocket_drag "0"
- asw_rocket_homing_range "640000"
- asw_rocket_hover_height "10"
- asw_rocket_hover_thrust "60"
- asw_rocket_lifetime "3"
- asw_rocket_max_speed "600"
- asw_rocket_min_speed "280"
- asw_rocket_trail_a "40"
- asw_rocket_trail_b "128"
- asw_rocket_trail_fade "0"
- asw_rocket_trail_g "255"
- asw_rocket_trail_life "0"
- asw_rocket_trail_material "0"
- asw_rocket_trail_r "255"
- asw_rocket_trail_width "1"
- asw_rocket_volume_time "0" // Time taken to fade in rocket loop sound
- asw_rocket_wobble_amp "90"
- asw_rocket_wobble_freq "0"
- asw_room_info // Shows details about the current room in a randomly generated map
- asw_roster_select_bypass_steam "0" // Bypass checking if data has been downloaded from steam when selecting a Marine.
- asw_rts_controls "0"
- asw_run_fixed_blend "0"
- asw_run_speed "380" // Test of movement speed returned in animstate code
- asw_run_speed_scale "1"
- asw_r_JeepFOV "90"
- asw_r_JeepViewBlendTo "1"
- asw_r_JeepViewBlendToScale "0"
- asw_r_JeepViewBlendToTime "1"
- asw_sb_gallop_max_range "130" // Max range to do ram attack
- asw_sb_gallop_min_range "50" // Min range to do ram attack
- asw_scanner_background "1" // Draw black background behind minimap
- asw_scanner_classic "0" // is always pinging.
- asw_scanner_idle_sound "3" // Which scanner idle sound is used (from 1 to 4)
- asw_scanner_idle_volume "0" // Volume of scanner idle loop
- asw_scanner_interlace_alpha "0" // Alpha of interlace effect on the scanner
- asw_scanner_noise_alpha "0" // Alpha of noise effect on the scanner
- asw_scanner_pitch_base "1" // Starting pitch
- asw_scanner_pitch_change "0" // Change in pitch (from 0 to 1.0) of scanner blips depending on distance from the tech marine
- asw_scanner_ring_scale "1" // Overdraw in the scanner ring size from the blip boundary
- asw_scanner_scanline_alpha "80" // Alpha of scanlines on the scanner
- asw_scanner_scanline_double "0" // Whether scanlines should be single or double pixel
- asw_scanner_warning_sound "1" // Which scanner warning sound is used (from 1 to 3)
- asw_scanner_warning_volume "0" // Volume of scanner warning beeps
- asw_screenflash "0" // Alpha of damage screen flash
- asw_sentry_debug_aim "0" // Draw debug lines for sentry gun aim
- asw_sentry_friendly_fire_scale "0" // Damage scale for sentry gun friendly fire
- asw_sentry_friendly_target "0" // Whether the sentry targets friendlies or not
- asw_sentry_gun_type "-1" // reads from the marine attributes.
- asw_sequence_speed_cap "160"
- ASW_Server_LoadCampaign // Server loads a previously saved campaign game
- ASW_Server_StartCampaign // Server starts a new campaign game
- asw_set_drone_skin // Sets skin index of all drones and simple drones
- asw_set_hear_pos // Sets fixed audio position to the current position
- asw_set_solid // Sets solid status of current marine
- asw_shake // Shake the screen.
- asw_shaman_aim_ahead_time "1" // Look ahead time for shamans heal target
- asw_shaman_health "59"
- asw_shieldbug_death_force "65000" // this sets the custom death force for the exploding shieldbug
- asw_shieldbug_defending_speedboost "1" // Boost speed for the shieldbug when defending
- asw_shieldbug_force_defend "0" // 2 = force defend
- asw_shieldbug_knockdown "1" // If set shieldbug will knock marines down with his melee attacks
- asw_shieldbug_knockdown_force "500" // Magnitude of knockdown force for shieldbugs melee attack
- asw_shieldbug_knockdown_lift "300" // Upwards force for shieldbugs melee attack
- asw_shieldbug_melee_force "2" // Melee force of the shieldbug
- asw_shieldbug_screen_shake "1" // Should the shieldbug cause screen shake?
- asw_shieldbug_speedboost "1" // boost speed for the shieldbug
- asw_shotgun_pellets_pass "0" // Set to make shotgun pellets pass through aliens (as opposed to stopping on contact)
- asw_shotgun_pellet_fade_length "100" // Length of the trail on the shotgun pellets
- asw_shotgun_shell_delay "0" // Delay on shell casing after firing shotgun
- asw_show_all_singleplayer_maps "0" // offline practice option on the main menu will show all maps.
- asw_show_marine_hints // Show hint manager spots
- asw_show_mouse_entity "0" // Show entity under the mouse cursor
- asw_show_stats_in_singleplayer "0" // Show stats screen in singleplayer
- asw_show_xp // Print local players XP and level
- asw_show_xp_details "0" // Output XP rewards to the console
- asw_simple_hacking "0" // Use simple progress bar computer hacking
- asw_skill "2" // Game skill level (1-5).
- asw_skill_accuracy_flamer_dmg_base "0"
- asw_skill_accuracy_flamer_dmg_step "0"
- asw_skill_accuracy_pdw_dmg_base "0"
- asw_skill_accuracy_pdw_dmg_step "1"
- asw_skill_accuracy_pistol_dmg_base "0"
- asw_skill_accuracy_pistol_dmg_step "2"
- asw_skill_accuracy_prifle_dmg_base "0"
- asw_skill_accuracy_prifle_dmg_step "1"
- asw_skill_accuracy_railgun_dmg_base "0"
- asw_skill_accuracy_railgun_dmg_step "10"
- asw_skill_accuracy_rifle_dmg_base "0"
- asw_skill_accuracy_rifle_dmg_step "1"
- asw_skill_accuracy_shotgun_dmg_base "0"
- asw_skill_accuracy_shotgun_dmg_step "2"
- asw_skill_accuracy_sniper_rifle_dmg_base "0"
- asw_skill_accuracy_sniper_rifle_dmg_step "10"
- asw_skill_accuracy_tesla_cannon_dmg_base "0"
- asw_skill_accuracy_tesla_cannon_dmg_step "0"
- asw_skill_agility_movespeed_base "290"
- asw_skill_agility_movespeed_step "10"
- asw_skill_agility_reload_step "0"
- asw_skill_autogun_base "0"
- asw_skill_autogun_step "1"
- asw_skill_drugs_base "5"
- asw_skill_drugs_step "0"
- asw_skill_engineering_sentry_base "1"
- asw_skill_engineering_sentry_step "0"
- asw_skill_engineering_welding_base "0"
- asw_skill_engineering_welding_step "0"
- asw_skill_grenades_clusters_base "0"
- asw_skill_grenades_clusters_step "1"
- asw_skill_grenades_cluster_dmg_base "80"
- asw_skill_grenades_cluster_dmg_step "10"
- asw_skill_grenades_dmg_base "80"
- asw_skill_grenades_dmg_step "10"
- asw_skill_grenades_flechette_dmg_base "10"
- asw_skill_grenades_flechette_dmg_step "1"
- asw_skill_grenades_freeze_duration_base "3"
- asw_skill_grenades_freeze_duration_step "0"
- asw_skill_grenades_freeze_radius_base "210"
- asw_skill_grenades_freeze_radius_step "0"
- asw_skill_grenades_hornet_count_base "8"
- asw_skill_grenades_hornet_count_step "0"
- asw_skill_grenades_hornet_dmg_base "50"
- asw_skill_grenades_hornet_dmg_step "1"
- asw_skill_grenades_hornet_interval_base "0"
- asw_skill_grenades_hornet_interval_step "0"
- asw_skill_grenades_incendiary_dmg_base "80"
- asw_skill_grenades_incendiary_dmg_step "10"
- asw_skill_grenades_radius_base "280"
- asw_skill_grenades_radius_step "20"
- asw_skill_grenades_smart_count_base "32"
- asw_skill_grenades_smart_count_step "0"
- asw_skill_grenades_smart_interval_base "0"
- asw_skill_grenades_smart_interval_step "0"
- asw_skill_hacking_speed_base "2"
- asw_skill_hacking_speed_step "0"
- asw_skill_healing_charges_base "4"
- asw_skill_healing_charges_step "1"
- asw_skill_healing_grenade_base "50"
- asw_skill_healing_grenade_step "10"
- asw_skill_healing_gun_base "5"
- asw_skill_healing_gun_charges_base "40"
- asw_skill_healing_gun_charges_step "10"
- asw_skill_healing_gun_step "1"
- asw_skill_healing_hps_base "25"
- asw_skill_healing_hps_step "8"
- asw_skill_healing_medkit_hps_base "50"
- asw_skill_healing_medkit_hps_step "5"
- asw_skill_health_base "80"
- asw_skill_health_step "15"
- asw_skill_leadership_accuracy_chance_base "0"
- asw_skill_leadership_accuracy_chance_step "0"
- asw_skill_leadership_damage_resist_base "0"
- asw_skill_leadership_damage_resist_step "0"
- asw_skill_melee_dmg_base "30"
- asw_skill_melee_dmg_step "6"
- asw_skill_melee_force_base "10"
- asw_skill_melee_force_step "1"
- asw_skill_melee_speed_base "1"
- asw_skill_melee_speed_step "0"
- asw_skill_mines_duration_base "10"
- asw_skill_mines_duration_step "5"
- asw_skill_mines_fires_base "1"
- asw_skill_mines_fires_step "0"
- asw_skill_muzzle_flash_base "1"
- asw_skill_muzzle_flash_step "0"
- asw_skill_particle_count "20" // How many particles are spawned for each edge of the skill button
- asw_skill_particle_deviation "0" // Random deviation applied to initial velocity of skill spending particles
- asw_skill_particle_gravity "0" // Gravity for particles for the skill spending effect
- asw_skill_particle_inset "10" // How many pixels inset inside the skill button to spawn particles
- asw_skill_particle_size "40" // Size of particles for the skill spending effect
- asw_skill_particle_speed "50" // Initial speed of skill spend particles
- asw_skill_particle_speed_up "0" // Upward boost given to skill spend particles
- asw_skill_piercing_base "0"
- asw_skill_piercing_step "0"
- asw_skill_reloading_base "1"
- asw_skill_reloading_fast_base "1"
- asw_skill_reloading_fast_step "0"
- asw_skill_reloading_step "0"
- asw_skill_scanner_base "600"
- asw_skill_scanner_step "150"
- asw_skill_self_healing_charges_base "2"
- asw_skill_self_healing_charges_step "0"
- asw_skill_vindicator_dmg_base "0"
- asw_skill_vindicator_dmg_step "2"
- asw_skill_vindicator_pellets_base "7"
- asw_skill_vindicator_pellets_step "0"
- asw_skill_xenowounds_base "100"
- asw_skill_xenowounds_step "-25"
- asw_sk_jeep_gauss_damage "15"
- asw_sniper_dlight_b "250" // Blue component of flashlight colour
- asw_sniper_dlight_exponent "1"
- asw_sniper_dlight_g "250" // Green component of flashlight colour
- asw_sniper_dlight_r "250" // Red component of flashlight colour
- asw_sniper_dlight_radius "100" // Radius of the light around the cursor.
- asw_sniper_scope_radius "100"
- asw_sniper_scope_self_illum_multiplier "0" // 1] range) by this value.
- asw_sniper_shell_delay "0" // Delay on shell casing after firing rifle
- asw_solid_info // Shows solid status of current marine
- asw_sounds // lists sounds playing
- asw_spawning_enabled "1" // asw_spawners wont spawn aliens
- asw_spawn_alien // Make the named asw_spawner spit out an alien
- asw_spawn_buzzer // Refills all marine health
- asw_spawn_parasite_pack // Spawns a group of parasites somewhere randomly in the map
- asw_spawn_shieldbug // Spawns a shieldbug somewhere randomly in the map
- asw_spinning_stim_cam "1" // slow motion will display a small spinning camera view
- asw_springcol "1" // Use soft alien collision
- asw_springcol_core "0" // Fraction of the aliens pushaway radius that is a solid capped core
- asw_springcol_debug "0" // Display the direction of the pushaway vector. Set to entity index or -1 to show all.
- asw_springcol_force_scale "3" // Multiplier for each individual push force
- asw_springcol_push_cap "33" // Cap on the total push vector
- asw_springcol_radius "50" // Radius of the aliens pushaway cylinder
- asw_squad_debug "1" // Draw debug overlays for squad movement
- asw_squad_hotbar // Activate a squad hotbar button
- asw_squad_inventory // Shows squad inventory
- ASW_StartCampaign // Starts a new campaign game
- asw_StartStim // Activates a stim pack
- asw_stats_scrub_time "6" // Time that it takes to do the full stats time scrub.
- asw_stats_skip_marines_test "0" // Tests removing marines 1 and 3 from the stats screen
- asw_stats_track "1" // Turn on//off Infested stats tracking.
- asw_steam_cloud "1" // Whether Swarm data should be stored in the Steam Cloud
- asw_steam_cloud_debug "1" // Print Steam Cloud messages
- asw_stim_cam_pitch "10" // Controls angle of the small in-picture Stim camera
- asw_stim_cam_roll "0" // Controls angle of the small in-picture Stim camera
- asw_stim_cam_rotate_speed "0" // Rotation speed of the stim camera
- asw_stim_cam_time "0" // the stim cam will show
- asw_stim_cam_x "-20" // Controls offset of the small in-picture Stim camera
- asw_stim_cam_y "-30" // Controls offset of the small in-picture Stim camera
- asw_stim_cam_yaw "15" // Controls angle of the small in-picture Stim camera
- asw_stim_cam_z "70" // Controls offset of the small in-picture Stim camera
- asw_stim_duration "6" // Default duration of the stimpack slomo (medics with skills will override this number)
- asw_stim_music "0" // Custom music file used for stim music
- asw_stim_time_scale "0" // Time scale during stimpack slomo
- asw_stop_burning // Makes your marine stop burning
- asw_stumble_interval "2" // Min time between stumbles
- asw_stumble_knockback "300" // Velocity given to aliens that get knocked back
- asw_stumble_lift "300" // Upwards velocity given to aliens that get knocked back
- asw_stun_grenade_time "6" // How long stun grenades stun aliens for
- asw_success_sound_delay "0" // Delay before playing mission success music
- asw_suicide // Kills your current marine
- asw_sv_maxspeed "500"
- asw_synup_chatter_chance "0" // Chance of the synup chatter happening
- asw_tech_order_hack_range "1200" // Max range when searching for a nearby AI tech to hack for you
- asw_teleport // Usage: asw_teleport <target entity> Teleports your current marine to the named entity
- ASW_TestLoad // Tests loading a savegame
- ASW_TestRoute // Tests loading a savegame
- asw_test_marinenearby // Tests the marine nearby util shared function
- asw_test_music // lists music pointer
- asw_test_new_alien_jump "1"
- asw_test_turret // Test remote turret
- asw_test_wave_announce // Shows wave announce panel
- asw_tilegen // Experimental tile based level generator.
- asw_tilegen_theme "0" // Default theme selected in TileGen
- asw_time_scale_delay "0" // Delay before timescale changes to give a chance for the client to comply and predict.
- asw_tracer_count // Shows number of tracers spawned
- asw_tracer_style "1" // Specify tracer style. 0=none 1=normal 2=grey line
- asw_trail_beam_lifetime "0" // How long the pellet trails last
- asw_trail_beam_width "3" // Initial width of the pellet trails
- asw_tumbler_debug "0" // Debug info on tumbler offsets
- asw_turret_debug_limits "0" // Prints debug info about turret turning limits
- asw_turret_dot "0" // Dot angle above which potential targets are shown in the remote turret view
- asw_turret_fire_rate "0" // Firing rate of remote controlled turrets
- asw_turret_fog_end "1200" // Fog end distance for turret view
- asw_turret_fog_start "900" // Fog start distance for turret view
- asw_turret_turn_rate "50" // Turning rate of remote controlled turrets
- asw_tutorial_save_stage "0" // How far through the tutorial the player has got
- asw_uber_auto_speed_scale "0" // Speed scale of uber drones when attacking
- asw_uber_speed_scale "0" // Speed scale of uber drone compared to normal
- asw_unlock_all_locations "0" // Unlocks all mission hexes
- asw_update_binds // Makes ASI HUD elements update the detected key for various actions (e.g. the use key on use icons)
- asw_use_particle_tracers "1" // Use particle tracers instead of the old school HL2 ones
- asw_vbsp2 "0"
- asw_vehicle_cam_dist "412"
- asw_vehicle_cam_height "0"
- asw_vehicle_cam_pitch "45"
- asw_vindicator_grenade_elasticity "1" // elasticity of vindicator grenade
- asw_vindicator_grenade_friction "-1" // Time before grenade can
- asw_vindicator_grenade_fuse "3" // Fuse time on incendiary grenades
- asw_vindicator_grenade_gravity "0" // Gravity of vindicator grenade
- asw_vindicator_grenade_mass "10" // Mass of indendiary/cluster grenade
- asw_vindicator_grenade_min_detonation_time "0" // Minimum before this grenade can detonate
- asw_vindicator_grenade_velocity "3" // Scale to the vindicator grenade initial velocity
- asw_visrange_generic "400" // Vismon range
- asw_voice_side_icon "0" // Set to 1 to use the voice indicators on the side of the screen instead of the ones next to the 3d player names
- asw_vote_chooser
- asw_vote_duration "30" // Time allowed to vote on a map/campaign/saved game change.
- asw_vote_kick_fraction "0" // Fraction of players needed to activate a kick vote
- asw_vote_leader_fraction "0" // Fraction of players needed to activate a leader vote
- asw_vote_map_fraction "0" // Fraction of players needed to activate a map vote
- asw_walk_fixed_blend "0"
- asw_walk_point "200"
- asw_walk_sequence_speed_cap "50"
- asw_walk_speed "175"
- asw_walk_speed_scale "1"
- asw_wanderer_override "0" // Forces wanderers to spawn
- asw_weapon_force_scale "1" // Force of weapon shots
- asw_weapon_max_shooting_distance "1500" // Maximum distance of the hitscan weapons.
- asw_weapon_pitch "12"
- asw_weapon_safety_hull "0" // Size of hull used to check for AI shots going too near a friendly
- asw_wire_full_random "0" // Fully randomize wire hacks
- asw_world_healthbars "1" // Shows health bars in the game world
- asw_world_healthbar_class_icon "0" // Show class icon on mouse over
- asw_world_usingbars "1" // Shows using bars in the game world
- asw_ww_chatter_interval_max "260" // Max time between wildcat and wolfe conversation
- asw_ww_chatter_interval_min "200" // Min time between wildcat and wolfe conversation
- asw_xp_screen_debug "0" // XP screen will show dummy player slots
- async_allow_held_files "1" // Allow AsyncBegin/EndRead()
- async_mode "0" // 1 = synchronous)
- async_resume
- async_serialize "0" // Force async reads to serialize for profiling
- async_simulate_delay "0" // Simulate a delay of up to a set msec per file operation
- async_suspend
- audit_save_in_memory // Audit the memory usage and files in the save-to-memory system
- autoaim_max_deflect "0"
- autoaim_max_dist "2160"
- autosave // Autosave
- autosavedangerous // AutoSaveDangerous
- autosavedangerousissafe
- banid // Add a user ID to the ban list.
- banip // Add an IP address to the ban list.
- benchframe // Takes a snapshot of a particular frame in a time demo.
- bench_end // Ends gathering of info.
- bench_start // Starts gathering of info. Arguments: filename to write results into
- bench_upload // Uploads most recent benchmark stats to the Valve servers.
- bind // Bind a key.
- BindToggle // Performs a bind <key> increment var <cvar> 0 1 1
- blackbox "1"
- blackbox_dump // Dump the contents of the blackbox
- blackbox_record // Record an entry into the blackbox
- BlendBonesMode "2"
- blink_duration "0" // How many seconds an eye blink will last.
- box // Draw a debug box.
- breakable_disable_gib_limit "0"
- breakable_multiplayer "1"
- buddha // Toggle. Player takes damage but wont die. (Shows red cross when health is zero)
- budget_averages_window "30" // number of frames to look at when figuring out average frametimes
- budget_background_alpha "128" // how translucent the budget panel is
- budget_bargraph_background_alpha "128" // how translucent the budget panel is
- budget_bargraph_range_ms "16" // budget bargraph range in milliseconds
- budget_history_numsamplesvisible "100" // number of samples to draw in the budget history window. The lower the better as far as rendering overhead of the budget panel
- budget_history_range_ms "66" // budget history range in milliseconds
- budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction "0" // number between 0 and 1
- budget_panel_height "384" // height in pixels of the budget panel
- budget_panel_width "512" // width in pixels of the budget panel
- budget_panel_x "0" // number of pixels from the left side of the game screen to draw the budget panel
- budget_panel_y "50" // number of pixels from the top side of the game screen to draw the budget panel
- budget_peaks_window "30" // number of frames to look at when figuring out peak frametimes
- budget_show_averages "0" // enable/disable averages in the budget panel
- budget_show_history "1" // turn history graph off and on. . good to turn off on low end
- budget_show_peaks "1" // enable/disable peaks in the budget panel
- budget_toggle_group // Turn a budget group on/off
- bug // Show the bug reporting UI.
- bugreporter_console_bytes "15000" // Max # of console bytes to put into bug report body (full text still attached).
- bugreporter_includebsp "1" // Include .bsp for internal bug submissions.
- bugreporter_snapshot_delay "0" // Frames to delay before taking snapshot
- bugreporter_uploadasync "0" // Upload attachments asynchronously
- bugreporter_username "0" // Username to use for bugreporter
- bug_swap // Automatically swaps the current weapon for the bug bait and back again.
- buildcubemaps // Rebuild cubemaps.
- building_cubemaps "0"
- cache_print // cache_print [section] Print out contents of cache memory.
- cache_print_lru // cache_print_lru [section] Print out contents of cache memory.
- cache_print_summary // cache_print_summary [section] Print out a summary contents of cache memory.
- camortho // Switch to orthographic camera.
- cam_collision "1" // an attempt is made to keep the camera from passing though walls.
- cam_command // Tells camera to change modes
- cam_idealdelta "4" // Controls the speed when matching offset to ideal angles in thirdperson view
- cam_idealdist "412"
- cam_ideallag "4" // Amount of lag used when matching offset to ideal angles in thirdperson view
- cam_idealpitch "90"
- cam_idealyaw "0"
- cam_showangles "0" // print viewangles/idealangles/cameraoffsets to the console.
- cam_snapto "0"
- cancelselect
- cast_hull // Tests hull collision detection
- cast_ray // Tests collision detection
- cc_captiontrace "1" // 2 = show in hud)
- cc_emit // Emits a closed caption
- cc_findsound // Searches for soundname which emits specified text.
- cc_flush // Flushes asyncd captions.
- cc_lang "0" // Current close caption language (emtpy = use game UI language)
- cc_linger_time "1" // Close caption linger time.
- cc_minvisibleitems "1" // Minimum number of caption items to show.
- cc_norepeat "5" // dont repeat captions more often than this many seconds.
- cc_predisplay_time "0" // Close caption delay before showing caption.
- cc_random // Emits a random caption
- cc_sentencecaptionnorepeat "4" // How often a sentence can repeat.
- cc_showblocks // Toggles showing which blocks are pending/loaded async.
- cc_showmissing "0" // Show missing closecaption entries.
- cc_subtitles "0" // wont help hearing impaired players).
- centerview
- changelevel // Change server to the specified map
- changelevel2 // Transition to the specified map in single player
- chet_debug_idle "0" // many debug prints to help track down the TLK_IDLE issue. Set two for super verbose info
- ch_createairboat // Spawn airboat in front of the player.
- ch_createjeep // Spawn jeep in front of the player.
- circle_paintsplat_alpha_offset "1" // -1 = no offset
- circle_paintsplat_bias "0" // Change bias value for computing circle buffer
- circle_paintsplat_enabled "1"
- circle_paintsplat_max_alpha_noise "128" // Max noise value of circle alpha
- circle_paintsplat_noise_enabled "1"
- circle_paintsplat_radius "4" // Change the radius of circle in paintmap
- clear // Clear all console output.
- clear_debug_overlays // clears debug overlays
- clientport "27005" // Host game client port
- closecaption "0" // Enable close captioning.
- cl_aggregate_particles "1"
- cl_alien_extra_interp "0" // Extra interpolation for aliens.
- cl_allowdownload "1" // Client downloads customization files
- cl_allowupload "1" // Client uploads customization files
- cl_ambient_light_disableentities "0" // Disable map ambient light entities.
- cl_anglespeedkey "0"
- cl_asw_drone_travel_yaw "0" // Show the clientside estimated travel yaw for swarm drones
- cl_asw_drone_travel_yaw_rate "4" // How fast the drones alter their move_yaw param
- cl_asw_smooth "1" // Smooth marines render origin after prediction errors
- cl_asw_smoothtime "0" // Smooth marines render origin after prediction error over this many seconds
- cl_backspeed "450"
- cl_blobulator_freezing_max_metaball_radius "25" // Setting this can create more complex surfaces on large hitboxes at the cost of performance.
- cl_blurClearAlpha "0" // but 0 has errors at the moment
- cl_blurDebug "0"
- cl_blurPasses "1"
- cl_blurTapSize "0"
- cl_burninggibs "0" // A burning player that gibs has burning gibs.
- cl_camera_follow_bone_index "-2" // Index of the bone to follow. -2 == disabled. -1 == root bone. 0+ is bone index.
- cl_chatfilters "31" // Stores the chat filter settings
- cl_chat_active "0"
- cl_class "0" // Default class when joining a game
- cl_clearhinthistory // Clear memory of client side hints displayed to the player.
- cl_clockdrift_max_ms "150" // Maximum number of milliseconds the clock is allowed to drift before the client snaps its clock to the servers.
- cl_clockdrift_max_ms_threadmode "0" // Maximum number of milliseconds the clock is allowed to drift before the client snaps its clock to the servers.
- cl_clock_correction "1" // Enable/disable clock correction on the client.
- cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_amount "200" // Sets the maximum number of milliseconds per second it is allowed to correct the client clock. It will only correct this amount
- cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_offset "90" // it moves towards apply
- cl_clock_correction_adjustment_min_offset "10" // then no clock correction is applied.
- cl_clock_correction_force_server_tick "999" // Force clock correction to match the server tick + this offset (-999 disables it).
- cl_clock_showdebuginfo "0" // Show debugging info about the clock drift.
- cl_cmdrate "30" // Max number of command packets sent to server per second
- cl_colorfastpath "0"
- cl_customsounds "0" // Enable customized player sound playback
- cl_demoviewoverride "0" // Override view during demo playback
- cl_detaildist "400" // Distance at which detail props are no longer visible
- cl_detailfade "150" // Distance across which detail props fade in
- cl_detail_multiplier "1" // extra details to create
- cl_disable_ragdolls "0"
- cl_disable_water_render_targets "0"
- cl_downloadfilter "0" // nosounds)
- cl_drawhud "1" // Enable the rendering of the hud
- cl_drawleaf "-1"
- cl_drawmaterial "0" // Draw a particular material over the frame
- cl_drawmonitors "1"
- cl_drawshadowtexture "0"
- cl_dumpplayer // Dumps info about a player
- cl_dumpsplithacks // Dump split screen workarounds.
- cl_dump_particle_stats // dump particle profiling info to particle_profile.csv
- cl_ejectbrass "1"
- cl_enable_remote_splitscreen "0" // Allows viewing of nonlocal players in a split screen fashion
- cl_entityreport "0" // draw entity states to console
- cl_ent_absbox // Displays the clients absbox for the entity under the crosshair.
- cl_ent_bbox // Displays the clients bounding box for the entity under the crosshair.
- cl_ent_rbox // Displays the clients render box for the entity under the crosshair.
- cl_extrapolate "1" // Enable/disable extrapolation if interpolation history runs out.
- cl_extrapolate_amount "0" // Set how many seconds the client will extrapolate entities for.
- cl_fastdetailsprites "1" // whether to use new detail sprite system
- cl_fasttempentcollision "5"
- cl_find_ent // Find and list all client entities with classnames that contain the specified substring. Format: cl_find_ent <substring>
- cl_find_ent_index // Display data for clientside entity matching specified index. Format: cl_find_ent_index <index>
- cl_flushentitypacket "0" // For debugging. Force the engine to flush an entity packet.
- cl_forcepreload "0" // Whether we should force preloading.
- cl_forwardspeed "450"
- cl_foundry_ShowEntityHighlights "1"
- cl_fullupdate // Forces the server to send a full update packet
- cl_globallight_freeze "0"
- cl_globallight_xoffset "-800"
- cl_globallight_yoffset "1600"
- cl_idealpitchscale "0"
- cl_ignorepackets "0" // Force client to ignore packets (for debugging).
- cl_ignore_vpk_assocation "0" // Do not ask to set vpk assocation
- cl_interp "0" // Sets the interpolation amount (bounded on low side by server interp ratio settings).
- cl_interp_all "0" // Disable interpolation list optimizations.
- cl_interp_npcs "0" // if greater)
- cl_interp_ratio "2" // Sets the interpolation amount (final amount is cl_interp_ratio / cl_updaterate).
- cl_interp_threadmodeticks "0" // Additional interpolation ticks to use when interpolating with threaded engine mode set.
- cl_jiggle_bone_debug "0" // Display physics-based jiggle bone debugging information
- cl_jiggle_bone_debug_pitch_constraints "0" // Display physics-based jiggle bone debugging information
- cl_jiggle_bone_debug_yaw_constraints "0" // Display physics-based jiggle bone debugging information
- cl_jiggle_bone_invert "0"
- cl_jiggle_bone_sanity "1" // Prevent jiggle bones from pointing directly away from their target in case of numerical instability.
- cl_lagcompensation "1" // Perform server side lag compensation of weapon firing events.
- cl_lagcomp_errorcheck "0" // Player index of other player to check for position errors.
- cl_language "0" // Language (from Steam API)
- cl_leafsystemvis "0"
- cl_leveloverview "0"
- cl_leveloverviewmarker "0"
- cl_localnetworkbackdoor "0" // Enable network optimizations for single player games.
- cl_logofile "0" // Spraypoint logo decal.
- cl_maxrenderable_dist "3000" // Max distance from the camera at which things will be rendered
- cl_modelfastpath "1"
- cl_mouseenable "1"
- cl_mouselook "1" // 0 for keyboard look. Cannot be set while connected to a server.
- cl_overdraw_test "0"
- cl_panelanimation // Shows panel animation variables: <panelname | blank for all panels>.
- cl_particles_dumplist // optional name substring.
- cl_particles_dump_effects
- cl_particles_show_bbox "0"
- cl_particle_batch_mode "1"
- cl_particle_fallback_base "3" // Base for falling back to cheaper effects under load.
- cl_particle_fallback_multiplier "2" // Multiplier for falling back to cheaper effects under load.
- cl_particle_max_count "0"
- cl_particle_retire_cost "0"
- cl_particle_sim_fallback_base_multiplier "5" // How aggressive the switch to fallbacks will be depending on how far over the cl_particle_sim_fallback_threshold_ms the sim time
- cl_particle_sim_fallback_threshold_ms "6" // Amount of simulation time that can elapse before new systems start falling back to cheaper versions
- cl_pclass "0" // Dump entity by prediction classname.
- cl_pdump "-1" // Dump info about this entity to screen.
- cl_phys_block_dist "1"
- cl_phys_block_fraction "0"
- cl_phys_maxticks "2" // Sets the max number of physics ticks allowed for client-side physics (ragdolls)
- cl_phys_timescale "1" // Sets the scale of time for client-side physics (ragdolls)
- cl_pitchdown "89"
- cl_pitchspeed "225"
- cl_pitchup "89"
- cl_playback_screenshots "0" // Allows the client to playback screenshot and jpeg commands in demos.
- cl_playerspraydisable "0" // Disable player sprays.
- cl_precacheinfo // Show precache info (client).
- cl_predict "1" // Perform client side prediction.
- cl_predictioncopy_describe // Describe datamap_t for entindex
- cl_predictionlist "0" // Show which entities are predicting
- cl_predictweapons "1" // Perform client side prediction of weapon effects.
- cl_pred_doresetlatch "1"
- cl_pred_error_verbose "0" // Show more field info when spewing prediction errors.
- cl_pred_optimize "2" // and also for not repredicting if there were no errors (2)
- cl_pred_track // for field fieldname.
- cl_quick_join_panel_accel "0" // Acceleration for the y position of the panel when items are added or removed.
- cl_quick_join_panel_fakecount "-1"
- cl_quick_join_panel_tall "14" // The spacing between panels.
- cl_quick_join_scroll_max "4" // Max players shown in the friend scrolling ticker.
- cl_quick_join_scroll_offset "16" // Offset of the friend scrolling ticker from the title.
- cl_quick_join_scroll_rate "90" // Rate of the friend scrolling ticker.
- cl_quick_join_scroll_start "1" // Number of players available to start friend scrolling ticker.
- cl_ragdoll_collide "0"
- cl_ragdoll_gravity "386" // Sets the gravity client-side ragdolls
- cl_removedecals // Remove the decals from the entity under the crosshair.
- cl_report_soundpatch // reports client-side sound patch count
- cl_resend "6" // Delay in seconds before the client will resend the connect attempt
- cl_retire_low_priority_lights "0" // Low priority dlights are replaced by high priority ones
- cl_rosetta_debug "0"
- cl_rosetta_line_inner_radius "25"
- cl_rosetta_line_outer_radius "45"
- cl_screenshotname "0" // Custom Screenshot name
- cl_SetupAllBones "0"
- cl_shadowtextureoverlaysize "256"
- cl_showanimstate_activities "1" // Show activities in the (client) animation state display.
- cl_ShowBoneSetupEnts "0" // Show which entities are having their bones setup each frame.
- cl_showdemooverlay "0" // -1 - show always)
- cl_showents // Dump entity list to console.
- cl_showerror "0" // 2 for above plus detailed field deltas.
- cl_showevents "0" // Print event firing info in the console
- cl_showfps "0" // 4 = Show FPS and Log to file )
- cl_showhelp "1" // Set to 0 to not show on-screen help
- cl_showpausedimage "1" // Show the Paused image when game is paused.
- cl_showpluginmessages "1" // Allow plugins to display messages to you
- cl_showpos "0" // Draw current position at top of screen
- cl_ShowSunVectors "0"
- cl_showtextmsg "1" // Enable/disable text messages printing on the screen.
- cl_show_bounds_errors "0"
- cl_show_splashes "1"
- cl_sidespeed "450"
- cl_simdbones "0" // Use SIMD bone setup.
- cl_skipfastpath "0" // Set to 1 to stop all models that go through the model fast path from rendering
- cl_skipslowpath "0" // Set to 1 to skip any models that dont go through the model fast path
- cl_smooth "1" // Smooth view/eye origin after prediction errors
- cl_smoothtime "0" // Smooth clients view after prediction error over this many seconds
- cl_soundfile "0" // Jingle sound file.
- cl_soundscape_flush // Flushes the client side soundscapes
- cl_soundscape_printdebuginfo // print soundscapes
- cl_spec_mode "1" // spectator mode
- cl_sporeclipdistance "512"
- cl_ss_origin // print origin in script format
- cl_sunlight_depthbias "0"
- cl_sunlight_ortho_size "0" // Set to values greater than 0 for ortho view render projections.
- cl_sun_decay_rate "0"
- cl_support_vpk_assocation "1" // Whether vpk associations are enabled for this mod
- cl_team "0" // Default team when joining a game
- cl_threaded_bone_setup "0" // Enable parallel processing of C_BaseAnimating::SetupBones()
- cl_threaded_init "0"
- cl_timeout "30" // the client will disconnect itself
- cl_tlucfastpath "1"
- cl_tracer_whiz_distance "72"
- cl_tree_sway_dir // sets tree sway wind direction and strength
- cl_updaterate "20" // Number of packets per second of updates you are requesting from the server
- cl_updatevisibility // Updates visibility bits.
- cl_upspeed "320"
- cl_use_simd_bones "1" // 1 use SIMD bones 0 use scalar bones.
- cl_view // Set the view entity index.
- cl_voice_filter "0" // Filter voice by name substring
- cl_winddir "0" // Weather effects wind direction angle
- cl_windspeed "0" // Weather effects wind speed scalar
- cl_yawspeed "210"
- cmd // Forward command to server.
- cmd1 // sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 1
- cmd2 // sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 2
- cmd3 // sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 3
- cmd4 // sets userinfo string for split screen player in slot 4
- collision_shake_amp "0"
- collision_shake_freq "0"
- collision_shake_time "0"
- collision_test // Tests collision system
- colorcorrectionui // Show/hide the color correction tools UI.
- commentary "0" // Desired commentary mode state.
- commentary_available "0" // Automatically set by the game when a commentary file is available for the current map.
- commentary_cvarsnotchanging
- commentary_finishnode
- commentary_showmodelviewer // Display the commentary model viewer. Usage: commentary_showmodelviewer <model name> <optional attached model name>
- condump // dump the text currently in the console to condumpXX.log
- connect // Connect to specified server.
- contimes "8" // Number of console lines to overlay for debugging.
- con_drawnotify "1" // Disables drawing of notification area (for taking screenshots).
- con_enable "0" // Allows the console to be activated.
- con_filter_enable "0" // 2 displays filtered text brighter than ot
- con_filter_text "0" // Text with which to filter console spew. Set con_filter_enable 1 or 2 to activate.
- con_filter_text_out "0" // Text with which to filter OUT of console spew. Set con_filter_enable 1 or 2 to activate.
- con_logfile "0" // Console output gets written to this file
- con_notifytime "8" // How long to display recent console text to the upper part of the game window
- con_nprint_bgalpha "50" // Con_NPrint background alpha.
- con_nprint_bgborder "5" // Con_NPrint border size.
- con_timestamp "0" // Prefix console.log entries with timestamps
- con_trace "0" // Print console text to low level printout.
- coop "0" // Cooperative play.
- cpu_level "2" // CPU Level - Default: High
- crash // Cause the engine to crash (Debug!!)
- CreatePredictionError // Create a prediction error
- create_flashlight
- creditsdone
- crosshair "1"
- cvarlist // Show the list of convars/concommands.
- c_maxdistance "1000"
- c_maxpitch "360"
- c_maxyaw "135"
- c_mindistance "30"
- c_minpitch "0"
- c_minyaw "-135"
- c_orthoheight "100"
- c_orthowidth "100"
- c_thirdpersonshoulder "0"
- c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist "120"
- c_thirdpersonshoulderdist "40"
- c_thirdpersonshoulderheight "5"
- c_thirdpersonshoulderoffset "20"
- datacachesize "32" // Size in MB.
- dbghist_addline // Add a line to the debug history. Format: <category id> <line>
- dbghist_dump // Dump the debug history to the console. Format: <category id> Categories: 0: Entity I/O 1: AI Decisions 2: Sc
- dbg_demofile "0"
- deathmatch "1" // Running a deathmatch server.
- debugsystemui // Show/hide the debug system UI.
- debug_circle_splat "0"
- debug_materialmodifycontrol "0"
- debug_materialmodifycontrol_client "0"
- debug_overlay_fullposition "0"
- debug_paint_seam "0"
- debug_physimpact "0"
- debug_touchlinks "0" // Spew touch link activity
- debug_visibility_monitor "0"
- decalfrequency "10"
- default_fov "75"
- demolist // Print demo sequence list.
- demos // Demo demo file sequence.
- demoui // Show/hide the demo player UI.
- demoui2 // Show/hide the advanced demo player UI (demoui2).
- demo_avellimit "2000" // Angular velocity limit before eyes considered snapped for demo playback.
- demo_debug "0" // Demo debug info.
- demo_fastforwardfinalspeed "20" // Go this fast when starting to hold FF button.
- demo_fastforwardramptime "5" // How many seconds it takes to get to full FF speed.
- demo_fastforwardstartspeed "2" // Go this fast when starting to hold FF button.
- demo_gototick // Skips to a tick in demo.
- demo_interplimit "4000" // How much origin velocity before its considered to have teleported causing interpolation to reset.
- demo_interpolateview "1" // Do view interpolation during dem playback.
- demo_legacy_rollback "1" // Use legacy view interpolation rollback amount in demo playback.
- demo_pause // Pauses demo playback.
- demo_pauseatservertick "0" // Pauses demo playback at server tick
- demo_quitafterplayback "0" // Quits game after demo playback.
- demo_recordcommands "1" // Record commands typed at console into .dem files.
- demo_resume // Resumes demo playback.
- demo_timescale // Sets demo replay speed.
- demo_togglepause // Toggles demo playback.
- developer "0" // Set developer message level
- devshots_nextmap // Used by the devshots system to go to the next map in the devshots maplist.
- devshots_screenshot // use the screenshot command instead.
- differences // Show all convars which are not at their default values.
- disable_static_prop_loading "0" // static props wont be loaded
- disconnect // Disconnect game from server.
- dispcoll_drawplane "0"
- displaysoundlist "0"
- display_elapsedtime // Displays how much time has elapsed since the game started
- display_game_events "0"
- disp_dynamic "0"
- dlight_debug // Creates a dlight in front of the player
- drawcross // Draws a cross at the given location Arguments: x y z
- drawline // Draws line between two 3D Points. Green if no collision Red is collides with something Arguments: x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
- dsp_automatic "0"
- dsp_db_min "80"
- dsp_db_mixdrop "0"
- dsp_dist_max "1440"
- dsp_dist_min "0"
- dsp_enhance_stereo "1"
- dsp_facingaway "0"
- dsp_mix_max "0"
- dsp_mix_min "0"
- dsp_off "0"
- dsp_player "0"
- dsp_reload
- dsp_room "0"
- dsp_slow_cpu "0"
- dsp_spatial "40"
- dsp_speaker "50"
- dsp_volume "0"
- dsp_vol_2ch "1"
- dsp_vol_4ch "0"
- dsp_vol_5ch "0"
- dsp_water "14"
- dti_flush // Write out the datatable instrumentation files (you must run with -dti for this to work).
- dtwarning "0" // Print data table warnings?
- dtwatchclass "0" // Watch all fields encoded with this table.
- dtwatchent "-1" // Watch this entities data table encoding.
- dtwatchvar "0" // Watch the named variable.
- dt_ShowPartialChangeEnts "0" // (SP only) - show entities that were copied using small optimized lists (FL_EDICT_PARTIAL_CHANGE).
- dt_UsePartialChangeEnts "1" // (SP only) - enable FL_EDICT_PARTIAL_CHANGE optimization.
- dumpentityfactories // Lists all entity factory names.
- dumpeventqueue // Dump the contents of the Entity I/O event queue to the console.
- dumpgamestringtable // Dump the contents of the game string table to the console.
- dumpsavedir // List the contents of the save directory in memory
- dumpstringtables // Print string tables to console.
- dump_entity_sizes // Print sizeof(entclass)
- dump_globals // Dump all global entities/states
- echo // Echo text to console.
- editdemo // Edit a recorded demo file (.dem ).
- editor_toggle // Disables the simulation and returns focus to the editor
- enable_debug_overlays "1" // Enable rendering of debug overlays
- enable_skeleton_draw "0" // Render skeletons in wireframe
- endmovie // Stop recording movie frames.
- english "1" // running the english language set of assets.
- ent_absbox // Displays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Ar
- ent_attachments // Displays the attachment points on an entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is loo
- ent_autoaim // Displays the entitys autoaim radius. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
- ent_bbox // Displays the movement bounding box for the given entity(ies) in orange. Some entites will also display entity specific overlay
- ent_cancelpendingentfires // Cancels all ent_fire created outputs that are currently waiting for their delay to expire.
- ent_create // Creates an entity of the given type where the player is looking.
- ent_debugkeys "0"
- ent_dump // Usage: ent_dump <entity name>
- ent_fire // Usage: ent_fire <target> [action] [value] [delay]
- ent_info // Usage: ent_info <class name>
- ent_keyvalue // Applies the comma delimited key=value pairs to the entity with the given Hammer ID. Format: ent_keyvalue <entity id> <key1>=<v
- ent_messages // Toggles input/output message display for the selected entity(ies). The name of the entity will be displayed as well as any mes
- ent_messages_draw "0" // Visualizes all entity input/output activity.
- ent_name
- ent_orient // only orients target entitys YAW. Use the allangles opt
- ent_pause // Toggles pausing of input/output message processing for entities. When turned on processing of all message will stop. Any mess
- ent_pivot // Displays the pivot for the given entity(ies). (y=up=green, z=forward=blue, x=left=red). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class
- ent_rbox // Displays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Ar
- ent_remove // Removes the given entity(s) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
- ent_remove_all // Removes all entities of the specified type Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name}
- ent_rotate // Rotates an entity by a specified # of degrees
- ent_script_dump // Dumps the names and values of this entitys script scope to the console Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argume
- ent_setang // Set entity angles
- ent_setname // Sets the targetname of the given entity(s) Arguments: {new entity name} {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks wh
- ent_setpos // Move entity to position
- ent_show_contexts "0" // Show entity contexts in ent_text display
- ent_show_response_criteria // an entitys current criteria set used to select responses. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} /
- ent_step // When ent_pause is set this will step through one waiting input / output message at a time.
- ent_teleport // Teleport the specified entity to where the player is looking. Format: ent_teleport <entity name>
- ent_text // Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_
- ent_viewoffset // Displays the eye position for the given entity(ies) in red. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks wha
- envmap
- er_colwidth "100"
- er_graphwidthfrac "0"
- er_maxname "14"
- escape // Escape key pressed.
- exec // Execute script file.
- execifexists // Execute script file if file exists.
- exit // Exit the engine.
- explode // Kills the player with explosive damage
- explodevector // Kills a player applying an explosive force. Usage: explodevector <player> <x value> <y value> <z value>
- fadein // fadein {time r g b}: Fades the screen in from black or from the specified color over the given number of seconds.
- fadeout // fadeout {time r g b}: Fades the screen to black or to the specified color over the given number of seconds.
- failadvice_dump_values // Gives a list of all current points.
- fast_fogvolume "0"
- filesystem_buffer_size "0" // Size of per file buffers. 0 for none
- filesystem_max_stdio_read "16"
- filesystem_native "1" // Use native FS or STDIO
- filesystem_report_buffered_io "0"
- filesystem_unbuffered_io "1"
- filesystem_use_overlapped_io "1"
- find // Find concommands with the specified string in their name/help text.
- findflags // Find concommands by flags.
- find_ent // Find and list all entities with classnames or targetnames that contain the specified substring. Format: find_ent <substring>
- find_ent_index // Display data for entity matching specified index. Format: find_ent_index <index>
- firetarget
- fire_absorbrate "3"
- fire_dmgbase "1"
- fire_dmginterval "1"
- fire_dmgscale "0"
- fire_extabsorb "5"
- fire_extscale "12"
- fire_growthrate "1"
- fire_heatscale "1"
- fire_incomingheatscale "0"
- fire_maxabsorb "50"
- firstperson // Switch to firstperson camera.
- fish_debug "0" // Show debug info for fish
- fish_dormant "0" // Turns off interactive fish behavior. Fish become immobile and unresponsive.
- flex_expression "0"
- flex_looktime "5"
- flex_maxawaytime "1"
- flex_maxplayertime "7"
- flex_minawaytime "0"
- flex_minplayertime "5"
- flex_rules "1" // Allow flex animation rules to run.
- flex_smooth "1" // Applies smoothing/decay curve to flex animation controller changes.
- flex_talk "0"
- flush // Flush unlocked cache memory.
- flush_locked // Flush unlocked and locked cache memory.
- fogui // Show/hide fog control UI.
- fog_color "-1"
- fog_colorskybox "-1"
- fog_enable "1"
- fog_enableskybox "1"
- fog_enable_water_fog "1"
- fog_end "-1"
- fog_endskybox "-1"
- fog_hdrcolorscale "-1"
- fog_hdrcolorscaleskybox "-1"
- fog_maxdensity "-1"
- fog_maxdensityskybox "-1"
- fog_override "0" // Overrides the maps fog settings (-1 populates fog_ vars with maps values)
- fog_start "-1"
- fog_startskybox "-1"
- fog_volume_debug "0" // prints diagnostic information about the current fog volume
- forcebind // Bind a command to an available key. (forcebind command opt:suggestedKey)
- force_centerview
- foundry_engine_get_mouse_control // Give the engine control of the mouse.
- foundry_engine_release_mouse_control // Give the control of the mouse back to Hammer.
- foundry_select_entity // Select the entity under the crosshair or select entities with the specified name.
- foundry_sync_hammer_view // Move Hammers 3D view to the same position as the engines 3D view.
- foundry_update_entity // Updates the entitys position/angles when in edit mode
- fov_desired "75" // Sets the base field-of-view.
- fps_max "100" // Frame rate limiter
- fps_max_splitscreen "300" // splitscreen
- free_pass_peek_debug "0"
- fs_clear_open_duplicate_times // Clear the list of files that have been opened.
- fs_dump_open_duplicate_times // Set fs_report_long_reads 1 before loading to use this. Prints a list of files that were opened more than once and ~how long was
- fs_monitor_read_from_pack "0" // 2:Sync only
- fs_printopenfiles // Show all files currently opened by the engine.
- fs_report_long_reads "0" // >1:Microsecond threashold
- fs_report_sync_opens "0" // 2:Not during load
- fs_syncdvddevcache // Force the 360 to get updated files that are in your p4 changelist(s) from the host PC when running with -dvddev.
- fs_warning_level // Set the filesystem warning level.
- fs_warning_mode "0" // 2:Warn other threads
- func_breakdmg_bullet "0"
- func_breakdmg_club "1"
- func_breakdmg_explosive "1"
- func_break_max_pieces "15"
- func_break_reduction_factor "0"
- fx_glass_velocity_cap "0" // Maximum downwards speed of shattered glass particles
- g15_dumpplayer // Spew player data.
- g15_reload // Reloads the Logitech G-15 Keyboard configs.
- g15_update_msec "250" // Logitech G-15 Keyboard update interval.
- gameinstructor_dump_open_lessons // Gives a list of all currently open lessons.
- gameinstructor_enable "1" // Display in game lessons that teach new players.
- gameinstructor_find_errors "0" // Set to 1 and the game instructor will run EVERY scripted command to uncover errors.
- gameinstructor_reload_lessons // Shuts down all open lessons and reloads them from the script file.
- gameinstructor_reset_counts // Resets all display and success counts to zero.
- gameinstructor_start_sound_cooldown "4" // Number of seconds forced between similar lesson start sounds.
- gameinstructor_verbose "0" // Set to 1 for standard debugging or 2 (in combo with gameinstructor_verbose_lesson) to show update actions.
- gameinstructor_verbose_lesson "0" // Display more verbose information for lessons have this name.
- gamestats_file_output_directory "0" // file will be emitted here instead of to modpath
- gameui_activate // Shows the game UI
- gameui_allowescape // Escape key allowed to hide game UI
- gameui_allowescapetoshow // Escape key allowed to show game UI
- gameui_hide // Hides the game UI
- gameui_preventescape // Escape key doesnt hide game UI
- gameui_preventescapetoshow // Escape key doesnt show game UI
- gameui_xbox "0"
- getpos // dump position and angles to the console
- getpos_exact // dump origin and angles to the console
- give // Give item to player. Arguments: <item_name>
- givecurrentammo // Give a supply of ammo for current weapon..
- global_event_log_enabled "0" // Enables the global event log system
- global_set // 2 = DEAD).
- glow_outline_effect_enable "1" // Enable entity outline glow effects.
- glow_outline_width "6" // Width of glow outline effect in screen space.
- gl_clear "0"
- gl_clear_randomcolor "0" // Clear the back buffer to random colors every frame. Helps spot open seams in geometry.
- god // Toggle. Player becomes invulnerable.
- gpu_level "0" // GPU Level - Default: High
- gpu_mem_level "2" // Memory Level - Default: High
- groundlist // Display ground entity list <index>
- g_ai_threadedgraphbuild "0" // use experimental threaded node graph building.
- g_debug_angularsensor "0"
- g_debug_basehelicopter "0"
- g_debug_constraint_sounds "0" // Enable debug printing about constraint sounds.
- g_debug_doors "0"
- g_debug_gunship "0"
- g_debug_npc_vehicle_roles "0"
- g_debug_ragdoll_removal "0"
- g_debug_ragdoll_visualize "0"
- g_debug_trackpather "0"
- g_debug_transitions "0" // Set to 1 and restart the map to be warned if the map has no trigger_transition volumes. Set to 2 to see a dump of all entities
- g_debug_vehiclebase "0"
- g_debug_vehicledriver "0"
- g_debug_vehicleexit "0"
- g_debug_vehiclesound "0"
- g_drone_maxgibs "16"
- g_helicopter_bomb_danger_radius "120"
- g_helicopter_bullrush_bomb_enemy_distance "0"
- g_helicopter_bullrush_bomb_speed "850" // The maximum distance the player can be from the chopper before it stops firing
- g_helicopter_bullrush_bomb_time "10"
- g_helicopter_bullrush_distance "5000"
- g_helicopter_bullrush_mega_bomb_health "0" // Fraction of the health of the chopper before it mega-bombs
- g_helicopter_bullrush_shoot_height "650" // The maximum distance the player can be from the chopper before it stops firing
- g_helicopter_chargetime "2" // How much time we have to wait (on average) between the time we start hearing the charging sound + the chopper fires
- g_helicopter_idletime "3" // How much time we have to wait (on average) after we fire before we can charge up again
- g_helicopter_maxfiringdist "2500" // The maximum distance the player can be from the chopper before it stops firing
- g_Language "0"
- g_ragdoll_fadespeed "600"
- g_ragdoll_important_maxcount "2"
- g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed "100"
- g_ragdoll_maxcount "8"
- hammer_update_entity // Updates the entitys position/angles when in edit mode
- hammer_update_safe_entities // Updates entities in the map that can safely be updated (dont have parents or are affected by constraints). Also excludes entit
- heartbeat // Force heartbeat of master servers
- help // Find help about a convar/concommand.
- hideconsole // Hide the console.
- hidehud "0"
- hidepanel // Hides a viewport panel <name>
- hl2_episodic "0"
- hostfile "0" // The HOST file to load.
- hostip "-1062686208.000" // Host game server ip
- hostname "0" // Hostname for server.
- hostport "27015" // Host game server port
- host_flush_threshold "12" // Memory threshold below which the host should flush caches between server instances
- host_framerate "0" // Set to lock per-frame time elapse.
- host_limitlocal "0" // Apply cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate to loopback connection
- host_map "0" // Current map name.
- host_profile "0"
- host_runofftime // Run off some time without rendering/updating sounds
- host_showcachemiss "0" // Print a debug message when the client or server cache is missed.
- host_ShowIPCCallCount "0" // the # of IPC calls is shown every frame.
- host_sleep "0" // Force the host to sleep a certain number of milliseconds each frame.
- host_speeds "0" // Show general system running times.
- host_threaded_sound "0" // Run the sound on a thread (independent of mix)
- host_timescale "1" // Prescale the clock by this amount.
- host_writeconfig // Store current settings to config.cfg (or specified .cfg file).
- host_writeconfig_ss // Store current settings to config.cfg (or specified .cfg file) with first param as splitscreen index.
- hud_autoreloadscript "0" // Automatically reloads the animation script each time one is ran
- hud_drawhistory_time "5"
- hud_fastswitch "0"
- hud_reloadscheme // Reloads hud layout and animation scripts.
- hud_saytext_time "12"
- hud_takesshots "0" // Auto-save a scoreboard screenshot at the end of a map.
- hunk_print_allocations
- hunk_track_allocation_types "0"
- hurtme // Hurts the player. Arguments: <health to lose>
- HurtMyMarine // Gives your marine 1-10 damage
- impulse
- incrementvar // Increment specified convar value.
- ingamebriefing // Shows the mission briefing panel
- invnext
- invprev
- in_forceuser "0" // Force user input to this split screen player.
- in_lock_mouse_to_window "1" // mouse will be locked inside the game window.
- in_usekeyboardsampletime "1" // Use keyboard sample time smoothing.
- ip "0" // Overrides IP for multihomed hosts
- joyadvancedupdate
- joystick "0" // false otherwise.
- joy_accelmax "1"
- joy_accelscale "0"
- joy_accel_filter "0"
- joy_advanced "0"
- joy_advaxisr "0"
- joy_advaxisu "0"
- joy_advaxisv "0"
- joy_advaxisx "0"
- joy_advaxisy "0"
- joy_advaxisz "0"
- joy_aim_to_movement_time "1" // Time before the player automatically aims in the direction of movement.
- joy_autoaimdampen "0" // How much to scale user stick input when the gun is pointing at a valid target.
- joy_autoaimdampenrange "0" // The stick range where autoaim dampening is applied. 0 = off
- joy_autoattack "0" // marine will fire when you push the right analogue stick
- joy_autoattack_angle "10" // Facing has to be within this many degrees of aim for the marine to auto fire
- joy_autoattack_threshold "0" // Threshold for joy_autoattack
- joy_autosprint "0" // Automatically sprint when moving with an analog joystick
- joy_axisbutton_threshold "0" // Analog axis range before a button press is registered.
- joy_cfg_preset "0"
- joy_circle_correct "1"
- joy_cursor_scale "1" // Cursor extent scale of joystick when used in targeting mode
- joy_cursor_speed "2" // Cursor speed of joystick when used in targeting mode
- joy_deadzone_mode "0" // 1 => Square deadzone.
- joy_diagonalpov "0" // too.
- joy_disable_movement_in_ui "1" // Disables joystick character movement when UI is active.
- joy_display_input "0"
- joy_forwardsensitivity "-1"
- joy_forwardthreshold "0"
- joy_inverty "0" // Whether to invert the Y axis of the joystick for looking.
- joy_lock_firing_angle "0" // your facing direction will be locked while firing instead of aiming to movement
- joy_lookspin_default "0"
- joy_lowend "1"
- joy_lowmap "1"
- joy_movement_stick "0" // Which stick controls movement (0 is left stick)
- joy_name "0"
- joy_pan_camera "0"
- joy_pegged "0"
- joy_pitchsensitivity "1"
- joy_pitchsensitivity_default "-1"
- joy_pitchthreshold "0"
- joy_radius_snap_factor "2" // Rate at which joystick targeting radius tracks the current cursor radius
- joy_response_look "0" // 1=Acceleration Promotion
- joy_response_move "1" // 1/sensitivity
- joy_response_move_vehicle "6"
- joy_sensitive_step0 "0"
- joy_sensitive_step1 "0"
- joy_sensitive_step2 "0"
- joy_sidesensitivity "1"
- joy_sidethreshold "0"
- joy_tilted_view "0" // Set to 1 when using maps with tilted view to rotate player movement.
- joy_variable_frametime "1"
- joy_vehicle_turn_lowend "0"
- joy_vehicle_turn_lowmap "0"
- joy_virtual_peg "0"
- joy_wingmanwarrior_centerhack "0" // Wingman warrior centering hack.
- joy_wingmanwarrior_turnhack "0" // Wingman warrior hack related to turn axes.
- joy_xcontroller_cfg_loaded "0" // the 360controller.cfg file will be executed on startup & option changes.
- joy_xcontroller_found "0" // Automatically set to 1 if an xcontroller has been detected.
- joy_yawsensitivity "-1"
- joy_yawsensitivity_default "-1"
- joy_yawthreshold "0"
- jpeg // Take a jpeg screenshot: jpeg <filename> <quality 1-100>.
- jpeg_quality "90" // jpeg screenshot quality.
- jump_jet_forward "320"
- jump_jet_height "150"
- kdtree_test // Tests spatial partition for entities queries.
- key_findbinding // Find key bound to specified command string.
- key_listboundkeys // List bound keys with bindings.
- key_updatelayout // Updates game keyboard layout to current windows keyboard setting.
- kick // Kick a player by name.
- kickid // with a message.
- kill // Kills the player with generic damage
- killserver // Shutdown the server.
- killvector // Kills a player applying force. Usage: killvector <player> <x value> <y value> <z value>
- kv_editor
- lastinv
- leaderboard_duplicate_entries "1"
- leaderboard_force_rank_show_interval "10"
- lightcache_maxmiss "2"
- lightprobe // Samples the lighting environment. Creates a cubemap and a file indicating the local lighting in a subdirectory called material
- light_crosshair // Show texture color at crosshair
- linefile // Parses map leak data from .lin file
- listdemo // List demo file contents.
- listid // Lists banned users.
- listip // List IP addresses on the ban list.
- listmarineresources // Shows contents of the marine resource array
- listmarineresources_server // Shows contents of the marine resources array
- listmodels // List loaded models.
- listobjectives // Shows names of objectives in the objectives array
- listRecentNPCSpeech // Displays a list of the last 5 lines of speech from NPCs.
- listroster // Shows which marines in the roster are selected
- listroster_server // Shows which marines in the roster are selected
- load // Load a saved game.
- loader_defer_non_critical_jobs "0"
- loader_dump_table
- loader_spew_info "0" // -1:All
- loader_throttle_io "1"
- locator_background_border_color "-2145509888.000" // The default color for the border.
- locator_background_border_thickness "2" // How many pixels the background borders the left and right.
- locator_background_color "-2147483648" // The default color for the background.
- locator_background_shift_x "3" // How many pixels the background is shifted right.
- locator_background_shift_y "1" // How many pixels the background is shifted down.
- locator_background_style "1" // Setting this to 1 will show rectangle backgrounds behind the items word-bubble pointers.
- locator_background_thickness_x "4" // How many pixels the background borders the left and right.
- locator_background_thickness_y "0" // How many pixels the background borders the top and bottom.
- locator_fade_time "0" // Number of seconds it takes for a lesson to fully fade in/out.
- locator_icon_max_size_non_ss "1" // Maximum scale of the icon on the screen
- locator_icon_min_size_non_ss "0" // Minimum scale of the icon on the screen
- locator_lerp_rest "0" // Number of seconds before moving from the center.
- locator_lerp_speed "5" // Speed that static lessons move along the Y axis.
- locator_lerp_time "1" // Number of seconds to lerp before reaching final destination
- locator_pulse_time "1" // Number of seconds to pulse after changing icon or position
- locator_split_len "0"
- locator_split_maxwide_percent "0"
- locator_start_at_crosshair "1" // Start position at the crosshair instead of the top middle of the screen.
- locator_target_offset_x "-75" // How many pixels to offset the locator from the target position.
- locator_target_offset_y "-110" // How many pixels to offset the locator from the target position.
- locator_text_drop_shadow "0" // a drop shadow is drawn behind caption text. PC only.
- locator_text_glow "1" // a glow is drawn behind caption text
- locator_text_glow_color "-2131044864.000" // Color of text glow
- locator_topdown_style "1" // Topdown games set this to handle distance and offscreen location differently.
- log // and udp < on | off >.
- logaddress_add // Set address and port for remote host <ip:port>.
- logaddress_del // Remove address and port for remote host <ip:port>.
- logaddress_delall // Remove all udp addresses being logged to
- logaddress_list // List all addresses currently being used by logaddress.
- log_color // Set the color of a logging channel.
- log_dumpchannels // Dumps information about all logging channels.
- log_flags // Set the flags on a logging channel.
- log_level // Set the spew level of a logging channel.
- lookspring "0"
- lookstrafe "0"
- lservercfgfile "0"
- make_game_friends_only // Changes access for the current game to friends only.
- make_game_public // Changes access for the current game to public.
- map // Start playing on specified map.
- mapcyclefile "0" // Name of the .txt file used to cycle the maps on multiplayer servers
- maps // Displays list of maps.
- map_background // Runs a map as the background to the main menu.
- map_commentary // on a specified map.
- map_edit
- map_noareas "0" // Disable area to area connection testing.
- MarineHealths // List health of all marines
- marinephysicsshadowupdate_render "0"
- marine_dispcoll_drawplane "0"
- mat_aaquality "0"
- mat_accelerate_adjust_exposure_down "3"
- mat_ambient_light_b "0"
- mat_ambient_light_b_forced "-1"
- mat_ambient_light_g "0"
- mat_ambient_light_g_forced "-1"
- mat_ambient_light_r "0"
- mat_ambient_light_r_forced "-1"
- mat_antialias "1"
- mat_autoexposure_max "2"
- mat_autoexposure_min "0"
- mat_bloomamount_rate "0"
- mat_bloomscale "2"
- mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar "1"
- mat_bufferprimitives "1"
- mat_bumpbasis "0"
- mat_bumpmap "0"
- mat_camerarendertargetoverlaysize "128"
- mat_clipz "1"
- mat_colcorrection_disableentities "0" // Disable map color-correction entities
- mat_colcorrection_editor "0"
- mat_colcorrection_forceentitiesclientside "0" // Forces color correction entities to be updated on the client
- mat_compressedtextures "1"
- mat_configcurrent // show the current video control panel config for the material system
- mat_crosshair // Display the name of the material under the crosshair
- mat_crosshair_edit // open the material under the crosshair in the editor defined by mat_crosshair_edit_editor
- mat_crosshair_explorer // open the material under the crosshair in explorer and highlight the vmt file
- mat_crosshair_printmaterial // print the material under the crosshair
- mat_crosshair_reloadmaterial // reload the material under the crosshair
- mat_debug // Activates debugging spew for a specific material.
- mat_debugalttab "0"
- mat_debugdepth "0"
- mat_debugdepthmode "0"
- mat_debugdepthval "128"
- mat_debugdepthvalmax "256"
- mat_debug_bloom "0"
- mat_debug_postprocessing_effects "0" // 2 = only apply post-processing to the centre of the screen
- mat_defaultlightmap "1" // Default brightness for lightmaps where none have been created in the level.
- mat_depthbias_shadowmap "0"
- mat_depth_blur_focal_distance_override "-1"
- mat_depth_blur_strength_override "-1"
- mat_dest_alpha_range "3000" // 1] range).
- mat_diffuse "1"
- mat_disable_bloom "0"
- mat_disable_fancy_blending "0"
- mat_disable_lightwarp "0"
- mat_displacementmap "1"
- mat_dof_enabled "1"
- mat_dof_far_blur_depth "1000"
- mat_dof_far_blur_radius "5"
- mat_dof_far_focus_depth "250"
- mat_dof_max_blur_radius "10"
- mat_dof_near_blur_depth "20"
- mat_dof_near_blur_radius "10"
- mat_dof_near_focus_depth "100"
- mat_dof_override "0"
- mat_dof_quality "0"
- mat_do_not_shrink_dynamic_vb "1" // Do not shrink the size of dynamic vertex buffers during map load/unload to save memory.
- mat_drawflat "0"
- mat_drawTexture "0" // Enable debug view texture
- mat_drawTextureScale "1" // Debug view texture scale
- mat_drawTitleSafe "0" // Enable title safe overlay
- mat_drawwater "1"
- mat_dynamiclightmaps "0"
- mat_dynamic_tonemapping "1"
- mat_edit // Bring up the material under the crosshair in the editor
- mat_envmapsize "128"
- mat_envmaptgasize "32"
- mat_excludetextures "0"
- mat_exposure_center_region_x "0"
- mat_exposure_center_region_y "0"
- mat_fastclip "0"
- mat_fastnobump "0"
- mat_fastspecular "1" // Enable/Disable specularity for visual testing. Will not reload materials and will not affect perf.
- mat_fillrate "0"
- mat_filterlightmaps "1"
- mat_filtertextures "1"
- mat_forceaniso "1"
- mat_forcedynamic "0"
- mat_forcehardwaresync "1"
- mat_force_bloom "0"
- mat_force_tonemap_scale "0"
- mat_framebuffercopyoverlaysize "128"
- mat_frame_sync_enable "1"
- mat_frame_sync_force_texture "0" // Force frame syncing to lock a managed texture.
- mat_freeze_leafvis "0" // updates every frame based on camera move
- mat_fullbright "0"
- mat_grain_enable "1"
- mat_grain_scale_override "1"
- mat_hdr_enabled // Report if HDR is enabled for debugging
- mat_hdr_level "2" // and 2 for full HDR on HDR maps.
- mat_hdr_manual_tonemap_rate "1"
- mat_hdr_tonemapscale "1" // 16 = eyes wide open.
- mat_hdr_uncapexposure "0"
- mat_hsv "0"
- mat_info // Shows material system info
- mat_leafvis "0" // Draw wireframe of current leaf
- mat_leafvis_draw_mask "-1" // bit 1: render PVS- an
- mat_levelflush "1"
- mat_lightmap_pfms "0" // Outputs .pfm files containing lightmap data for each lightmap page when a level exits.
- mat_loadtextures "1"
- mat_local_contrast_edge_scale_override "-1000"
- mat_local_contrast_enable "1"
- mat_local_contrast_midtone_mask_override "-1"
- mat_local_contrast_scale_override "0"
- mat_local_contrast_vignette_end_override "-1"
- mat_local_contrast_vignette_start_override "-1"
- mat_lpreview_mode "-1"
- mat_luxels "0"
- mat_maxframelatency "1"
- mat_max_worldmesh_vertices "65536"
- mat_measurefillrate "0"
- mat_mipmaptextures "1"
- mat_monitorgamma "2" // monitor gamma (typically 2.2 for CRT and 1.7 for LCD)
- mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled "0"
- mat_monitorgamma_tv_exp "2"
- mat_monitorgamma_tv_range_max "255"
- mat_monitorgamma_tv_range_min "16"
- mat_morphstats "0"
- mat_motion_blur_enabled "0"
- mat_motion_blur_falling_intensity "1"
- mat_motion_blur_falling_max "20"
- mat_motion_blur_falling_min "10"
- mat_motion_blur_forward_enabled "0"
- mat_motion_blur_percent_of_screen_max "4"
- mat_motion_blur_rotation_intensity "1"
- mat_motion_blur_strength "1"
- mat_non_hdr_bloom_scalefactor "0"
- mat_norendering "0"
- mat_normalmaps "0"
- mat_normals "0"
- mat_object_motion_blur_enable "0"
- mat_object_motion_blur_model_scale "1"
- mat_paint_enabled "0"
- mat_parallaxmap "1"
- mat_parallaxmapsamplesmax "50"
- mat_parallaxmapsamplesmin "12"
- mat_phong "0"
- mat_picmip "-1"
- mat_postprocess_enable "1"
- mat_postprocess_x "4"
- mat_postprocess_y "1"
- mat_processtoolvars "1"
- mat_proxy "0"
- mat_queue_mode "-1" // 2=queued
- mat_queue_priority "1"
- mat_reloadallmaterials // Reloads all materials
- mat_reloadmaterial // Reloads a single material
- mat_reloadtextures // Reloads all textures
- mat_remoteshadercompile "0"
- mat_reporthwmorphmemory // Reports the amount of size in bytes taken up by hardware morph textures.
- mat_report_queue_status "0"
- mat_reversedepth "0"
- mat_savechanges // saves current video configuration to the registry
- mat_screen_blur_override "-1"
- mat_setvideomode // windowed state of the material system
- mat_shadercount // display count of all shaders and reset that count
- mat_shadowstate "1"
- mat_showcamerarendertarget "0"
- mat_showenvmapmask "0"
- mat_showframebuffertexture "0"
- mat_showlightmappage "-1"
- mat_showlowresimage "0"
- mat_showmaterials // Show materials.
- mat_showmaterialsverbose // Show materials (verbose version).
- mat_showmiplevels "0" // 1: everything else
- mat_showtextures // Show used textures.
- mat_showwatertextures "0"
- mat_show_histogram "0"
- mat_show_texture_memory_usage "0" // Display the texture memory usage on the HUD.
- mat_slopescaledepthbias_shadowmap "4"
- mat_softwarelighting "0"
- mat_softwareskin "0"
- mat_software_aa_blur_one_pixel_lines "0" // (1.0 - lots)
- mat_software_aa_debug "0" // (2 - show anti-a
- mat_software_aa_edge_threshold "1" // Software AA - adjusts the sensitivity of the software AA shaders edge detection (default 1.0 - a lower value will soften more
- mat_software_aa_quality "0" // (1 - 9-tap filter)
- mat_software_aa_strength "-1" // Software AA - perform a software anti-aliasing post-process (an alternative/supplement to MSAA). This value sets the strength o
- mat_software_aa_strength_vgui "-1" // but forced to this value when called by the post vgui AA pass.
- mat_software_aa_tap_offset "1" // Software AA - adjusts the displacement of the taps used by the software AA shader (default 1.0 - a lower value will make the im
- mat_specular "0" // Enable/Disable specularity for perf testing. Will cause a material reload upon change.
- mat_spewalloc "0"
- mat_spewvertexandpixelshaders // Print all vertex and pixel shaders currently loaded to the console
- mat_spew_long_frames "0" // warn about frames that go over 66ms for CERT purposes.
- mat_stub "0"
- mat_suppress // Supress a material from drawing
- mat_surfaceid "0"
- mat_surfacemat "0"
- mat_tessellationlevel "6"
- mat_tessellation_accgeometrytangents "0"
- mat_tessellation_cornertangents "1"
- mat_tessellation_update_buffers "1"
- mat_texture_limit "-1" // the material system will limit the amount of texture memory it uses in a frame. Useful for identifying
- mat_texture_list "0" // show a list of used textures per frame
- mat_texture_list_all "0" // then the texture list panel will show all currently-loaded textures.
- mat_texture_list_all_frames "2" // How many frames to sample texture memory for all textures.
- mat_texture_list_exclude // save - saves exclude list file
- mat_texture_list_exclude_editing "0"
- mat_texture_list_txlod // -1 to dec resolution
- mat_texture_list_txlod_sync // save - saves all changes to material content files
- mat_texture_list_view "1" // then the texture list panel will render thumbnails of currently-loaded textures.
- mat_tonemapping_occlusion_use_stencil "0"
- mat_tonemap_algorithm "1" // 0 = Original Algorithm 1 = New Algorithm
- mat_tonemap_min_avglum "3"
- mat_tonemap_percent_bright_pixels "2"
- mat_tonemap_percent_target "60"
- mat_triplebuffered "1" // This means we want triple buffering if we are fullscreen and vsyncd
- mat_use_compressed_hdr_textures "1"
- mat_viewportscale "1" // Scale down the main viewport (to reduce GPU impact on CPU profiling)
- mat_vignette_enable "1"
- mat_vsync "1" // Force sync to vertical retrace
- mat_wateroverlaysize "128"
- mat_wireframe "0"
- mat_yuv "0"
- maxplayers // Change the maximum number of players allowed on this server.
- memory // Print memory stats.
- memory_diff // show memory stats relative to snapshot
- memory_list // dump memory list (linux only)
- memory_mark // snapshot current allocation status
- memory_status // show memory stats (linux only)
- mem_compact
- mem_dump // Dump memory stats to text file.
- mem_dumpstats "0" // Dump current and max heap usage info to console at end of frame ( set to 2 for continuous output )
- mem_dumpvballocs // Dump VB memory allocation stats.
- mem_eat
- mem_force_flush "0" // Force cache flush of unlocked resources on every alloc
- mem_force_flush_section "0" // Cache section to restrict mem_force_flush
- mem_incremental_compact
- mem_incremental_compact_rate "0" // Rate at which to attempt internal heap compation
- mem_level "2" // Memory Level - Default: High
- mem_max_heapsize "256" // Maximum amount of memory to dedicate to engine hunk and datacache (in mb)
- mem_max_heapsize_dedicated "64" // for dedicated server (in mb)
- mem_min_heapsize "48" // Minimum amount of memory to dedicate to engine hunk and datacache (in mb)
- mem_periodicdumps "0" // Write periodic memstats dumps every n seconds.
- mem_test
- mem_test_each_frame "0" // Run heap check at end of every frame
- mem_test_every_n_seconds "0" // Run heap check at a specified interval
- mem_test_quiet "0" // Dont print stats when memtesting
- mem_vcollide // Dumps the memory used by vcollides
- mem_verify // Verify the validity of the heap
- menuselect // menuselect
- miniprofiler_dump "0"
- minisave // Saves game (for current level only!)
- mission_reload // Reload mission metadata
- mm_datacenter_debugprint // Shows information retrieved from data center
- mm_debugprint // Show debug information about current matchmaking session
- mm_dedicated_force_servers "0" // Comma delimited list of ip:port of servers used to search for dedicated servers instead of searching for public servers. Use sy
- mm_dedicated_search_maxping "150" // Longest preferred ping to dedicated servers for games
- mm_dlcs_mask_extras "0"
- mm_dlcs_mask_fake "0"
- mm_heartbeat_seconds "300"
- mm_heartbeat_seconds_xlsp "60"
- mm_heartbeat_timeout "10"
- mm_heartbeat_timeout_legacy "15"
- mm_matchmaking_dlcsquery "2"
- mm_matchmaking_version "9"
- mm_max_players "4" // Max players for matchmaking system
- mm_server_search_lan_ports "27015" // Ports to scan during LAN games discovery. Also used to discover and correctly connect to dedicated LAN servers behind NATs.
- mm_tu_string "0"
- mod_check_vcollide "0" // Check all vcollides on load
- mod_dont_load_vertices "0" // supress loading model vertex data
- mod_forcedata "1" // Forces all model file data into cache on model load.
- mod_forcetouchdata "1" // Forces all model file data into cache on model load.
- mod_load_anims_async "0"
- mod_load_fakestall "0" // Forces all ANI file loading to stall for specified ms
- mod_load_mesh_async "0"
- mod_load_showstall "0" // 2 - show stalls
- mod_load_vcollide_async "0"
- mod_lock_mdls_on_load "1"
- mod_lock_meshes_on_load "1"
- mod_test_mesh_not_available "0"
- mod_test_not_available "0"
- mod_test_verts_not_available "0"
- mod_touchalldata "1" // Touch model data during level startup
- mod_trace_load "0"
- morph_debug "0"
- morph_path "7"
- motdfile "0" // The MOTD file to load.
- movie_fixwave // etc.
- mp_allowNPCs "1"
- mp_allowspectators "1" // toggles whether the server allows spectator mode or not
- mp_autocrosshair "1"
- mp_bonusroundtime "15" // Time after round win until round restarts
- mp_chattime "10" // amount of time players can chat after the game is over
- mp_clan_readyrestart "0" // game will restart once someone from each team gives the ready signal
- mp_clan_ready_signal "0" // Text that team leader from each team must speak for the match to begin
- mp_defaultteam "0"
- mp_disable_autokick // Prevents a userid from being auto-kicked
- mp_disable_respawn_times "0"
- mp_fadetoblack "0" // fade a players screen to black when he dies
- mp_falldamage "0"
- mp_flashlight "0"
- mp_footsteps "1"
- mp_forcecamera "1" // Restricts spectator modes for dead players
- mp_forcerespawn "1"
- mp_fraglimit "0"
- mp_friendlyfire "0" // Allows team members to injure other members of their team
- mp_maxrounds "0" // max number of rounds to play before server changes maps
- mp_respawnwavetime "10" // Time between respawn waves.
- mp_restartgame "0" // game will restart in the specified number of seconds
- mp_teamlist "0"
- mp_teamoverride "1"
- mp_teamplay "0"
- mp_teams_unbalance_limit "1" // Teams are unbalanced when one team has this many more players than the other team. (0 disables check)
- mp_timelimit "0" // game time per map in minutes
- mp_tournament "0"
- mp_usehwmmodels "-1" // 0 = based upon GPU)
- mp_usehwmvcds "-1" // 0 = based upon GPU)
- mp_waitingforplayers_cancel "0" // Set to 1 to end the WaitingForPlayers period.
- mp_waitingforplayers_restart "0" // Set to 1 to start or restart the WaitingForPlayers period.
- mp_waitingforplayers_time "0" // WaitingForPlayers time length in seconds
- mp_weaponstay "0"
- mp_winlimit "0" // Max score one team can reach before server changes maps
- multvar // Multiply specified convar value.
- muzzleflash_light "1"
- m_customaccel "0" // 2 enable with separate yaw/pitch rescale). Formula: mousesensitivity = ( raw
- m_customaccel_exponent "1" // Mouse move is raised to this power before being scaled by scale factor.
- m_customaccel_max "0" // 0 for no limit
- m_customaccel_scale "0" // Custom mouse acceleration value.
- m_filter "0" // Mouse filtering (set this to 1 to average the mouse over 2 frames).
- m_forward "1" // Mouse forward factor.
- m_mouseaccel1 "0" // Windows mouse acceleration initial threshold (2x movement).
- m_mouseaccel2 "0" // Windows mouse acceleration secondary threshold (4x movement).
- m_mousespeed "1" // Windows mouse speed factor (range 1 to 20).
- m_pitch "0" // Mouse pitch factor.
- m_side "0" // Mouse side factor.
- m_yaw "0" // Mouse yaw factor.
- name "0" // Current user name
- nav_add_to_selected_set // Add current area to the selected set.
- nav_add_to_selected_set_by_id // Add specified area id to the selected set.
- nav_analyze // Re-analyze the current Navigation Mesh and save it to disk.
- nav_area_bgcolor "503316480" // RGBA color to draw as the background color for nav areas while editing.
- nav_area_max_size "50" // Max area size created in nav generation
- nav_avoid // Toggles the avoid this area when possible flag used by the AI system.
- nav_begin_area // drag the opposite corner to the desired location and
- nav_begin_deselecting // Start continuously removing from the selected set.
- nav_begin_drag_deselecting // Start dragging a selection area.
- nav_begin_drag_selecting // Start dragging a selection area.
- nav_begin_selecting // Start continuously adding to the selected set.
- nav_begin_shift_xy // Begin shifting the Selected Set.
- nav_build_ladder // Attempts to build a nav ladder on the climbable surface under the cursor.
- nav_check_file_consistency // Scans the maps directory and reports any missing/out-of-date navigation files.
- nav_check_floor // Updates the blocked/unblocked status for every nav area.
- nav_check_stairs // Update the nav mesh STAIRS attribute
- nav_chop_selected // Chops all selected areas into their component 1x1 areas
- nav_clear_attribute // Remove given nav attribute from all areas in the selected set.
- nav_clear_selected_set // Clear the selected set.
- nav_clear_walkable_marks // Erase any previously placed walkable positions.
- nav_compress_id // Re-orders area and ladder IDs so they are continuous.
- nav_connect // then invoke the connect command. Note that this creates a
- nav_coplanar_slope_limit "0"
- nav_coplanar_slope_limit_displacement "0"
- nav_corner_adjust_adjacent "18" // radius used to raise/lower corners in nearby areas when raising/lowering corners.
- nav_corner_lower // Lower the selected corner of the currently marked Area.
- nav_corner_place_on_ground // Places the selected corner of the currently marked Area on the ground.
- nav_corner_raise // Raise the selected corner of the currently marked Area.
- nav_corner_select // Select a corner of the currently marked Area. Use multiple times to access all four corners.
- nav_create_area_at_feet "0" // Anchor nav_begin_area Z to editing players feet
- nav_create_place_on_ground "0" // nav areas will be placed flush with the ground when created by hand.
- nav_crouch // Toggles the must crouch in this area flag used by the AI system.
- nav_debug_blocked "0"
- nav_delete // Deletes the currently highlighted Area.
- nav_delete_marked // Deletes the currently marked Area (if any).
- nav_disconnect // then invoke the disconnect command. This will remove all connec
- nav_displacement_test "10000" // Checks for nodes embedded in displacements (useful for in-development maps)
- nav_dont_hide // Toggles the area is not suitable for hiding spots flag used by the AI system.
- nav_drag_selection_volume_zmax_offset "32" // The offset of the nav drag volume top from center
- nav_drag_selection_volume_zmin_offset "32" // The offset of the nav drag volume bottom from center
- nav_draw_limit "500" // The maximum number of areas to draw in edit mode
- nav_edit "0" // Set to one to interactively edit the Navigation Mesh. Set to zero to leave edit mode.
- nav_end_area // Defines the second corner of a new Area or Ladder and creates it.
- nav_end_deselecting // Stop continuously removing from the selected set.
- nav_end_drag_deselecting // Stop dragging a selection area.
- nav_end_drag_selecting // Stop dragging a selection area.
- nav_end_selecting // Stop continuously adding to the selected set.
- nav_end_shift_xy // Finish shifting the Selected Set.
- nav_flood_select // use this command again.
- nav_generate // Generate a Navigation Mesh for the current map and save it to disk.
- nav_generate_fencetops "1" // Autogenerate nav areas on fence and obstacle tops
- nav_generate_fixup_jump_areas "1" // Convert obsolete jump areas into 2-way connections
- nav_generate_incremental // Generate a Navigation Mesh for the current map and save it to disk.
- nav_generate_incremental_range "2000"
- nav_generate_incremental_tolerance "0" // Z tolerance for adding new nav areas.
- nav_gen_cliffs_approx // post-processing approximation
- nav_jump // Toggles the traverse this area by jumping flag used by the AI system.
- nav_ladder_flip // Flips the selected ladders direction.
- nav_load // Loads the Navigation Mesh for the current map.
- nav_lower_drag_volume_max // Lower the top of the drag select volume.
- nav_lower_drag_volume_min // Lower the bottom of the drag select volume.
- nav_make_sniper_spots // Chops the marked area into disconnected sub-areas suitable for sniper spots.
- nav_mark // Marks the Area or Ladder under the cursor for manipulation by subsequent editing commands.
- nav_mark_attribute // Set nav attribute for all areas in the selected set.
- nav_mark_unnamed // Mark an Area with no Place name. Useful for finding stray areas missed when Place Painting.
- nav_mark_walkable // Mark the current location as a walkable position. These positions are used as seed locations when sampling the map to generate
- nav_max_view_distance "0" // Maximum range for precomputed nav mesh visibility (0 = default 1500 units)
- nav_max_vis_delta_list_length "64"
- nav_merge // and invoke the merge comm
- nav_merge_mesh // Merges a saved selected set into the current mesh.
- nav_no_hostages // Toggles the hostages cannot use this area flag used by the AI system.
- nav_no_jump // Toggles the dont jump in this area flag used by the AI system.
- nav_place_floodfill // and flood-fills the Place to all adjacent Areas. Flood-filli
- nav_place_list // Lists all place names used in the map.
- nav_place_pick // Sets the current Place to the Place of the Area under the cursor.
- nav_place_replace // Replaces all instances of the first place with the second place.
- nav_place_set // Sets the Place of all selected areas to the current Place.
- nav_potentially_visible_dot_tolerance "0"
- nav_precise // Toggles the dont avoid obstacles flag used by the AI system.
- nav_quicksave "1" // Set to one to skip the time consuming phases of the analysis. Useful for data collection and testing.
- nav_raise_drag_volume_max // Raise the top of the drag select volume.
- nav_raise_drag_volume_min // Raise the bottom of the drag select volume.
- nav_recall_selected_set // Re-selects the stored selected set.
- nav_remove_from_selected_set // Remove current area from the selected set.
- nav_remove_jump_areas // replacing them with connections.
- nav_run // Toggles the traverse this area by running flag used by the AI system.
- nav_save // Saves the current Navigation Mesh to disk.
- nav_save_selected // Writes the selected set to disk for merging into another mesh via nav_merge_mesh.
- nav_selected_set_border_color "-16751516" // Color used to draw the selected set borders while editing.
- nav_selected_set_color "1623785472.000" // Color used to draw the selected set background while editing.
- nav_select_blocked_areas // Adds all blocked areas to the selected set
- nav_select_damaging_areas // Adds all damaging areas to the selected set
- nav_select_half_space // Selects any areas that intersect the given half-space.
- nav_select_invalid_areas // Adds all invalid areas to the Selected Set.
- nav_select_obstructed_areas // Adds all obstructed areas to the selected set
- nav_select_overlapping // Selects nav areas that are overlapping others.
- nav_select_radius // Adds all areas in a radius to the selection set
- nav_select_stairs // Adds all stairway areas to the selected set
- nav_set_place_mode // Sets the editor into or out of Place mode. Place mode allows labelling of Area with Place names.
- nav_shift // Shifts the selected areas by the specified amount
- nav_show_approach_points "0" // Show Approach Points in the Navigation Mesh.
- nav_show_area_info "0" // Duration in seconds to show nav area ID and attributes while editing
- nav_show_compass "0"
- nav_show_continguous "0" // Highlight non-contiguous connections
- nav_show_danger "0" // Show current danger levels.
- nav_show_light_intensity "0"
- nav_show_nodes "0"
- nav_show_node_grid "0"
- nav_show_node_id "0"
- nav_show_player_counts "0" // Show current player counts in each area.
- nav_show_potentially_visible "0" // Show areas that are potentially visible from the current nav area
- nav_simplify_selected // Chops all selected areas into their component 1x1 areas and re-merges them together into larger areas
- nav_slope_limit "0" // The ground unit normals Z component must be greater than this for nav areas to be generated.
- nav_slope_tolerance "0" // The ground unit normals Z component must be this close to the nav areas Z component to be generated.
- nav_snap_to_grid "0" // Snap to the nav generation grid when creating new nav areas
- nav_solid_props "0" // Make props solid to nav generation/editing
- nav_splice // connected area between them.
- nav_split // align the split line using your cursor and invoke the split command.
- nav_split_place_on_ground "0" // nav areas will be placed flush with the ground when split.
- nav_stand // Toggles the stand while hiding flag used by the AI system.
- nav_stop // Toggles the must stop when entering this area flag used by the AI system.
- nav_store_selected_set // Stores the current selected set for later retrieval.
- nav_strip // and Encounter Spots from the current Area.
- nav_subdivide // Subdivides all selected areas.
- nav_test_node "0"
- nav_test_node_crouch "0"
- nav_test_node_crouch_dir "4"
- nav_test_stairs // Test the selected set for being on stairs
- nav_toggle_deselecting // Start or stop continuously removing from the selected set.
- nav_toggle_in_selected_set // Remove current area from the selected set.
- nav_toggle_place_mode // Toggle the editor into and out of Place mode. Place mode allows labelling of Area with Place names.
- nav_toggle_place_painting // pointing at an Area will paint it with the current Place.
- nav_toggle_selected_set // Toggles all areas into/out of the selected set.
- nav_toggle_selecting // Start or stop continuously adding to the selected set.
- nav_transient // Toggles the area is transient and may become blocked flag used by the AI system.
- nav_unmark // Clears the marked Area or Ladder.
- nav_update_blocked // Updates the blocked/unblocked status for every nav area.
- nav_update_lighting // Recomputes lighting values
- nav_update_visibility_on_edit "0" // If nonzero editing the mesh will incrementally recompue visibility
- nav_use_place // the current Place is set.
- nav_walk // Toggles the traverse this area by walking flag used by the AI system.
- nav_warp_to_mark // Warps the player to the marked area.
- nav_world_center // Centers the nav mesh in the world
- net_allow_multicast "1"
- net_blockmsg "0" // Discards incoming message: <0|1|name>
- net_channels // Shows net channel info
- net_compressvoice "0" // Attempt to compress out of band voice payloads (360 only).
- net_drawslider "0" // Draw completion slider during signon
- net_droppackets "0" // Drops next n packets on client
- net_dumpeventstats // Dumps out a report of game event network usage
- net_dumptest "0"
- net_fakejitter "0" // Jitter fakelag packet time
- net_fakelag "0" // Lag all incoming network data (including loopback) by this many milliseconds.
- net_fakeloss "0" // Simulate packet loss as a percentage (negative means drop 1/n packets)
- net_graph "0" // = 3 draws payload legend.
- net_graphheight "64" // Height of netgraph panel
- net_graphmsecs "400" // The latency graph represents this many milliseconds.
- net_graphpos "1"
- net_graphproportionalfont "1" // Determines whether netgraph font is proportional or not
- net_graphshowinterp "1" // Draw the interpolation graph.
- net_graphshowlatency "1" // Draw the ping/packet loss graph.
- net_graphsolid "1"
- net_graphtext "1" // Draw text fields
- net_maxcleartime "4" // Max # of seconds we can wait for next packets to be sent based on rate setting (0 == no limit).
- net_maxfilesize "16" // Maximum allowed file size for uploading in MB
- net_maxfragments "1200" // Max fragment bytes per packet
- net_maxroutable "1200" // Requested max packet size before packets are split.
- net_megasnapshot "1"
- net_paranoid "1"
- net_public_adr "0" // this is the public facing ip address string: (x.x.x.x
- net_queued_packet_thread "1" // Use a high priority thread to send queued packets out instead of sending them each frame.
- net_queue_trace "0"
- net_scale "5"
- net_showeventlisteners "0" // Show listening addition/removals
- net_showevents "0" // 2=all).
- net_showfragments "0" // Show netchannel fragments
- net_showpeaks "0" // Show messages for large packets only: <size>
- net_showreliablesounds "0"
- net_showsplits "0" // Show info about packet splits
- net_showtcp "0" // Dump TCP stream summary to console
- net_showudp "0" // Dump UDP packets summary to console
- net_showudp_remoteonly "0" // Dump non-loopback udp only
- net_showusercmd "0" // Show user command encoding
- net_splitpacket_maxrate "15000" // Max bytes per second when queueing splitpacket chunks
- net_splitrate "1" // Number of fragments for a splitpacket that can be sent per frame
- net_start // Inits multiplayer network sockets
- net_status // Shows current network status
- net_steamcnx_allowrelay "1" // Allow steam connections to attempt to use relay servers as fallback (best if specified on command line: +net_steamcnx_allowrel
- net_steamcnx_debug "1" // 2 shows all network traffic for steam sockets.
- net_steamcnx_enabled "1" // 2 forces use of steam connections instead of raw UDP.
- net_steamcnx_status // Print status of steam connection sockets.
- net_usesocketsforloopback "0" // Use network sockets layer even for listen server local players packets (multiplayer only).
- next "0" // Set to 1 to advance to next frame ( when singlestep == 1 )
- nextdemo // Play next demo in sequence.
- nextlevel "0" // will change to this map during the next changelevel
- noclip // Toggle. Player becomes non-solid and flies. Optional argument of 0 or 1 to force enable/disable
- noclip_fixup "1"
- notarget // Toggle. Player becomes hidden to NPCs.
- npc_ally_deathmessage "1"
- npc_ammo_deplete // Subtracts half of the targets ammo
- npc_bipass // s
- npc_combat // Displays text debugging information about the squad and enemy of the selected NPC (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {npc_name}
- npc_conditions // Displays all the current AI conditions that an NPC has in the overlay text. Arguments: {npc_name} / {npc class_name} / no a
- npc_create // Creates an NPC of the given type where the player is looking (if the given NPC can actually stand at that location). Argumen
- npc_create_aimed // Creates an NPC aimed away from the player of the given type where the player is looking (if the given NPC can actually stand at
- npc_create_equipment "0"
- npc_destroy // Removes the given NPC(s) from the universe Arguments: {npc_name} / {npc_class_name} / no argument picks what player is looki
- npc_destroy_unselected // Removes all NPCs from the universe that arent currently selected
- npc_enemies // Shows memory of NPC. Draws an X on top of each memory. Eluded entities drawn in blue (dont know where it went) Unreachable
- npc_focus // Displays red line to NPCs enemy (if has one) and blue line to NPCs target entity (if has one) Arguments: {npc_name} / {np
- npc_freeze // uses the NPC under the crosshair. Arguments
- npc_freeze_unselected // Freeze all NPCs not selected
- npc_go // Selected NPC(s) will go to the location that the player is looking (shown with a purple box) Arguments: -none-
- npc_go_do_run "1" // Set whether should run on NPC go
- npc_go_random // Sends all selected NPC(s) to a random node. Arguments: -none-
- npc_heal // Heals the target back to full health
- npc_height_adjust "1" // Enable test mode for ik height adjustment
- npc_kill // Kills the given NPC(s) Arguments: {npc_name} / {npc_class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at
- npc_nearest // Draws a while box around the NPC(s) nearest node Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player i
- npc_relationships // Displays the relationships between this NPC and all others. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks wha
- npc_reset // Reloads schedules for all NPCs from their script files Arguments: -none-
- npc_route // Displays the current route of the given NPC as a line on the screen. Waypoints along the route are drawn as small cyan rectang
- npc_select // Select or deselects the given NPC(s) for later manipulation. Selected NPCs are shown surrounded by a red translucent box Arg
- npc_sentences "0"
- npc_set_freeze // uses the NPC under the crosshair. Arguments
- npc_set_freeze_unselected // Freeze all NPCs not selected
- npc_speakall // Force the npc to try and speak all their responses
- npc_squads // Obsolete. Replaced by npc_combat
- npc_steering // Displays the steering obstructions of the NPC (used to perform local avoidance) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / n
- npc_steering_all // Displays the steering obstructions of all NPCs (used to perform local avoidance)
- npc_tasks // Displays detailed text debugging information about the all the tasks of the selected NPC current schedule (See Overlay Text) A
- npc_task_text // Outputs text debugging information to the console about the all the tasks + break conditions of the selected NPC current schedu
- npc_teleport // Selected NPC will teleport to the location that the player is looking (shown with a purple box) Arguments: -none-
- npc_thinknow // Trigger NPC to think
- npc_viewcone // Displays the viewcone of the NPC (where they are currently looking and what the extents of there vision is) Arguments: {ent
- npc_vphysics "0"
- old_radiusdamage "0"
- openserverbrowser // Opens server browser
- option_duck_method "1"
- overview_alpha "1" // Overview map translucency.
- overview_health "1" // Show players health in map overview.
- overview_locked "1" // doesnt follow view angle.
- overview_mode // large: <0|1|2>
- overview_names "1" // Show players names in map overview.
- overview_tracks "1" // Show players tracks in map overview.
- overview_zoom // Sets overview map zoom: <zoom> [<time>] [rel]
- paintmap_scale "1"
- paint_sample_size "4"
- panel_test_title_safe "0" // Test vgui panel positioning with title safe indentation
- particle_simulateoverflow "0" // Used for stress-testing particle systems. Randomly denies creation of particles.
- particle_sim_alt_cores "2"
- particle_test_attach_attachment "0" // Attachment index for attachment mode
- particle_test_attach_mode "0" // follow_origin
- particle_test_file "0" // Name of the particle system to dynamically spawn
- particle_test_start // particle_test_attach_mode and particl
- particle_test_stop // Stops all particle systems on the selected entities. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what playe
- password "0" // Current server access password
- path // Show the engine filesystem path.
- pause // Toggle the server pause state.
- perfui // Show/hide the level performance tools UI.
- perfvisualbenchmark
- perfvisualbenchmark_abort
- phonemedelay "0" // Phoneme delay to account for sound system latency.
- phonemefilter "0" // Time duration of box filter to pass over phonemes.
- phonemesnap "2" // regardless of duration.
- physicsshadowupdate_render "0"
- physics_budget // Times the cost of each active object
- physics_constraints // Highlights constraint system graph for an entity
- physics_debug_entity // Dumps debug info for an entity
- physics_highlight_active // Turns on the absbox for all active physics objects
- physics_report_active // Lists all active physics objects
- physics_select // Dumps debug info for an entity
- PhysPMC "0"
- phys_enable_query_cache "1"
- phys_impactforcescale "1"
- phys_penetration_error_time "10" // Controls the duration of vphysics penetration error boxes.
- phys_pushscale "1"
- phys_speeds "0"
- phys_stressbodyweights "5"
- phys_timescale "1" // Scale time for physics
- phys_upimpactforcescale "0"
- picker // pivot and debugging text is displayed for whatever entity the play
- ping // Display ping to server.
- pingserver // Ping a server for info
- ping_max_green "70"
- ping_max_red "250"
- ping_max_yellow "140"
- pipeline_static_props "1"
- pixelvis_debug // Dump debug info
- play // Play a sound.
- playdemo // Play a recorded demo file (.dem ).
- playerlist // Shows the player list and allows voting
- player_debug_print_damage "0" // print amount and type of all damage received by player to console.
- player_old_armor "0"
- playflush // reloading from disk in case of changes.
- playgamesound // Play a sound from the game sounds txt file
- playsoundscape // Forces a soundscape to play
- playvideo // Plays a video: <filename> [width height]
- playvideo_exitcommand // Plays a video and fires and exit command when it is stopped or finishes: <filename> <exit command>
- playvideo_exitcommand_nointerrupt // Plays a video (without interruption) and fires and exit command when it is stopped or finishes: <filename> <exit command>
- playvideo_nointerrupt // Plays a video without ability to skip: <filename> [width height]
- playvol // Play a sound at a specified volume.
- plugin_load // plugin_load <filename> : loads a plugin
- plugin_pause // plugin_pause <index> : pauses a loaded plugin
- plugin_pause_all // pauses all loaded plugins
- plugin_print // Prints details about loaded plugins
- plugin_unload // plugin_unload <index> : unloads a plugin
- plugin_unpause // plugin_unpause <index> : unpauses a disabled plugin
- plugin_unpause_all // unpauses all disabled plugins
- print_colorcorrection // Display the color correction layer information.
- progress_enable
- props_break_max_pieces "50" // Maximum prop breakable piece count (-1 = model default)
- props_break_max_pieces_perframe "-1" // Maximum prop breakable piece count per frame (-1 = model default)
- prop_active_gib_limit "999999"
- prop_active_gib_max_fade_time "999999"
- prop_crosshair // Shows name for prop looking at
- prop_debug // props will show colorcoded bounding boxes. Red means ignore all damage. White means respond phys
- prop_dynamic_create // Creates a dynamic prop with a specific .mdl aimed away from where the player is looking. Arguments: {.mdl name}
- prop_physics_create // Creates a physics prop with a specific .mdl aimed away from where the player is looking. Arguments: {.mdl name}
- pwatchent "-1" // Entity to watch for prediction system changes.
- pwatchvar "0" // Entity variable to watch in prediction system for changes.
- quit // Exit the engine.
- radialmenu // Opens a radial menu
- ragdoll_sleepaftertime "5" // the ragdoll will go to sleep.
- rate "30000" // Max bytes/sec the host can receive data
- rcon // Issue an rcon command.
- rcon_address "0" // Address of remote server if sending unconnected rcon commands (format x.x.x.x:p)
- rcon_password "0" // remote console password.
- recompute_speed // Recomputes clock speed (for debugging purposes).
- record // Record a demo.
- record_tga_interval "1" // How often to save screenshots when using startmovie. A value of 1 will save every frame. A value of 2 will save every other f
- reload // Reload the most recent saved game (add setpos to jump to current view position on reload).
- reload_materials "0"
- remote_bug // Starts a bug report with data from the currently connected rcon machine
- removeid // Remove a user ID from the ban list.
- removeip // Remove an IP address from the ban list.
- report_cliententitysim "0" // List all clientside simulations and time - will report and turn itself off.
- report_clientthinklist "0" // List all clientside entities thinking and time - will report and turn itself off.
- report_entities // Lists all entities
- report_simthinklist // Lists all simulating/thinking entities
- report_soundpatch // reports sound patch count
- report_touchlinks // Lists all touchlinks
- reset_gameconvars // Reset a bunch of game convars to default values
- respawn_entities // Respawn all the entities in the map.
- restart // Restart the game on the same level (add setpos to jump to current view position on restart).
- res_restrict_access "0"
- retry // Retry connection to last server.
- room_type "0"
- rope_averagelight "1" // Makes ropes use average of cubemap lighting instead of max intensity.
- rope_collide "1" // Collide rope with the world
- rope_min_pixel_diameter "2"
- rope_rendersolid "1"
- rope_shake "0"
- rope_smooth "1" // Do an antialiasing effect on ropes
- rope_smooth_enlarge "1" // How much to enlarge ropes in screen space for antialiasing effect
- rope_smooth_maxalpha "0" // Alpha for rope antialiasing effect
- rope_smooth_maxalphawidth "1"
- rope_smooth_minalpha "0" // Alpha for rope antialiasing effect
- rope_smooth_minwidth "0" // this is the min screenspace width it lets a rope shrink to
- rope_solid_maxalpha "1"
- rope_solid_maxwidth "1"
- rope_solid_minalpha "0"
- rope_solid_minwidth "0"
- rope_subdiv "2" // Rope subdivision amount
- rope_wind_dist "1000" // Dont use CPU applying small wind gusts to ropes when theyre past this distance.
- rr_debugresponseconcept "0" // rr_debugresponses will print only responses testing for the specified concept
- rr_debugresponseconcept_exclude // Set a list of concepts to exclude from rr_debugresponseconcept. Separate multiple concepts with spaces. Call with no arguments
- rr_debugresponses "0" // it will only show response success/f
- rr_debugrule "0" // that rules score will be shown whenever a concept is passed into the response rules system.
- rr_debug_qa "0" // Set to 1 to see debug related to the Question & Answer system used to create conversations between allied NPCs.
- rr_dumpresponses "0" // Dump all response_rules.txt and rules (requires restart)
- rr_followup_maxdist "1800" // then ANY or then ALL response followups will be dispatched only to characters within this distance.
- rr_forceconcept // fire a response concept directly at a given character. USAGE: rr_forceconcept <target> <concept> criteria1:value1,criteria2:va
- rr_reloadresponsesystems // Reload all response system scripts.
- rr_remarkables_enabled "0" // polling for info_remarkables and issuances of TLK_REMARK is enabled.
- rr_remarkable_max_distance "1200" // AIs will not even consider remarkarbles that are more than this many units away.
- rr_remarkable_world_entities_replay_limit "1" // TLK_REMARKs will be dispatched no more than this many times for any given info_remarkable
- rr_thenany_score_slop "0" // all rule-matching scores within this much of the best score will be considere
- r_3dsky "1" // Enable the rendering of 3d sky boxes
- r_AirboatViewDampenDamp "1"
- r_AirboatViewDampenFreq "7"
- r_AirboatViewZHeight "0"
- r_ambientboost "1" // Set to boost ambient term if it is totally swamped by local lights
- r_ambientfactor "5" // Boost ambient cube by no more than this factor
- r_ambientfraction "0" // Fraction of direct lighting used to boost lighting when model requests
- r_ambientlightingonly "0" // Set this to 1 to light models with only ambient lighting (and no static lighting).
- r_ambientmin "0" // Threshold above which ambient cube will not boost (i.e. its already sufficiently bright
- r_aspectratio "0"
- r_asw_vehicleBrakeRate "1"
- r_asw_vehicleDrawDebug "0"
- r_avglight "1"
- r_avglightmap "0"
- r_bloomtintb "1"
- r_bloomtintexponent "1"
- r_bloomtintg "1"
- r_bloomtintr "1"
- r_cheapwaterend
- r_cheapwaterstart
- r_cleardecals // Usage r_cleardecals <permanent>.
- r_ClipAreaPortals "1"
- r_colorstaticprops "0"
- r_debugcheapwater "0"
- r_debugrandomstaticlighting "0" // Set to 1 to randomize static lighting for debugging. Must restart for change to take affect.
- r_debug_sequencesets "-2"
- r_decals "512"
- r_decalstaticprops "1" // Decal static props test
- r_decal_cover_count "4"
- r_decal_overlap_area "0"
- r_decal_overlap_count "1"
- r_depthoverlay "0" // Replaces opaque objects with their grayscaled depth values. r_showz_power scales the output.
- r_DispBuildable "0"
- r_DispWalkable "0"
- r_dopixelvisibility "1"
- r_drawallrenderables "0" // even ones inside solid leaves.
- r_drawbatchdecals "1" // Render decals batched.
- r_DrawBeams "1" // 2=Wireframe
- r_drawbrushmodels "1" // 2=Wireframe
- r_drawclipbrushes "0" // purple=NPC)
- r_drawdecals "1" // Render decals.
- r_DrawDetailProps "1" // 2=Wireframe
- r_DrawDisp "1" // Toggles rendering of displacment maps
- r_drawentities "1"
- r_drawflecks "1"
- r_drawfuncdetail "1" // Render func_detail
- r_drawleaf "-1" // Draw the specified leaf.
- r_drawlightcache "0" // 0: off 1: draw light cache entries 2: draw rays
- r_drawlightinfo "0"
- r_drawlights "0"
- r_drawmodeldecals "1"
- r_DrawModelLightOrigin "0"
- r_drawmodelstatsoverlay "0"
- r_drawmodelstatsoverlaydistance "500"
- r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymax "1" // time in milliseconds beyond which a model overlay is fully red in r_drawmodelstatsoverlay 2
- r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymin "0" // time in milliseconds that a model must take to render before showing an overlay in r_drawmodelstatsoverlay 2
- r_drawopaquerenderables "1"
- r_drawopaqueworld "1"
- r_drawothermodels "1" // 2=Wireframe
- r_drawparticles "1" // Enable/disable particle rendering
- r_drawpixelvisibility "0" // Show the occlusion proxies
- r_DrawPortals "0"
- r_DrawRain "1" // Enable/disable rain rendering.
- r_drawrenderboxes "0"
- r_drawropes "1"
- r_drawskybox "1"
- r_DrawSpecificStaticProp "-1"
- r_drawsprites "1"
- r_drawstaticprops "1" // 2=Wireframe
- r_drawtracers "1"
- r_drawtracers_firstperson "1"
- r_drawtranslucentrenderables "1"
- r_drawtranslucentworld "1"
- r_drawvgui "1" // Enable the rendering of vgui panels
- r_drawviewmodel "1"
- r_drawworld "1" // Render the world.
- r_dscale_basefov "90"
- r_dscale_fardist "2000"
- r_dscale_farscale "4"
- r_dscale_neardist "100"
- r_dscale_nearscale "1"
- r_dynamic "1"
- r_dynamiclighting "1"
- r_emulategl "0"
- r_entityclips "1"
- r_eyeglintlodpixels "20" // The number of pixels wide an eyeball has to be before rendering an eyeglint. Is a floating point value.
- r_eyegloss "1"
- r_eyemove "1"
- r_eyes "1"
- r_eyeshift_x "0"
- r_eyeshift_y "0"
- r_eyeshift_z "0"
- r_eyesize "0"
- r_eyewaterepsilon "7"
- r_fade360style "1"
- r_farz "-1" // Override the far clipping plane. -1 means to use the value in env_fog_controller.
- r_fastzreject "0" // Activate/deactivates a fast z-setting algorithm to take advantage of hardware with fast z reject. Use -1 to default to hardware
- r_fastzrejectdisp "0" // Activates/deactivates fast z rejection on displacements (360 only). Only active when r_fastzreject is on.
- r_flashlightambient "0"
- r_flashlightbacktraceoffset "0"
- r_flashlightbrightness "0"
- r_flashlightclip "0"
- r_flashlightconstant "0"
- r_flashlightculldepth "1"
- r_flashlightdepthres "0"
- r_flashlightdepthreshigh "0"
- r_flashlightdepthtexture "0"
- r_flashlightdepth_drawtranslucents "0"
- r_FlashlightDetailProps "1" // 2 = multipass (multipass is PC ONLY)
- r_flashlightdrawclip "0"
- r_flashlightdrawdepth "0"
- r_flashlightdrawfrustum "0"
- r_flashlightdrawfrustumbbox "0"
- r_flashlightdrawsweptbbox "0"
- r_flashlightfar "750"
- r_flashlightfov "53"
- r_flashlightladderdist "40"
- r_flashlightlinear "100"
- r_flashlightlockposition "0"
- r_flashlightmodels "1"
- r_flashlightmuzzleflashfov "120"
- r_flashlightnear "4"
- r_flashlightnearoffsetscale "1"
- r_flashlightnodraw "0"
- r_flashlightoffsetforward "0"
- r_flashlightoffsetright "5"
- r_flashlightoffsetup "-5"
- r_flashlightquadratic "0"
- r_flashlightrender "1"
- r_flashlightrendermodels "1"
- r_flashlightrenderworld "1"
- r_flashlightscissor "1"
- r_flashlightshadowatten "0"
- r_flashlighttracedistcutoff "128"
- r_flashlightupdatedepth "1"
- r_flashlightvisualizetrace "0"
- r_flashlightvolumetrics "1"
- r_flashlight_topdown "0"
- r_flex "1"
- r_flushlod // Flush and reload LODs.
- r_ForceRestore "0"
- r_ForceWaterLeaf "1" // Enable for optimization to water - considers view in leaf under water for purposes of culling
- r_frustumcullworld "1"
- r_glint_alwaysdraw "0"
- r_glint_procedural "0"
- r_hunkalloclightmaps "1"
- r_hwmorph "0"
- r_impacts_alt_orientation "1"
- r_itemblinkmax "0"
- r_itemblinkrate "4"
- r_JeepFOV "90"
- r_JeepViewBlendTo "1"
- r_JeepViewBlendToScale "0"
- r_JeepViewBlendToTime "1"
- r_JeepViewDampenDamp "1"
- r_JeepViewDampenFreq "7"
- r_JeepViewZHeight "10"
- r_jiggle_bones "1"
- r_lightaverage "1" // Activates/deactivate light averaging
- r_lightcachecenter "1"
- r_lightcachemodel "-1"
- r_lightcache_invalidate
- r_lightcache_numambientsamples "162" // number of random directions to fire rays when computing ambient lighting
- r_lightcache_radiusfactor "1000" // Allow lights to influence lightcaches beyond the lights radii
- r_lightcache_zbuffercache "0"
- r_lightinterp "5" // 0 turns off interpolation
- r_lightmap "-1"
- r_lightstyle "-1"
- r_lightwarpidentity "0"
- r_lockpvs "0" // Lock the PVS so you can fly around and inspect what is being drawn.
- r_lod "-1"
- r_mapextents "16384" // Set the max dimension for the map. This determines the far clipping plane
- r_maxdlights "32"
- r_maxmodeldecal "50"
- r_maxnewsamples "6"
- r_maxsampledist "128"
- r_minnewsamples "3"
- r_modelwireframedecal "0"
- r_nohw "0"
- r_norefresh "0"
- r_nosw "0"
- r_novis "0" // Turn off the PVS.
- r_occludeemaxarea "0" // Prevents occlusion testing for entities that take up more than X% of the screen. 0 means use whatever the level said to use.
- r_occluderminarea "0" // Prevents this occluder from being used if it takes up less than X% of the screen. 0 means use whatever the level said to use.
- r_occludermincount "0" // no matter how big they are.
- r_occlusion "1" // Activate/deactivate the occlusion system.
- r_occlusionspew "0" // Activate/deactivates spew about what the occlusion system is doing.
- r_oldlightselection "0" // Set this to revert to HL2s method of selecting lights
- r_overlayfadeenable "0"
- r_overlayfademax "2000"
- r_overlayfademin "1750"
- r_overlaywireframe "0"
- r_particle_demo "0"
- r_particle_sim_spike_threshold_ms "5"
- r_particle_timescale "1"
- r_partition_level "-1" // Displays a particular level of the spatial partition system. Use -1 to disable it.
- r_PhysPropStaticLighting "1"
- r_pixelfog "1"
- r_pixelvisibility_partial "1"
- r_pixelvisibility_spew "0"
- r_pix_recordframes "0"
- r_pix_start "0"
- r_portalscloseall "0"
- r_portalsopenall "0" // Open all portals
- r_PortalTestEnts "1" // Clip entities against portal frustums.
- r_printdecalinfo
- r_proplightingfromdisk "1" // 2=Show Errors
- r_proplightingpooling "-1" // 1 - static prop color meshes are allocated from a single shared vertex buffer (on hardware that supports stream offset
- r_propsmaxdist "1200" // Maximum visible distance
- r_queued_decals "0" // Offloads a bit of decal rendering setup work to the material system queue when enabled.
- r_queued_post_processing "0"
- r_queued_ropes "1"
- r_radiosity "4" // 0: no radiosity 1: radiosity with ambient cube (6 samples) 2: radiosity with 162 samples 3: 162 samples for static props, 6 sam
- r_RainAllowInSplitScreen "0" // Allows rain in splitscreen
- r_rainalpha "0"
- r_rainalphapow "0"
- r_RainCheck "0" // Enable/disable IsInAir() check for rain drops?
- r_RainDebugDuration "0" // Shows rain tracelines for this many seconds (0 disables)
- r_raindensity "0"
- r_RainHack "0"
- r_rainlength "0"
- r_RainParticleDensity "0" // Density of Particle Rain 0-1
- r_RainProfile "0" // Enable/disable rain profiling.
- r_RainRadius "1500"
- r_RainSideVel "130" // How much sideways velocity rain gets.
- r_RainSimulate "1" // Enable/disable rain simulation.
- r_rainspeed "600"
- r_RainSplashPercentage "20"
- r_rainwidth "0"
- r_randomflex "0"
- r_renderoverlayfragment "1"
- r_rimlight "1"
- r_rootlod "0" // Root LOD
- r_ropetranslucent "1"
- r_screenoverlay // Draw specified material as an overlay
- r_sequence_debug "0"
- r_shader_srgb "0" // -1 = use hardware caps. 0 = use hardware srgb. 1 = use shader srgb(software lookup)
- r_shadowangles // Set shadow angles
- r_shadowblobbycutoff // some shadow stuff
- r_shadowcolor // Set shadow color
- r_shadowdir // Set shadow direction
- r_shadowdist // Set shadow distance
- r_shadowfromanyworldlight "0"
- r_shadowfromworldlights "1" // Enable shadowing from world lights
- r_shadowfromworldlights_debug "0"
- r_shadowids "0"
- r_shadowmaxrendered "32"
- r_shadowrendertotexture "1"
- r_shadows "1"
- r_shadows_gamecontrol "-1"
- r_shadows_on_renderables_enable "0" // Support casting RTT shadows onto other renderables
- r_shadowwireframe "0"
- r_shadow_debug_spew "0"
- r_shadow_deferred "0" // Toggle deferred shadow rendering
- r_shadow_deferred_downsample "0" // Toggle low-res deferred shadow rendering
- r_shadow_deferred_simd "0"
- r_shadow_half_update_rate "1" // Updates shadows at half the framerate
- r_shadow_lightpos_lerptime "0"
- r_shadow_shortenfactor "2" // Makes shadows cast from local lights shorter
- r_showenvcubemap "0"
- r_ShowViewerArea "0"
- r_showz_power "1"
- r_skin "0"
- r_skybox "1" // Enable the rendering of sky boxes
- r_slowpathwireframe "0"
- r_snapportal "-1"
- r_SnowColorBlue "200" // Snow.
- r_SnowColorGreen "175" // Snow.
- r_SnowColorRed "150" // Snow.
- r_SnowDebugBox "0" // Snow Debug Boxes.
- r_SnowEnable "1" // Snow Enable
- r_SnowEndAlpha "255" // Snow.
- r_SnowEndSize "0" // Snow.
- r_SnowFallSpeed "1" // Snow fall speed scale.
- r_SnowInsideRadius "256" // Snow.
- r_SnowOutsideRadius "1024" // Snow.
- r_SnowParticles "500" // Snow.
- r_SnowPosScale "1" // Snow.
- r_SnowRayEnable "1" // Snow.
- r_SnowRayLength "8192" // Snow.
- r_SnowRayRadius "256" // Snow.
- r_SnowSpeedScale "1" // Snow.
- r_SnowStartAlpha "25" // Snow.
- r_SnowStartSize "1" // Snow.
- r_SnowWindScale "0" // Snow.
- r_SnowZoomOffset "384" // Snow.
- r_SnowZoomRadius "512" // Snow.
- r_spray_lifetime "10" // Number of rounds player sprays are visible
- r_sse_s "1" // sse ins for particle sphere create
- r_staticlight_streams "1"
- r_staticpropinfo "0"
- r_staticprop_lod "-1"
- r_swingflashlight "1"
- r_teeth "1"
- r_threadeddetailprops "1" // enable threading of detail prop drawing
- r_threaded_particles "1"
- r_threaded_shadow_clip "0"
- r_twopasspaint "1" // HAZARD: Only change this outside a map. Enable two-pass paint method. You will need to reload all materials when changing this
- r_unlimitedrefract "0"
- r_unloadlightmaps "0"
- r_updaterefracttexture "1"
- r_vehicleBrakeRate "1"
- r_VehicleViewClamp "1"
- r_VehicleViewDampen "1"
- r_visambient "0" // Draw leaf ambient lighting samples. Needs mat_leafvis 1 to work
- r_visocclusion "0" // Activate/deactivate wireframe rendering of what the occlusion system is doing.
- r_visualizelighttraces "0"
- r_visualizelighttracesshowfulltrace "0"
- r_visualizeproplightcaching "0"
- r_visualizetraces "0"
- r_WaterDrawReflection "1" // Enable water reflection
- r_WaterDrawRefraction "1" // Enable water refraction
- r_waterforceexpensive "0"
- r_waterforcereflectentities "0"
- r_worldlightmin "0"
- r_worldlights "2" // number of world lights to use per vertex
- r_worldlistcache "1"
- save // Saves current game.
- save_async "1"
- save_asyncdelay "0" // adds this many milliseconds of delay to the save operation.
- save_console "0" // Autosave on the PC behaves like it does on the consoles.
- save_disable "0"
- save_finish_async
- save_history_count "1" // Keep this many old copies in history of autosaves and quicksaves.
- save_huddelayframes "1" // Number of frames to defer for drawing the Saving message.
- save_in_memory "0" // Set to 1 to save to memory instead of disk (Xbox 360)
- save_noxsave "0"
- save_screenshot "1" // 2 = always
- save_spew "0"
- say // Display player message
- say_team // Display player message to team
- sb_quick_list_bit_field "-1"
- sb_showblacklists "0" // blacklist rules will be printed to the console as theyre applied.
- scene_async_prefetch_spew "0" // Display async .ani file loading info.
- scene_clamplookat "1" // Clamp head turns to a MAX of 20 degrees per think.
- scene_clientflex "1" // Do client side flex animation.
- scene_clientplayback "1" // Play all vcds on the clients.
- scene_flatturn "1"
- scene_flush // Flush all .vcds from the cache and reload from disk.
- scene_forcecombined "0" // force use of combined .wav files even in english.
- scene_maxcaptionradius "1200" // Only show closed captions if recipient is within this many units of speaking actor (0==disabled).
- scene_playvcd // Play the given VCD as an instanced scripted scene.
- scene_print "0" // print timing and event info to console.
- scene_showfaceto "0" // show the directions of faceto events.
- scene_showlook "0" // show the directions of look events.
- scene_showmoveto "0" // show the end location.
- scene_showunlock "0" // Show when a vcd is playing but normal AI is running.
- scene_vcdautosave "0" // Create a savegame before VCD playback
- screenshot // Take a screenshot.
- script // Run the text as a script
- script_client // Run the text as a script
- script_debug // Connect the vscript VM to the script debugger
- script_debug_client // Connect the vscript VM to the script debugger
- script_dump_all // Dump the state of the VM to the console
- script_dump_all_client // Dump the state of the VM to the console
- script_execute // Run a vscript file
- script_execute_client // Run a vscript file
- script_help // optionally with a search string
- script_help_client // optionally with a search string
- script_reload_code // replacing existing functions with the functions in the run script
- script_reload_entity_code // replacing existing functions with the functions in the run scripts
- script_reload_think // replacing existing functions with the functions in the run script
- scr_centertime "2"
- sensitivity "3" // Mouse sensitivity.
- servercfgfile "0"
- server_game_time // Gives the game time in seconds (servers curtime)
- setang // Snap player eyes to specified pitch yaw <roll:optional> (must have sv_cheats).
- setang_exact // Snap player eyes and orientation to specified pitch yaw <roll:optional> (must have sv_cheats).
- setinfo // Adds a new user info value
- setmaster // add/remove/enable/disable master servers
- setmodel // Changess players model
- setpause // Set the pause state of the server.
- setpos // Move player to specified origin (must have sv_cheats).
- setpos_exact // Move player to an exact specified origin (must have sv_cheats).
- setpos_player // Move specified player to specified origin (must have sv_cheats).
- sfm_record_hz "30"
- shake // Shake the screen.
- shake_show "0" // Displays a list of the active screen shakes.
- shake_stop // Stops all active screen shakes.
- shake_testpunch // Test a punch-style screen shake.
- ShootMe // Does DMG_BULLET to marine
- showbudget_texture "0" // Enable the texture budget panel.
- showbudget_texture_global_dumpstats // Dump all items in +showbudget_texture_global in a text form
- showbudget_texture_global_sum "0"
- showcompletemessage // Shows the mission complete message again
- showconsole // Show the console.
- showGameSettings
- showhitlocation "0"
- showinfo // Shows a info panel: <type> <title> <message> [<command>]
- showpanel // Shows a viewport panel <name>
- showparticlecounts "0" // Display number of particles drawn per frame
- showtriggers "0" // Shows trigger brushes
- showtriggers_toggle // Toggle show triggers
- singlestep "0" // Run engine in single step mode ( set next to 1 to advance a frame )
- skill "1" // Game skill level (1-3).
- sk_ally_regen_time "0" // Time taken for an ally to regenerate a point of health.
- sk_asw_buzzer_health "30" // Health of the buzzer
- sk_asw_buzzer_melee_dmg "15" // Damage caused by buzzer
- sk_asw_buzzer_melee_interval "1" // Min time between causing damage to marines
- sk_asw_buzzer_v2 "1"
- sk_asw_drone_damage "15" // Damage per swipe from the Drone
- sk_asw_shieldbug_damage "25" // Damage per swipe from the shieldbug
- sk_autoaim_mode "1"
- sk_bullseye_health "0"
- sk_gunship_burst_dist "768"
- sk_gunship_burst_min "800"
- sk_gunship_burst_size "15"
- sk_gunship_health_increments "0"
- sk_helicopter_burstcount "12" // the longer the firing is
- sk_helicopter_drone_speed "450" // How fast does the zapper drone move?
- sk_helicopter_firingcone "20" // The angle in degrees of the cone in which the shots will be fired
- sk_helicopter_grenadedamage "25" // The amount of damage the helicopter grenade deals.
- sk_helicopter_grenadeforce "55000" // The physics force that the helicopter grenade exerts.
- sk_helicopter_grenaderadius "275" // The damage radius of the helicopter grenade.
- sk_helicopter_grenade_puntscale "1" // scale its velocity by this much.
- sk_helicopter_health "5600"
- sk_helicopter_num_bombs1 "3"
- sk_helicopter_num_bombs2 "5"
- sk_helicopter_num_bombs3 "5"
- sk_helicopter_roundsperburst "5" // How many shots to fire in a single burst
- sk_max_asw_ag "0"
- sk_max_asw_asg "0"
- sk_max_asw_cs "0"
- sk_max_asw_ext "0"
- sk_max_asw_f "0"
- sk_max_asw_flares "0"
- sk_max_asw_gl "0"
- sk_max_asw_hg "0"
- sk_max_asw_medkit "0"
- sk_max_asw_medsat "0"
- sk_max_asw_medself "0"
- sk_max_asw_mines "0"
- sk_max_asw_ml "0"
- sk_max_asw_p "0"
- sk_max_asw_pdw "0"
- sk_max_asw_r "0"
- sk_max_asw_rg "0"
- sk_max_asw_r_g "0"
- sk_max_asw_sg "0"
- sk_max_asw_sniper "0"
- sk_max_asw_stim "0"
- sk_max_asw_tg "0"
- sk_max_asw_welder "0"
- sk_npc_arm "1"
- sk_npc_chest "1"
- sk_npc_dmg_asw_ag "0"
- sk_npc_dmg_asw_asg "0"
- sk_npc_dmg_asw_cs "0"
- sk_npc_dmg_asw_ext "0"
- sk_npc_dmg_asw_f "0"
- sk_npc_dmg_asw_flares "0"
- sk_npc_dmg_asw_gl "0"
- sk_npc_dmg_asw_hg "0"
- sk_npc_dmg_asw_medkit "0"
- sk_npc_dmg_asw_medsat "0"
- sk_npc_dmg_asw_medself "0"
- sk_npc_dmg_asw_mines "0"
- sk_npc_dmg_asw_ml "0"
- sk_npc_dmg_asw_p "0"
- sk_npc_dmg_asw_pdw "0"
- sk_npc_dmg_asw_r "0"
- sk_npc_dmg_asw_rg "0"
- sk_npc_dmg_asw_r_g "0"
- sk_npc_dmg_asw_sg "0"
- sk_npc_dmg_asw_sniper "0"
- sk_npc_dmg_asw_stim "0"
- sk_npc_dmg_asw_tg "0"
- sk_npc_dmg_asw_welder "0"
- sk_npc_dmg_helicopter "6" // Damage helicopter shots deal to everything but the player
- sk_npc_dmg_helicopter_to_plr "3" // Damage helicopter shots deal to the player
- sk_npc_head "2"
- sk_npc_leg "1"
- sk_npc_stomach "1"
- sk_player_arm "1"
- sk_player_chest "1"
- sk_player_head "2"
- sk_player_leg "1"
- sk_player_stomach "1"
- sk_plr_dmg_asw_ag "0"
- sk_plr_dmg_asw_asg "0"
- sk_plr_dmg_asw_cs "0"
- sk_plr_dmg_asw_ext "0"
- sk_plr_dmg_asw_f "0"
- sk_plr_dmg_asw_flares "0"
- sk_plr_dmg_asw_medkit "0"
- sk_plr_dmg_asw_medsat "0"
- sk_plr_dmg_asw_medself "0"
- sk_plr_dmg_asw_mines "0"
- sk_plr_dmg_asw_ml "0"
- sk_plr_dmg_asw_p "0"
- sk_plr_dmg_asw_pdw "0"
- sk_plr_dmg_asw_r "0"
- sk_plr_dmg_asw_rg "0"
- sk_plr_dmg_asw_r_g "0"
- sk_plr_dmg_asw_sg "0"
- sk_plr_dmg_asw_stim "0"
- sk_plr_dmg_asw_tg "0"
- sk_plr_dmg_asw_welder "0"
- slot0
- slot1
- slot10
- slot2
- slot3
- slot4
- slot5
- slot6
- slot7
- slot8
- slot9
- smoothstairs "1" // Smooth player eye z coordinate when traversing stairs.
- snapto
- sndplaydelay
- snd_async_flush // Flush all unlocked async audio data
- snd_async_fullyasync "1" // All playback is fully async (sound doesnt play until data arrives).
- snd_async_minsize "262144"
- snd_async_showmem // Show async memory stats
- snd_async_showmem_music // Show async memory stats for just non-streamed music
- snd_async_showmem_summary // Show brief async memory stats
- snd_async_spew_blocking "0" // Spew message to console any time async sound loading blocks on file i/o.
- snd_async_stream_fail "0" // Spew stream pool failures.
- snd_async_stream_spew "0" // 2=buffers
- snd_cull_duplicates "0" // aggressively cull duplicate sounds during mixing. The number specifies the number of duplicates allowed to be playe
- snd_debug_gaincurve "0" // Visualize sound gain fall off
- snd_debug_gaincurvevol "1" // Visualize sound gain fall off
- snd_defer_trace "1"
- snd_delay_sound_shift "0"
- snd_disable_mixer_duck "0"
- snd_disable_mixer_solo "0"
- snd_duckerattacktime "0"
- snd_duckerreleasetime "2"
- snd_duckerthreshold "0"
- snd_ducktovolume "1"
- snd_dumpclientsounds // Dump sounds to console
- snd_dump_filepaths
- snd_dvar_dist_max "3000" // Play full far sound at this distance
- snd_dvar_dist_min "480" // Play full near sound at this distance
- snd_filter "0"
- snd_foliage_db_loss "4" // foliage dB loss per 1200 units
- snd_gain "1"
- snd_gain_max "1"
- snd_gain_min "0"
- snd_getmixer // Get data related to mix group matching string
- snd_legacy_surround "0"
- snd_list "0"
- snd_list_mixers // List all mixers to dev console.
- snd_list_mix_groups // List all mix groups to dev console.
- snd_lockpartial "1"
- snd_max_same_sounds "4"
- snd_max_same_weapon_sounds "3"
- snd_mergemethod "1" // 2 == avg).
- snd_mixahead "0"
- snd_mixer_master_dsp "1"
- snd_mixer_master_level "1"
- snd_mix_async "0"
- snd_mix_minframetime "0"
- snd_moviefix "1" // Defer sound recording until next tick when laying off movies.
- snd_musicvolume "0" // Music volume
- snd_noextraupdate "0"
- snd_obscured_gain_dB "-2"
- snd_pitchquality "1"
- snd_playsounds // Play sounds from the game sounds txt file at a given location
- snd_prefetch_common "1" // Prefetch common sounds from directories specified in scripts/sound_prefetch.txt
- snd_pre_gain_dist_falloff "1"
- snd_profile "0"
- snd_rebuildaudiocache // rebuild audio cache for current language
- snd_refdb "60" // Reference dB at snd_refdist
- snd_refdist "36" // Reference distance for snd_refdb
- snd_restart // Restart sound system.
- snd_setmixer // solo.
- snd_setmixlayer // solo.
- snd_setmixlayer_amount // Set named mix layer mix amount.
- snd_setsoundparam // Set a sound paramater
- snd_show "0" // Show sounds info
- snd_showclassname "0"
- snd_showmixer "0"
- snd_showstart "0"
- snd_ShowThreadFrameTime "0"
- snd_soundmixer "0"
- snd_soundmixer_flush // Reload soundmixers.txt file.
- snd_soundmixer_parse_debug "0"
- snd_soundmixer_version "2"
- snd_spatialize_roundrobin "0" // spatialize only a fraction of sound channels each frame. 1/2^x of channels will be spatialized
- snd_store_filepaths "0"
- snd_surround_speakers "0"
- snd_updateaudiocache // checks _master.cache based on file sizes and rebuilds any change/new entries
- snd_visualize "0" // Show sounds location in world
- snd_vox_captiontrace "0" // Shows sentence name for sentences which are set not to show captions.
- snd_vox_globaltimeout "300"
- snd_vox_sectimetout "300"
- snd_vox_seqtimetout "300"
- snd_writemanifest // outputs the precache manifest for the current level
- soundfade // Fade client volume.
- soundinfo // Describe the current sound device.
- soundlist // List all known sounds.
- soundpatch_captionlength "2" // How long looping soundpatch captions should display for.
- soundscape_debug "0" // red lines show soundscapes that ar
- soundscape_dumpclient // Dumps the clients soundscape data.
- soundscape_fadetime "3" // Time to crossfade sound effects between soundscapes
- soundscape_flush // Flushes the server & client side soundscapes
- soundscape_message "0"
- soundscape_radius_debug "0" // Prints current volume of radius sounds
- speak // Play a constructed sentence.
- spec_autodirector "1" // Auto-director chooses best view modes while spectating
- spec_freeze_distance_max "200" // Maximum random distance from the target to stop when framing them in observer freeze cam.
- spec_freeze_distance_min "96" // Minimum random distance from the target to stop when framing them in observer freeze cam.
- spec_freeze_time "4" // Time spend frozen in observer freeze cam.
- spec_freeze_traveltime "0" // Time taken to zoom in to frame a target in observer freeze cam.
- spec_mode // Set spectator mode
- spec_next // Spectate next player
- spec_player // Spectate player by name
- spec_pos // dump position and angles to the console
- spec_prev // Spectate previous player
- spec_scoreboard "0"
- spec_track "0" // Tracks an entity in spec mode
- spike // generates a fake spike
- ss_enable "0" // Enables Split Screen support. Play Single Player now launches into split screen mode. NO ONLINE SUPPORT
- ss_map // Start playing on specified map with max allowed splitscreen players.
- ss_splitmode "0" // 2 - vertical (only allowed in widescr
- ss_verticalsplit "1" // use ss_splitmode instead).
- ss_voice_hearpartner "0" // Route voice between splitscreen players on same system.
- startdemos // Play demos in demo sequence.
- startmovie // Start recording movie frames.
- startupmenu // and were not in developer
- star_memory // Dump memory stats
- stats // Prints server performance variables
- status // Display map and connection status.
- step_spline "0"
- stop // Finish recording demo.
- stopdemo // Stop playing back a demo.
- stopsound
- stopsoundscape // Stops all soundscape processing and fades current looping sounds
- stopvideos // Stops all videos playing to the screen
- stringtabledictionary // Create dictionary for current strings.
- stringtable_alwaysrebuilddictionaries "0" // Rebuild dictionary file on every level load
- stringtable_usedictionaries "1" // Use dictionaries for string table networking
- stuck // Teleports marine to the nearest free node
- studio_queue_mode "1"
- stuffcmds // Parses and stuffs command line + commands to command buffer.
- suitvolume "0"
- surfaceprop // Reports the surface properties at the cursor
- sv_allchat "1" // no death restrictions
- sv_allowdownload "1" // Allow clients to download files
- sv_allowupload "1" // Allow clients to upload customizations files
- sv_allow_lobby_connect_only "1" // may not connect directly.
- sv_allow_wait_command "1" // Allow or disallow the wait command on clients connected to this server.
- sv_alltalk "0" // no team restrictions
- sv_alternateticks "0" // server only simulates entities on even numbered ticks.
- sv_always_full_flush "0"
- sv_autosave "1" // Set to 1 to autosave game on level transition. Does not affect autosave triggers.
- sv_benchmark_autovprofrecord "0" // it will record a vprof file over the duration of the benchmark with filename benchmark.
- sv_benchmark_force_start // Force start the benchmark. This is only for debugging. Its better to set sv_benchmark to 1 and restart the level.
- sv_benchmark_numticks "3300" // then it only runs the benchmark for this # of ticks.
- sv_bonus_challenge "0" // Set to values other than 0 to select a bonus map challenge type.
- sv_cacheencodedents "1" // does an optimization to prevent extra SendTable_Encode calls.
- sv_cheats "0" // Allow cheats on server
- sv_clearhinthistory // Clear memory of server side hints displayed to the player.
- sv_client_cmdrate_difference "20" // cl_cmdrate is moved to within sv_client_cmdrate_difference units of cl_updaterate before it is clamped between sv_mincmdrate an
- sv_client_max_interp_ratio "5" // This can be used to limit the value of cl_interp_ratio for connected clients (only while they are connected). If sv_client_min_
- sv_client_min_interp_ratio "1" // This can be used to limit the value of cl_interp_ratio for connected clients (only while they are connected). -1
- sv_client_predict "-1" // This can be used to force the value of cl_predict for connected clients (only while they are connected). -1 = let clients se
- sv_clockcorrection_msecs "60" // The server tries to keep each players m_nTickBase withing this many msecs of the server absolute tickcount
- sv_consistency "1" // Whether the server enforces file consistency for critical files
- sv_contact "0" // Contact email for server sysop
- sv_debugmanualmode "0" // Make sure entities correctly report whether or not their network data has changed.
- sv_debugtempentities "0" // Show temp entity bandwidth usage.
- sv_debug_player_use "0" // Green box=radius success
- sv_deltaprint "0" // Print accumulated CalcDelta profiling data (only if sv_deltatime is on)
- sv_deltatime "0" // Enable profiling of CalcDelta calls
- sv_downloadurl "0" // Location from which clients can download missing files
- sv_dumpstringtables "0"
- sv_enableoldqueries "0" // Enable support for old style (HL1) server queries
- sv_extra_client_connect_time "15" // Seconds after client connect during which extra frames are buffered to prevent non-deltad update
- sv_filterban "1" // Set packet filtering by IP mode
- sv_findsoundname // Find sound names which reference the specified wave files.
- sv_forcepreload "0" // Force server side preloading.
- sv_gameinstructor_disable "0" // Force all clients to disable their game instructors.
- sv_gravity "800" // World gravity.
- sv_hibernate_ms "20" // # of milliseconds to sleep per frame while hibernating
- sv_hibernate_ms_vgui "20" // # of milliseconds to sleep per frame while hibernating but running the vgui dedicated server frontend
- sv_hibernate_postgame_delay "5" // # of seconds to wait after final client leaves before hibernating.
- sv_hibernate_when_empty "1" // Puts the server into extremely low CPU usage mode when no clients connected
- sv_infinite_ammo "0" // Players active weapon will never run out of ammo
- sv_lagcompensationforcerestore "1" // just do it.
- sv_lan "0" // no non-class C addresses )
- sv_logbans "0" // Log server bans in the server logs.
- sv_logblocks "0" // If true when log when a query is blocked (can cause very large log files)
- sv_logdownloadlist "0"
- sv_logecho "1" // Echo log information to the console.
- sv_logfile "1" // Log server information in the log file.
- sv_logflush "0" // Flush the log file to disk on each write (slow).
- sv_logsdir "0" // Folder in the game directory where server logs will be stored.
- sv_log_onefile "0" // Log server information to only one file.
- sv_massreport "0"
- sv_master_legacy_mode "0" // Use (outside-of-Steam) code to communicate with master servers.
- sv_master_share_game_socket "1" // then it will create a socket on -steamport + 1 to comm
- sv_maxclientframes "128"
- sv_maxcmdrate "40" // this sets the maximum value for cl_cmdrate.
- sv_maxrate "0" // 0 == unlimited
- sv_maxreplay "0" // Maximum replay time in seconds
- sv_maxroutable "1200" // Server upper bound on net_maxroutable that a client can use.
- sv_maxupdaterate "60" // Maximum updates per second that the server will allow
- sv_max_queries_sec "3" // Maximum queries per second to respond to from a single IP address.
- sv_max_queries_sec_global "60" // Maximum queries per second to respond to from anywhere.
- sv_max_queries_window "30" // Window over which to average queries per second averages.
- sv_memlimit "0" // the server will exit.
- sv_mincmdrate "0" // This sets the minimum value for cl_cmdrate. 0 == unlimited.
- sv_minrate "5000" // 0 == unlimited
- sv_minupdaterate "10" // Minimum updates per second that the server will allow
- sv_multiplayer_maxtempentities "32"
- sv_multiplayer_sounds "20"
- sv_new_delta_bits "1"
- sv_noclipaccelerate "5"
- sv_noclipduringpause "0" // etc.).
- sv_noclipspeed "5"
- sv_npc_talker_maxdist "1024" // NPCs over this distance from the player wont attempt to speak.
- sv_parallel_packentities "1"
- sv_parallel_sendsnapshot "1"
- sv_password "0" // Server password for entry into multiplayer games
- sv_pausable "0" // Is the server pausable.
- sv_playerperfhistorycount "20" // Number of samples to maintain in player perf history
- sv_precacheinfo // Show precache info.
- sv_pure // Show user data.
- sv_pure_kick_clients "1" // it will issue a warning to the client.
- sv_pure_trace "0" // the server will print a message whenever a client is verifying a CRC for a file.
- sv_pvsskipanimation "1" // Skips SetupBones when npcs are outside the PVS
- sv_querycache_stats // Display status of the query cache (client only)
- sv_rcon_banpenalty "0" // Number of minutes to ban users who fail rcon authentication
- sv_rcon_log "1" // Enable/disable rcon logging.
- sv_rcon_maxfailures "10" // Max number of times a user can fail rcon authentication before being banned
- sv_rcon_minfailures "5" // Number of times a user can fail rcon authentication in sv_rcon_minfailuretime before being banned
- sv_rcon_minfailuretime "30" // Number of seconds to track failed rcon authentications
- sv_regeneration_force_on "0" // Cheat to test regenerative health systems
- sv_regeneration_wait_time "1"
- sv_region "-1" // The region of the world to report this server in.
- sv_reservation_grace "5" // Time in seconds given for a lobby reservation.
- sv_reservation_timeout "45" // Time in seconds before lobby reservation expires.
- sv_script_think_interval "0"
- sv_search_key "0" // restrict search to only dedicated servers having the same sv_search_key.
- sv_search_team_key "0" // set this key to match with known opponents team
- sv_showhitboxes "-1" // use on listen server only).
- sv_showladders "0" // Show bbox and dismount points for all ladders (must be set before level load.)
- sv_showlagcompensation "0" // Show lag compensated hitboxes whenever a player is lag compensated.
- sv_showtags // Describe current gametags.
- sv_shutdown // Sets the server to shutdown when all games have completed
- sv_skyname "0" // Current name of the skybox texture
- sv_soundemitter_filecheck // Report missing wave files for sounds and game_sounds files.
- sv_soundemitter_flush // Flushes the sounds.txt system (server only)
- sv_soundemitter_spew // Print details about a sound.
- sv_soundemitter_trace "-1" // 0 = for eve
- sv_soundscape_printdebuginfo // print soundscapes
- sv_sound_discardextraunreliable "1"
- sv_specaccelerate "5"
- sv_specnoclip "1"
- sv_specspeed "3"
- sv_stats "1" // Collect CPU usage stats
- sv_steamgroup "0" // The ID of the steam group that this server belongs to. You can find your groups ID on the admin profile page in the steam comm
- sv_steamgroup_exclusive "0" // public people will be able to join the ser
- sv_stickysprint_default "0"
- sv_strict_notarget "0" // notarget will cause entities to never think they are in the pvs
- sv_sync_client_updates "0" // (Only used when hosting xbox games). Send clients updates at the same time. This saves CPU because the server will encode and c
- sv_tags "0" // Server tags. Used to provide extra information to clients when theyre browsing for servers. Separate tags with a comma.
- sv_teststepsimulation "1"
- sv_test_scripted_sequences "0" // Tests for scripted sequences that are embedded in the world. Run through your map with this set to check for NPCs falling throu
- sv_thinktimecheck "0" // Check for thinktimes all on same timestamp.
- sv_threaded_init "0"
- sv_timeout "65" // the client is dropped
- sv_timeout_when_fully_connected "30" // player will be kicked if he doesnt send a network message within this interval.
- sv_turbophysics "0" // Turns on turbo physics
- sv_unlag_alien_projectiles "1" // server will rewind time based on a players ping when doing ranger projectile collision vs marines.
- sv_unlockedchapters "1" // Highest unlocked game chapter.
- sv_vehicle_autoaim_scale "8"
- sv_visiblemaxplayers "-1" // Overrides the max players reported to prospective clients
- sv_voicecodec "0" // Specifies which voice codec DLL to use in a game. Set to the name of the DLL without the extension.
- sv_voiceenable "1"
- sv_vote_kick_ban_duration "5" // How long should a kick vote ban someone from the server? (in minutes)
- sys_minidumpexpandedspew "0"
- sys_minidumpspewlines "500" // Lines of crash dump console spew to keep.
- template_debug "0"
- testhudanim // Test a hud element animation. Arguments: <anim name>
- testscript_debug "0" // Debug test scripts.
- Test_CreateEntity
- test_dispatcheffect // Test a clientside dispatch effect. Usage: test_dispatcheffect <effect name> <distance away> <flags> <magnitude> <scale> Defau
- Test_EHandle
- test_entity_blocker // Test command that drops an entity blocker out in front of the player.
- test_freezeframe // Test the freeze frame code.
- Test_InitRandomEntitySpawner
- Test_Loop // Test_Loop <loop name> - loop back to the specified loop start point unconditionally.
- Test_LoopCount // Test_LoopCount <loop name> <count> - loop back to the specified loop start point the specified # of times.
- Test_LoopForNumSeconds // Test_LoopForNumSeconds <loop name> <time> - loop back to the specified start point for the specified # of seconds.
- test_outtro_stats
- Test_ProxyToggle_EnableProxy
- Test_ProxyToggle_EnsureValue // Test_ProxyToggle_EnsureValue
- Test_ProxyToggle_SetValue
- Test_RandomChance // 0-100> <token1> <token2...> - Roll the dice and maybe run the command following the percenta
- Test_RandomizeInPVS
- Test_RandomPlayerPosition
- Test_RemoveAllRandomEntities
- Test_RunFrame
- Test_SendKey
- Test_SpawnRandomEntities
- Test_StartLoop // Test_StartLoop <loop name> - Denote the start of a loop. Really just defines a named point you can jump to.
- Test_StartScript // Start a test script running..
- Test_Wait
- Test_WaitForCheckPoint
- texture_budget_background_alpha "128" // how translucent the budget panel is
- texture_budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction "0" // number between 0 and 1
- texture_budget_panel_global "0" // Show global times in the texture budget panel.
- texture_budget_panel_height "284" // height in pixels of the budget panel
- texture_budget_panel_width "512" // width in pixels of the budget panel
- texture_budget_panel_x "0" // number of pixels from the left side of the game screen to draw the budget panel
- texture_budget_panel_y "450" // number of pixels from the top side of the game screen to draw the budget panel
- tf_arena_max_streak "5" // Teams will be scrambled if one team reaches this streak
- tf_arena_preround_time "10" // Length of the Pre-Round time
- tf_escort_score_rate "1" // in points per second
- think_limit "15" // warning is printed if this is exceeded.
- thirdperson // Switch to thirdperson camera.
- thirdpersonshoulder // Switch to thirdperson-shoulder camera.
- thirdperson_mayamode // Switch to thirdperson Maya-like camera controls.
- thirdperson_platformer "0" // Player will aim in the direction they are moving.
- thirdperson_screenspace "0" // eg: left means screen-left
- threadpool_affinity "1" // Enable setting affinity
- threadpool_cycle_reserve // Cycles threadpool reservation by powers of 2
- threadpool_reserve "0" // Consume the specified number of threads in the thread pool
- threadpool_run_tests
- thread_test_tslist
- thread_test_tsqueue
- tilegen_break_on_iteration "-1" // tilegen will break at the start of iteration #N if a debugger is attached.
- tilegen_preprocess_mission "0" // tilegen will dump the pre-processed mission file to preprocess_mission.txt.
- tilegen_retry_count "20" // The number of level generation retries to attempt after which tilegen will give up.
- tilegen_use_instancing "0"
- timedemo // Play a demo and report performance info.
- timedemoquit // and then exit
- timedemo_vprofrecord // Play a demo and report performance info. Also record vprof data for the span of the demo
- timerefresh // Profile the renderer.
- tir_maxpitch "15" // TrackIR Max Pitch
- tir_maxroll "90" // TrackIR Max Roll
- tir_maxx "4" // TrackIR Max X
- tir_maxy "6" // TrackIR Max Y
- tir_maxyaw "90" // TrackIR Max Yaw
- tir_maxz "1" // TrackIR Max Z
- tir_start "0" // TrackIR Start
- tir_stop "0" // TrackIR Stop
- toggle // or cycles through a set of values.
- toggleconsole // Show/hide the console.
- toolload // Load a tool.
- toolunload // Unload a tool.
- tracer_extra "1"
- trace_report "0"
- tv_allow_camera_man "1" // Auto director allows spectators to become camera man
- tv_allow_static_shots "1" // Auto director uses fixed level cameras for shots
- tv_autorecord "0" // Automatically records all games as SourceTV demos.
- tv_autoretry "1" // Relay proxies retry connection after network timeout
- tv_chatgroupsize "0" // Set the default chat group size
- tv_chattimelimit "8" // Limits spectators to chat only every n seconds
- tv_clients // Shows list of connected SourceTV clients.
- tv_debug "0" // SourceTV debug info.
- tv_delay "30" // SourceTV broadcast delay in seconds
- tv_delaymapchange "0" // Delays map change until broadcast is complete
- tv_deltacache "2" // Enable delta entity bit stream cache
- tv_dispatchmode "1" // 2=always
- tv_enable "0" // Activates SourceTV on server.
- tv_maxclients "128" // Maximum client number on SourceTV server.
- tv_maxrate "8000" // 0 == unlimited
- tv_msg // Send a screen message to all clients.
- tv_name "0" // SourceTV host name
- tv_nochat "0" // Dont receive chat messages from other SourceTV spectators
- tv_overridemaster "0" // Overrides the SourceTV master root address.
- tv_password "0" // SourceTV password for all clients
- tv_port "27020" // Host SourceTV port
- tv_record // Starts SourceTV demo recording.
- tv_relay // Connect to SourceTV server and relay broadcast.
- tv_relaypassword "0" // SourceTV password for relay proxies
- tv_relayvoice "1" // 1=on
- tv_retry // Reconnects the SourceTV relay proxy.
- tv_snapshotrate "16" // Snapshots broadcasted per second
- tv_status // Show SourceTV server status.
- tv_stop // Stops the SourceTV broadcast.
- tv_stoprecord // Stops SourceTV demo recording.
- tv_timeout "30" // SourceTV connection timeout in seconds.
- tv_title "0" // Set title for SourceTV spectator UI
- tv_transmitall "0" // Transmit all entities (not only director view)
- ui_gameui_debug "0"
- ui_gameui_modal "1" // the game UI pages will take modal input focus.
- ui_play_online_browser "1" // Whether play online displays a browser or plain search dialog.
- ui_posedebug_fade_in_time "0" // Time during which a new pose activity layer is shown in green in +posedebug UI
- ui_posedebug_fade_out_time "0" // Time to keep a no longer active pose activity layer in red until removing it from +posedebug UI
- ui_public_lobby_filter_campaign "0" // Filter type for campaigns on the public lobby display
- ui_public_lobby_filter_difficulty2 "0" // Filter type for difficulty on the public lobby display
- ui_public_lobby_filter_onslaught "0" // Filter type for Onslaught mode on the public lobby display
- ui_public_lobby_filter_status "0" // Filter type for game status on the public lobby display
- ui_reloadscheme // Reloads the resource files for the active UI window
- ui_start_dlc_time_corrupt "300"
- ui_start_dlc_time_loaded "150"
- ui_start_dlc_time_pump "30"
- ui_volume_max "1"
- unbind // Unbind a key.
- unbindall // Unbind all keys.
- unload_all_addons // Reloads the search paths for game addons.
- unpause // Unpause the game.
- update_addon_paths // Reloads the search paths for game addons.
- use // Use a particular weapon Arguments: <weapon_name>
- user // Show user data.
- users // Show user info for players on server.
- vcollide_wireframe "0" // Render physics collision models in wireframe
- vehicle_flushscript // Flush and reload all vehicle scripts
- version // Print version info string.
- vgui_drawfocus "0" // Report which panel is under the mouse.
- vgui_drawkeyfocus "0" // Report which panel has keyboard focus.
- vgui_drawtree "0" // Draws the vgui panel hiearchy to the specified depth level.
- vgui_drawtree_bounds "0" // Show panel bounds.
- vgui_drawtree_clear
- vgui_drawtree_draw_selected "0" // Highlight the selected panel
- vgui_drawtree_freeze "0" // Set to 1 to stop updating the vgui_drawtree view.
- vgui_drawtree_hidden "0" // Draw the hidden panels.
- vgui_drawtree_panelalpha "0" // Show the panel alpha values in the vgui_drawtree view.
- vgui_drawtree_panelptr "0" // Show the panel pointer values in the vgui_drawtree view.
- vgui_drawtree_popupsonly "0" // Draws the vgui popup list in hierarchy(1) or most recently used(2) order.
- vgui_drawtree_render_order "0" // List the vgui_drawtree panels in render order.
- vgui_drawtree_scheme "0" // Show scheme file for each panel
- vgui_drawtree_visible "1" // Draw the visible panels.
- vgui_dump_panels // vgui_dump_panels [visible]
- vgui_spew_fonts
- vgui_togglepanel // show/hide vgui panel by name.
- viewanim_addkeyframe
- viewanim_create // viewanim_create
- viewanim_load // load animation from file
- viewanim_reset // reset view angles!
- viewanim_save // Save current animation to file
- viewanim_test // test view animation
- viewmodel_fov "54"
- viewmodel_offset_x "0"
- viewmodel_offset_y "0"
- viewmodel_offset_z "0"
- violence_ablood "1" // Draw alien blood
- violence_agibs "1" // Show alien gib entities
- violence_hblood "1" // Draw human blood
- violence_hgibs "1" // Show human gib entities
- vismon_poll_frequency "0"
- vismon_trace_limit "12"
- vis_force "0"
- vm_debug "0"
- vm_draw_always "0"
- voicerecord_toggle
- voice_all_icons "0" // Draw all players voice icons
- voice_avggain "0"
- voice_clientdebug "0"
- voice_debugfeedback "0"
- voice_debugfeedbackfrom "0"
- voice_enable "1" // Toggle voice transmit and receive.
- voice_fadeouttime "0"
- voice_forcemicrecord "1"
- voice_head_icon_height "20" // Voice icons are this many inches over player eye positions
- voice_head_icon_size "6" // Size of voice icon over player heads in inches
- voice_inputfromfile "0" // Get voice input from voice_input.wav rather than from the microphone.
- voice_local_icon "0" // Draw local players voice icon
- voice_loopback "0"
- voice_maxgain "10"
- voice_menu_1 // Opens voice menu 1
- voice_menu_2 // Opens voice menu 2
- voice_menu_3 // Opens voice menu 3
- voice_minimum_gain "0"
- voice_mixer_boost "0"
- voice_mixer_mute "0"
- voice_mixer_volume "1"
- voice_modenable "1" // Enable/disable voice in this mod.
- voice_mute // Mute a specific Steam user
- voice_overdrive "1"
- voice_overdrivefadetime "0"
- voice_player_speaking_delay_threshold "0"
- voice_profile "0"
- voice_recordtofile "0" // Record mic data and decompressed voice data into voice_micdata.wav and voice_decompressed.wav
- voice_reset_mutelist // Reset all mute information for all players who were ever muted.
- voice_scale "1"
- voice_serverdebug "0"
- voice_showchannels "0"
- voice_showincoming "0"
- voice_show_mute // Show whether current players are muted.
- voice_steal "2"
- voice_threshold "2000"
- voice_thresold_delay "0"
- voice_unmute // or `all` to unmute all connected players.
- voice_vox "0" // Voice chat uses a vox-style always on
- voice_writevoices "0" // Saves each speakers voice data into separate .wav files
- voice_xsend_debug "0"
- volume "0" // Sound volume
- voxeltree_box // Vector(max)>.
- voxeltree_playerview // View entities in the voxel-tree at the player position.
- voxeltree_sphere // float(radius)>.
- voxeltree_view // View entities in the voxel-tree.
- vox_reload // Reload sentences.txt file
- vphysics_threadmode "1"
- vphys_sleep_timeout // set sleep timeout: large values mean stuff wont ever sleep
- vpk_download // Download a VPK file. Usage: vpk_download [url]
- vprof // Toggle VProf profiler
- vprof_adddebuggroup1 // add a new budget group dynamically for debugging
- vprof_cachemiss // Toggle VProf cache miss checking
- vprof_cachemiss_off // Turn off VProf cache miss checking
- vprof_cachemiss_on // Turn on VProf cache miss checking
- vprof_child
- vprof_collapse_all // Collapse the whole vprof tree
- vprof_counters "0"
- vprof_counters_show_minmax "0"
- vprof_dump_counters // Dump vprof counters to the console
- vprof_dump_groupnames // Write the names of all of the vprof groups to the console.
- vprof_dump_oninterval "0" // Interval (in seconds) at which vprof will batch up data and dump it to the console.
- vprof_dump_spikes "0" // negative to reset after dump
- vprof_dump_spikes_budget_group "0" // Budget gtNode to start report from when doing a dump spikes
- vprof_dump_spikes_hiearchy "0" // Set to 1 to get a hierarchy report whith vprof_dump_spikes
- vprof_dump_spikes_node "0" // Node to start report from when doing a dump spikes
- vprof_dump_spikes_terse "0" // Whether to use most terse output
- vprof_expand_all // Expand the whole vprof tree
- vprof_expand_group // Expand a budget group in the vprof tree by name
- vprof_generate_report // Generate a report to the console.
- vprof_generate_report_AI // Generate a report to the console.
- vprof_generate_report_AI_only // Generate a report to the console.
- vprof_generate_report_budget // Generate a report to the console based on budget group.
- vprof_generate_report_hierarchy // Generate a report to the console.
- vprof_generate_report_hierarchy_per_frame_and_count_only // Generate a minimal hiearchical report to the console.
- vprof_generate_report_map_load // Generate a report to the console.
- vprof_graph "0" // Draw the vprof graph.
- vprof_graphheight "256"
- vprof_graphwidth "512"
- vprof_nextsibling
- vprof_off // Turn off VProf profiler
- vprof_on // Turn on VProf profiler
- vprof_parent
- vprof_playback_average // Average the next N frames.
- vprof_playback_start // Start playing back a recorded .vprof file.
- vprof_playback_step // step to the next tick.
- vprof_playback_stepback // step to the previous tick.
- vprof_playback_stop // Stop playing back a recorded .vprof file.
- vprof_prevsibling
- vprof_record_start // Start recording vprof data for playback later.
- vprof_record_stop // Stop recording vprof data
- vprof_remote_start // Request a VProf data stream from the remote server (requires authentication)
- vprof_remote_stop // Stop an existing remote VProf data request
- vprof_reset // Reset the stats in VProf profiler
- vprof_reset_peaks // Reset just the peak time in VProf profiler
- vprof_scope "0" // Set a specific scope to start showing vprof tree
- vprof_scope_entity_gamephys "0"
- vprof_scope_entity_thinks "0"
- vprof_server_spike_threshold "999"
- vprof_server_thread "0"
- vprof_think_limit "0"
- vprof_to_csv // Convert a recorded .vprof file to .csv.
- vprof_unaccounted_limit "0" // number of milliseconds that a node must exceed to turn red in the vprof panel
- vprof_verbose "1" // Set to one to show average and peak times
- vprof_vtune_group // enable vtune for a particular vprof group (disable to disable)
- vprof_warningmsec "10" // Above this many milliseconds render the label red to indicate slow code.
- vtune // Controls VTunes sampling.
- v_centermove "0"
- v_centerspeed "500"
- wc_air_edit_further // moves position of air node crosshair and placement location further away from play
- wc_air_edit_nearer // moves position of air node crosshair and placement location nearer to from player
- wc_air_node_edit // toggles laying down or air nodes instead of ground nodes
- wc_create // creates a node where the player is looking if a node is allowed at that location for the currently select
- wc_destroy // destroys the node that the player is nearest to looking at. (The node will be highlighted by a red box).
- wc_destroy_undo // When in WC edit mode restores the last deleted node
- wc_edit_emitter // this lets you modify a generic particle emitter
- wc_link_edit
- weapon_showproficiency "0"
- windows_speaker_config "1"
- wipe_nav_attributes // Clear all nav attributes of selected area.
- writeid // Writes a list of permanently-banned user IDs to banned_user.cfg.
- writeip // Save the ban list to banned_ip.cfg.
- x360_audio_english "0" // Keeps track of whether were forcing english in a localized language.
- xbox_autothrottle "1"
- xbox_steering_deadzone "0"
- xbox_throttlebias "100"
- xbox_throttlespoof "200"
- xc_crouch_debounce "0"
- xload // Load a saved game from a 360 storage device.
- xlook
- xmove
- xsave // Saves current game to a 360 storage device.
- zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1" // Additional mouse sensitivity scale factor applied when FOV is zoomed in.
- z_ragdoll_impact_strength "500"
- _autosave // Autosave
- _autosavedangerous // AutoSaveDangerous
- _bugreporter_restart // Restarts bug reporter .dll
- _fov "0" // Automates fov command to server.
- _record // Record a demo incrementally.
- _resetgamestats // Erases current game stats and writes out a blank stats file
- _restart // Shutdown and restart the engine.