Power cfg +autoexec for more fps - GAMERCONFIG
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Power cfg +autoexec for more fps

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INGAME i have 40-60 fps, but i became a supreme master.
Perfect crosshair with good viewmodel will give you best feelings about csgo.
Good Luck. Very useful cfg!
Autoexec for more fps
dm.cfg for aim training.
•My Settings
»Resolution:1. 800x600
»DPI: 700
»Windows: 6/11
»Sensitivity: 1.1 - 1.2
»m_rawimput 1

Spiel:   Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Benutzer: wannafly1
Datei(en): 3
Download: Download now: Power cfg +autoexec for more fps
Views: 49867
Downloads: 15602
Likes: kobaoff


wannafly1  13.08.2021 19:29

mat_setvideomode 800 600
delete this value or change to
mat_setvideomode 1280x960

0 (0 Votes)
frantrujillo596  10.08.2021 02:24

Hello, what do i have to change to use 1280x960 resolution?

1 (1 Vote)
kobaoff  05.05.2017 13:58

nice fps boost 120 to 220 niceee + 100 fps rl

0 (0 Votes)
wannafly1  03.05.2017 18:10

Hello, 800x600 stretched

1 (1 Vote)
HerSel  03.05.2017 17:54

Hi, resolution?

1 (1 Vote)
wannafly1  03.05.2017 10:21

If something gone wrong, just tell me, i will try to help
if u have low pc, try to type -lv in Launch Options

1 (1 Vote)


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