1733 Konsolen-Befehle für Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Zuletzt hochgeladen Config:
- actionSlotsHide "0" // Hide the actionslots.
- activeAction // Action to execute in first frame
- aim_accel_turnrate_debug "0" // Turn on debugging info for the acceleration
- aim_accel_turnrate_enabled "1" // Enable/disable acceleration of the turnrates
- aim_accel_turnrate_lerp "1200" // The acceleration of the turnrates
- aim_aimAssistRangeScale "1" // Scales the weapon's aim assist range
- aim_autoAimRangeScale "1" // Scales the weapon's auto aim range
- aim_autoaim_debug "0" // Turn on auto aim debugging
- aim_autoaim_enabled "0" // Turn on auto aim
- aim_autoaim_lerp "40" // The rate in degrees per second that the auto aim will converge to its target
- aim_autoaim_region_height "120" // The height of the auto aim region in virtual screen coordinates (0 - 480)
- aim_autoaim_region_width "160" // The width of the auto aim region in virtual screen coordinates (0 - 640)
- aim_automelee_debug "0" // Turn on auto melee debugging
- aim_automelee_enabled "1" // Turn on auto melee
- aim_automelee_lerp "40" // The rate in degrees per second that the auto melee will converge to its target
- aim_automelee_range "128" // The range of the auto melee
- aim_automelee_region_height "240" // The height of the auto melee region in virtual screen coordinates (0 - 480)
- aim_automelee_region_width "320" // The width of the auto melee region in virtual screen coordinates (0 - 640)
- aim_input_graph_debug "0" // Debug the view input graphs
- aim_input_graph_enabled "1" // Use graph for adjusting view input
- aim_input_graph_index "3" // Which input graph to use
- aim_lockon_debug "0" // Turn on debugging info for aim lock on
- aim_lockon_deflection "0.05" // The amount of stick deflection for the lockon to activate
- aim_lockon_enabled "1" // Aim lock on helps the player to stay on target
- aim_lockon_region_height "90" // The height of the auto aim region in virtual screen coordinates(0-480)
- aim_lockon_region_width "90" // The width of the auto aim region in virtual screen coordinates(0-640)
- aim_lockon_strength "0.6" // The amount of aim assistance given by the target lock on
- aim_scale_view_axis "1" // Scale the influence of each input axis so that the major axis has more influence on the control
- aim_slowdown_debug "0" // Turn on debugging info for aim slowdown
- aim_slowdown_enabled "1" // Slowdown the turn rate when the cross hair passes over a target
- aim_slowdown_pitch_scale "0.4" // The vertical aim assist slowdown ratio from the hip
- aim_slowdown_pitch_scale_ads "0.5" // The vertical aim assist slowdown ratio when aiming down the sight
- aim_slowdown_region_height "90" // The screen height of the aim assist slowdown region
- aim_slowdown_region_width "90" // The screen width of the aim slowdown region
- aim_slowdown_yaw_scale "0.4" // The horizontal aim assist slowdown ratio from the hip
- aim_slowdown_yaw_scale_ads "0.5" // The horizontal aim assist slowdown ratio when aiming down the sight
- aim_turnrate_pitch "90" // The vertical turn rate for aim assist when firing from the hip
- aim_turnrate_pitch_ads "55" // The turn rate up and down for aim assist when aiming down the sight
- aim_turnrate_yaw "260" // The horizontal turn rate for aim assist when firing from the hip
- aim_turnrate_yaw_ads "90" // The horizontal turn rate for aim assist when aiming down the sight
- ai_corpseCount "16"
- ammoCounterHide "0" // Hide the Ammo Counter
- authPort "20800"
- authServerName "cod4master.activision.com"
- badhost_debug "0" // Bad host debugging
- badhost_endGameIfISuck "1" // End the match if most of the players are lagged out
- badhost_maxDoISuckFrames "300" // Max lagged frames need to end match
- badhost_maxHappyPingTime "400" // Max ping that a player can have that we consider acceptable when calculating if the server is swamped
- badhost_minPercentClientsUnhappyToSuck "0.51" // What percentage of clients need to have a ping higher than sv_maxHappyPingTime before it aborts
- badhost_minTotalClientsForHappyTest "3" // Minimum number of clients before it does the 'suck as host' test
- bandwidthtest_announceinterval "200"
- bandwidthtest_duration "500"
- bandwidthtest_enable "1"
- bandwidthtest_fudge "1"
- bandwidthtest_ingame_enable "1"
- bandwidthtest_ingame_fudge "1"
- bandwidthtest_maxpacketsize "1000"
- bandwidthtest_quota "0.5"
- bandwidthtest_rounds "10"
- bandwidthtest_scalar "2"
- bandwidthtest_timeout "1500"
- band_12players "384000" // 12 player bandwidth req'd
- band_18players "580000" // 18 player bandwidth req'd
- band_2players "64000" // 2 player bandwidth req'd
- band_4players "128000" // 4 player bandwidth req'd
- band_8players "256000" // 8 player bandwidth req'd
- bg_aimSpreadMoveSpeedThreshold "11" // When player is moving faster than this speed, the aim spread will increase
- bg_bulletExplDmgFactor "1" // Weapon damage multiplier that will be applied at the center of the slash damage area.
- bg_bulletExplRadius "250" // The radius of the bullet splash damage, where the damage gradually falls off to 0.
- bg_debugProne "0" // Show prone debug information
- bg_fallDamageMaxHeight "300" // The height that a player will take maximum damage when falling
- bg_fallDamageMinHeight "128" // The height that a player will start to take minimum damage if they fall
- bg_foliagesnd_fastinterval "500" // The time between each foliage sound when moving quickly
- bg_foliagesnd_maxspeed "180" // The speed that a player must be going to make maximum noise while moving through foliage
- bg_foliagesnd_minspeed "40" // The speed that a player must be going to make minimum noise while moving through foliage
- bg_foliagesnd_resetinterval "500" // The time interval before foliage sounds are reset after the player has stopped moving
- bg_foliagesnd_slowinterval "1500" // The time between each foliage sound when moving slowly
- bg_forceDualWield "0" // Force akimbo for all possible weapons
- bg_forceExplosiveBullets "0" // When set, all bullet weapons will fire explosive rounds (Simulates Perk)
- bg_ladder_yawcap "100" // The maximum angle that a player can look around while on a ladder
- bg_legYawTolerance "20" // The amount the player's leg yaw can differ from his torso before moving ta match
- bg_lowGravity "800" // Low gravity for slow or floaty objects, in inches per second per second
- bg_maxGrenadeIndicatorSpeed "100" // Maximum speed of grenade that will show up in indicator and can be thrown back.
- bg_prone_yawcap "85" // The maximum angle that a player can look around quickly while prone
- bg_shieldHitEncodeHeightVM "-10"
- bg_shieldHitEncodeHeightWorld "-25" // The encoding range, in height, of a client's world shield. A hit in this range is encoded into one of 8 rows.
- bg_shieldHitEncodeWidthVM "-16"
- bg_shieldHitEncodeWidthWorld "-14" // The encoding range, in width, of a client's world shield. A hit in this range is encoded into one of 16 collumns.
- bg_shock_lookControl "1"
- bg_shock_lookControl_fadeTime "2"
- bg_shock_lookControl_maxpitchspeed "90"
- bg_shock_lookControl_maxyawspeed "90"
- bg_shock_lookControl_mousesensitivityscale "0.5"
- bg_shock_movement "1"
- bg_shock_screenBlurBlendFadeTime "1"
- bg_shock_screenBlurBlendTime "0.4"
- bg_shock_screenFlashShotFadeTime "1"
- bg_shock_screenFlashWhiteFadeTime "1"
- bg_shock_screenType "blurred"
- bg_shock_sound "1"
- bg_shock_soundDryLevel "1"
- bg_shock_soundEnd "shellshock_end"
- bg_shock_soundEndAbort "shellshock_end_abort"
- bg_shock_soundFadeInTime "0.25"
- bg_shock_soundFadeOutTime "2.5"
- bg_shock_soundLoop "shellshock_loop"
- bg_shock_soundLoopEndDelay "-3"
- bg_shock_soundLoopFadeTime "1.5"
- bg_shock_soundLoopSilent "shellshock_loop_silent"
- bg_shock_soundModEndDelay "2"
- bg_shock_soundRoomType "generic"
- bg_shock_soundWetLevel "0.5"
- bg_shock_viewKickFadeTime "3"
- bg_shock_viewKickPeriod "0.75"
- bg_shock_viewKickRadius "0.05"
- bg_shock_volume_ambdist1 "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_ambdist2 "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_ambient "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_announcer "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_auto "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_auto2 "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_auto2d "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_autodog "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_body "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_body2d "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_bulletimpact "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_bulletwhizby "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_effects1 "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_effects2 "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_element "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_explosiveimpact "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_hurt "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_item "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_local "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_local2 "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_local3 "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_menu "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_mission "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_music "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_musicnopause "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_nonshock "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_physics "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_player1 "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_player2 "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_reload "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_reload2d "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_shellshock "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_vehicle "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_vehiclelimited "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_voice "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_weapon "0.5"
- bg_shock_volume_weapon2d "0.5"
- bg_softLandingMaxDamage "0.1" // The max amount of damage (as % of max health) if soft landing is in effect
- bg_softLandingMaxHeight "300" // The height that a player will start to take max damage if soft landing is in effect
- bg_softLandingMinHeight "128" // The height that a player will start to take minimum damage if soft landing is in effect
- bg_swingSpeed "0.2" // The rate at which the player's legs swing around when strafing(multi-player only)
- bg_viewBobAmplitudeBase "0.16" // The base speed-based view bob amplitude
- bg_viewBobAmplitudeDucked "0.0075" // The multiplier to apply to the player's speed to get the view bob amplitude while ducking
- bg_viewBobAmplitudeDuckedAds "0.0075" // The multiplier to apply to the player's speed to get the view bob amplitude while ducking ADS
- bg_viewBobAmplitudeProne "0.02" // The multiplier to apply to the player's speed to get the view bob amplitude while prone
- bg_viewBobAmplitudeRoll "1.5" // The amplitude applied to the roll for view bobbing
- bg_viewBobAmplitudeSprinting "0.02" // The multiplier to apply to the player's speed to get the view bob amplitude while sprinting
- bg_viewBobAmplitudeStanding "0.007" // The multiplier to apply to the player's speed to get the view bob amplitude while standing
- bg_viewBobAmplitudeStandingAds "0.007" // The multiplier to apply to the player's speed to get the view bob amplitude while standing and ADS
- bg_viewBobLag "0.25" // The lag that will be applied the view bob cycle
- bg_viewBobMax "8" // The maximum allowed bob amplitude
- bg_viewKickMax "90" // The maximum view kick
- bg_viewKickMin "5" // The minimum view kick
- bg_viewKickRandom "0.4" // The random direction scale view kick
- bg_viewKickScale "0.2" // The scale to apply to the damage done to calculate damage view kick
- bg_weaponBobAmplitudeBase "0.16" // The base speed-based weapon bob amplitude
- bg_weaponBobAmplitudeDucked "0.045" // The multiplier to apply to the players's speed to get the weapon/viewmodel bob amplitude while ducking
- bg_weaponBobAmplitudeProne "0.02" // The multiplier to apply to the players's speed to get the weapon/viewmodel bob amplitude while prone
- bg_weaponBobAmplitudeRoll "1.5" // The amplitude applied to the roll for weapon bobbing
- bg_weaponBobAmplitudeSprinting "0.02" // The multiplier to apply to the players's speed to get the weapon/viewmodel bob amplitude while sprinting
- bg_weaponBobAmplitudeStanding "0.055" // The multiplier to apply to the players's speed to get the weapon/viewmodel bob amplitude while standing
- bg_weaponBobLag "0.25" // The lag that will be applied the weapon bob cycle
- bg_weaponBobMax "8" // The maximum allowed weapon/viewmodel bob amplitude
- bind
- bullet_penetrationMinFxDist "30" // Min distance a penetrated bullet must travel before it'll trigger the effects
- bullet_penetration_enabled "1" // When false, disables bullet penetration completely.
- bullet_ricochetBaseChance "0.5" // The base chance a bullet has of ricocheting off of a riot shield.
- cameraShakeRemoteHelo_Angles "0.221" // Remote helicopter gunner cam, range to shake the view.
- cameraShakeRemoteHelo_Freqs "31" // Remote helicopter gunner cam, how fast to shake.
- cameraShakeRemoteHelo_SpeedRange "2000" // Remote helicopter gunner cam, range of missile speed to scale the shaking.
- cameraShakeRemoteMissile_Angles "0.05" // Remote missile-cam, range to shake the view.
- cameraShakeRemoteMissile_Freqs "42" // Remote missile-cam, how fast to shake.
- cameraShakeRemoteMissile_SpeedRange "1000" // Remote missile-cam, range of missile speed to scale the shaking.
- camera_thirdPerson "0" // Use third person view globally
- camera_thirdPersonAdsTransScale "2" // Scale applied to ADS transition time when in third person mode
- camera_thirdPersonCrosshairOffset "0.35" // Amount to vertically offset the crosshair from the center when in third person mode
- camera_thirdPersonFovScale "0.9" // Scale applied to the field of view when in global third person view
- camera_thirdPersonOffset "-120" // The offset of the camera from the player in global third person view
- camera_thirdPersonOffsetAds "-60" // The ADS offset of the camera from the player in global third person view
- camera_thirdPersonOffsetTurretAds "-80" // The ADS offset of the camera from the player when on a turret in global third person view
- cg_airstrikeKillCamCloseXYDist "24" // Airstrike kill camera closest distance in front of the bomb.
- cg_airstrikeKillCamCloseZDist "24" // Airstrike kill camera closest distance above the target.
- cg_airstrikeKillCamFarBlur "2"
- cg_airstrikeKillCamFarBlurDist "300"
- cg_airstrikeKillCamFarBlurStart "100" // Airstrike kill camera distance above the airplane.
- cg_airstrikeKillCamFov "50" // Airstrike kill camera field of view.
- cg_airstrikeKillCamNearBlur "4"
- cg_airstrikeKillCamNearBlurEnd "100"
- cg_airstrikeKillCamNearBlurStart "0"
- cg_blood "1" // Show Blood
- cg_brass "1" // Weapons eject brass
- cg_centertime "5" // The time for a center printed message to fade
- cg_chatHeight "4" // The font height of a chat message
- cg_chatTime "12000" // The amount of time that a chat message is visible
- cg_chatWithOtherTeams "0" // If true, players can talk to other players regardless of their teams
- cg_connectionIconSize "0" // Size of the connection icon
- cg_constantSizeHeadIcons "0" // Head icons are the same size regardless of distance from the player
- cg_crosshairAlpha "1" // The alpha value of the crosshair
- cg_crosshairAlphaMin "0.5" // The minimum alpha value of the crosshair when it fades in
- cg_crosshairDynamic "0" // Crosshair is Dynamic
- cg_crosshairEnemyColor "1" // The crosshair color when over an enemy
- cg_crosshairVerticalOffset "0" // Amount to vertically offset the crosshair from the center.
- cg_cullBulletAngle "50" // Cull bullet trajectories that don't fall within this fov
- cg_cullBullets "1" // Whether to cull bullet fire prediction if trajectory doesn't pass your view or anywhere near you
- cg_cursorHints "4" // Draw cursor hints where: 0: no hints 1: sin size pulse 2: one way size pulse 3: alpha pulse 4: static
- cg_deadChatWithDead "0" // If true, dead players can all chat together, regardless of team
- cg_deadChatWithTeam "0" // If true, dead players can talk to living players on their team
- cg_deadHearAllLiving "0" // If true, dead players can hear all living players talk
- cg_deadHearTeamLiving "0" // If true, dead players can hear living players on their team talk
- cg_debugevents "-1" // Output event debug information. EV_NONE turns it off. EV_MAX_EVENTS shows all events. Otherwise, show only specified value.
- cg_debugInfoCornerOffset "0" // Offset from top-right corner, for cg_drawFPS, etc
- cg_debugposition "0" // Output position debugging information
- cg_debug_overlay_viewport "0" // Remove the sniper overlay so you can check that the scissor window is correct.
- cg_descriptiveText "1" // Draw descriptive spectator messages
- cg_dobjdump "-1" // Output dobj info for the given entity id
- cg_draw2D "1" // Draw 2D screen elements
- cg_drawBreathHint "1" // Draw a 'hold breath to steady' hint
- cg_drawCrosshair "1" // Turn on weapon crosshair
- cg_drawCrosshairNames "1" // Draw the name of an enemy under the crosshair
- cg_drawCrosshairNamesPosX "300" // Virtual screen space position of the crosshair name
- cg_drawCrosshairNamesPosY "180"
- cg_drawDamageDirection "1" // Draw hit direction arrow.
- cg_drawDamageFlash "0" // Draw flash when hit.
- cg_drawFPS "Off" // Draw frames per second
- cg_drawFPSLabels "1" // Draw FPS Info Labels
- cg_drawFriendlyNames "1" // Whether to show friendly names in game
- cg_drawGun "1"
- cg_drawHealth "0" // Draw health bar
- cg_drawMantleHint "1" // Draw a 'press key to mantle' hint
- cg_drawMaterial "Off" // Draw debugging information for materials
- cg_drawpaused "1" // Draw paused screen
- cg_drawScriptUsage "0" // Draw debugging information for scripts
- cg_drawShellshock "1" // Draw shellshock & flashbang screen effects.
- cg_drawSnapshot "0" // Draw debugging information for snapshots
- cg_drawSplatter "0" // Draw on-camera splatter effects.
- cg_drawSplatterTest "0" // Test out on-camera splatter effects.
- cg_drawStatsSource "0" // Draw stats source
- cg_drawTalk "ALL" // Controls which icons CG_TALKER ownerdraw draws
- cg_drawThroughWalls "0" // Whether to draw friendly names through walls or not
- cg_drawTurretCrosshair "1" // Draw a cross hair when using a turret
- cg_drawViewpos "0" // Draw viewpos
- cg_dumpAnims "-1" // Output animation info for the given entity id
- cg_enemyNameFadeIn "250" // Time in milliseconds to fade in enemy names
- cg_enemyNameFadeOut "250" // Time in milliseconds to fade out enemy names
- cg_errordecay "100" // Decay for predicted error
- cg_everyoneHearsEveryone "0" // If true, all players can all chat together, regardless of team or death
- cg_explosiveKillCamBackDist "35" // Explosive kill camera: distance of camera backwards from explosive.
- cg_explosiveKillCamGroundBackDist "30" // Explosive kill camera when stuck to ground: distance of camera backwards from explosive.
- cg_explosiveKillCamGroundUpDist "15" // Explosive kill camera when stuck to ground: distance of camera vertically from explosive.
- cg_explosiveKillCamStopDecelDist "100" // Rocket and Grenade Launcher kill camera: distance over which to decelerate when coming to rest
- cg_explosiveKillCamStopDist "350" // Rocket and Grenade Launcher kill camera: distance from player to begin coming to rest
- cg_explosiveKillCamUpDist "5" // Explosive kill camera: distance of camera vertically from explosive.
- cg_explosiveKillCamWallOutDist "10" // Explosive kill camera when stuck to wall: distance of camera out from wall.
- cg_explosiveKillCamWallSideDist "30" // Explosive kill camera when stuck to wall: distance of camera along wall from explosive.
- cg_flashbangNameFadeIn "1000" // Time in milliseconds to fade in friendly names after a flashbang
- cg_flashbangNameFadeOut "50" // Time in milliseconds to fade out friendly names when flash banged
- cg_footsteps "1" // Play footstep sounds
- cg_fov "65" // The field of view angle in degrees
- cg_fovMin "1" // The minimum possible field of view
- cg_fovScale "1" // Scale applied to the field of view
- cg_friendlyNameFadeIn "0" // Time in milliseconds to fade in friendly names
- cg_friendlyNameFadeOut "1500" // Time in milliseconds to fade out friendly names
- cg_gameBoldMessageWidth "390" // The maximum character width of the bold game messages
- cg_gameMessageWidth "455" // The maximum character width of the game messages
- cg_gun_x "0" // Forward position of the viewmodel
- cg_gun_y "0" // Right position of the viewmodel
- cg_gun_z "0" // Up position of the viewmodel
- cg_headIconMinScreenRadius "0.015" // The minumum radius of a head icon on the screen
- cg_heliKillCamFarBlur "2"
- cg_heliKillCamFarBlurDist "300"
- cg_heliKillCamFarBlurStart "100" // Helicopter kill camera distance above the helicopter.
- cg_heliKillCamFov "15" // Helicopter kill camera field of view.
- cg_heliKillCamNearBlur "4" // Sets the radius of the gaussian blur used by depth of field, in pixels at 640x480
- cg_heliKillCamNearBlurEnd "100"
- cg_heliKillCamNearBlurStart "0"
- cg_hintFadeTime "100" // Time in milliseconds for the cursor hint to fade
- cg_hudChatIntermissionPosition "5" // Position of the HUD chat box during intermission
- cg_hudChatPosition "5" // Position of the HUD chat box
- cg_hudDamageIconHeight "64" // The height of the damage icon
- cg_hudDamageIconInScope "0" // Draw damage icons when aiming down the sight of a scoped weapon
- cg_hudDamageIconOffset "128" // The offset from the center of the damage icon
- cg_hudDamageIconTime "6000" // The amount of time for the damage icon to stay on screen after damage is taken
- cg_hudDamageIconWidth "128" // The width of the damage icon
- cg_hudGrenadeIconEnabledFlash "0" // Show the grenade indicator for flash grenades
- cg_hudGrenadeIconHeight "25" // The height of the grenade indicator icon
- cg_hudGrenadeIconInScope "0" // Show the grenade indicator when aiming down the sight of a scoped weapon
- cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxHeight "104" // The minimum height difference between a player and a grenade for the grenade to be shown on the grenade indicator
- cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFlash "500" // The minimum distance that a flashbang has to be from a player in order to be shown on the grenade indicator
- cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFrag "250" // The minimum distance that a grenade has to be from a player in order to be shown on the grenade indicator
- cg_hudGrenadeIconOffset "50" // The offset from the center of the screen for a grenade icon
- cg_hudGrenadeIconWidth "25" // The width of the grenade indicator icon
- cg_hudGrenadePointerHeight "12" // The height of the grenade indicator pointer
- cg_hudGrenadePointerPivot "12" // The pivot point of th grenade indicator pointer
- cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseFreq "1.7" // The number of times per second that the grenade indicator flashes in Hertz
- cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseMax "1.85" // The maximum alpha of the grenade indicator pulse. Values higher than 1 will cause the indicator to remain at full brightness for longer
- cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseMin "0.3" // The minimum alpha of the grenade indicator pulse. Values lower than 0 will cause the indicator to remain at full transparency for longer
- cg_hudGrenadePointerWidth "25" // The width of the grenade indicator pointer
- cg_hudlegacysplitscreenscale "2"
- cg_hudMapBorderWidth "2" // The size of the full map's border, filled by the CG_PLAYER_FULLMAP_BORDER ownerdraw
- cg_hudMapFriendlyHeight "15"
- cg_hudMapFriendlyWidth "15" // The size of the friendly icon on the full map
- cg_hudMapPlayerHeight "20"
- cg_hudMapPlayerWidth "20" // The size of the player's icon on the full map
- cg_hudMapRadarLineThickness "0.15" // Thickness, relative to the map width, of the radar texture that sweeps across the full screen map
- cg_hudObjectiveTextScale "0.3"
- cg_hudProneY "-160" // Virtual screen y coordinate of the prone blocked message
- cg_hudSayPosition "5" // Position of the HUD say box
- cg_hudsplitscreencompassscale "1.5"
- cg_hudsplitscreenstancescale "2"
- cg_hudStanceFlash "1" // The background color of the flash when the stance changes
- cg_hudStanceHintPrints "0" // Draw helpful text to say how to change stances
- cg_hudVotePosition "5" // Position of the HUD vote box
- cg_invalidCmdHintBlinkInterval "600" // Blink rate of an invalid command hint
- cg_invalidCmdHintDuration "1800" // Duration of an invalid command hint
- cg_javelinKillCamCloseZDist "128" // Javelin kill camera: closest distance above the target.
- cg_javelinKillCamDownDist "150" // Javelin kill camera: distance to follow during descent.
- cg_javelinKillCamFov "60" // Javelin kill camera: fov
- cg_javelinKillCamLookLerpDist "3000" // Javelin kill camera: distance over which to lerp to look at player during descent. A value of zero means don't lerp at all.
- cg_javelinKillCamPassDist "50" // Javelin kill camera: distance away when passing.
- cg_javelinKillCamPassTime "5" // Javelin kill camera: time in seconds to pass javelin on the way up
- cg_javelinKillCamUpDist "200" // Javelin kill camera: distance to follow during ascent.
- cg_killCamDefaultLerpTime "300" // Default time used to lerp between killcam entities.
- cg_killCamTurretLerpTime "900" // Time used to lerp to a killcam entity of the TURRET type.
- cg_laserlight "1"
- cg_levelReverbDryLevel "0.9" // Level reverb dry level.
- cg_levelReverbEnabled "1" // Enables level reverb.
- cg_levelReverbRoomType "city" // Level reverb room type.
- cg_levelReverbWetLevel "0.15" // Level reverb wet level.
- cg_mapLocationSelectionCursorSpeed "0.6" // Speed of the cursor when selecting a location on the map
- cg_marks_ents_player_only "0" // Marks on entities from players' bullets only.
- cg_minCullBulletDist "128" // Don't cull bullet trajectories that are within this distance to you.
- cg_nopredict "0" // Don't do client side prediction
- cg_overheadIconSize "0.7" // The maximum size to show overhead icons like 'rank'
- cg_overheadNamesFarDist "1024" // The far distance at which name sizes are scaled by cg_overheadNamesFarScale
- cg_overheadNamesFarScale "0.75" // The amount to scale overhead name sizes at cg_overheadNamesFarDist
- cg_overheadNamesFont "2" // Font for overhead names ( see menudefinition.h )
- cg_overheadNamesGlow "0" // Glow color for overhead names
- cg_overheadNamesMaxDist "10000" // The maximum distance for showing friendly player names
- cg_overheadNamesNearDist "256" // The near distance at which names are full size
- cg_overheadNamesSize "0.5" // The maximum size to show overhead names
- cg_overheadRankSize "0.5" // The size to show rank text
- cg_overheadTitlesFont "2" // Font for overhead titles ( see menudefinition.h )
- cg_overheadTitleSize "0.5" // The size to show title text
- cg_predictItems "1" // Turn on client side prediction for item pickup
- cg_predictItemsDuration "5" // The amount of time to wait after an item pickup prediction to show the item again if it failed.
- cg_remoteMissileKillCamBackDist "300" // Remote missile kill camera: distance of camera backwards from rocket.
- cg_remoteMissileKillCamUpDist "60" // Remote missile kill camera: distance of camera vertically from rocket.
- cg_rocketKillCamBackDist "70" // Rocket kill camera: distance of camera backwards from rocket.
- cg_rocketKillCamUpDist "10" // Rocket kill camera: distance of camera vertically from rocket.
- cg_scoreboardBannerHeight "35" // Banner height of the scoreboard
- cg_scoreboardFont "0" // Scoreboard font enum ( see menudefinition.h )
- cg_scoreboardHeaderFontScale "0.35" // Scoreboard header font scale
- cg_scoreboardHeight "435" // Height of the scoreboard
- cg_scoreboardItemHeight "18" // Item height of each item
- cg_scoreboardMyColor "1" // The local player's font color when shown in scoreboard
- cg_scoreboardPingGraph "1" // Whether to show graphical ping
- cg_scoreboardPingHeight "0.7" // Height of the ping graph as a % of the scoreboard row height
- cg_scoreboardPingText "0" // Whether to show numeric ping value
- cg_scoreboardPingWidth "0.036" // Width of the ping graph as a % of the scoreboard
- cg_scoreboardRankFontScale "0.25" // Scale of rank font
- cg_scoreboardScrollStep "3" // Scroll step amount for the scoreboard
- cg_scoreboardTextOffset "0.5" // Scoreboard text offset
- cg_scoreboardWidth "500" // Width of the scoreboard
- cg_ScoresPing_BgColor "0.25098" // Background color of ping
- cg_ScoresPing_HighColor "0.8" // Color for high ping
- cg_ScoresPing_Interval "100" // Number of milliseconds each bar represents
- cg_ScoresPing_LowColor "0" // Color for low ping
- cg_ScoresPing_MaxBars "4" // Number of bars to show in ping
- cg_ScoresPing_MedColor "0.8" // Color for medium ping
- cg_scriptIconSize "0" // Size of Icons defined by script
- cg_showmiss "0" // Show prediction errors
- cg_splatterHitAlpha "1" // Alpha to add for each splatter hit indicator
- cg_splatterHitFadeInTime "0.05" // Ratio of time spent fading hit indicator in
- cg_splatterHitFadeOutTime "0.1" // Ratio of time spent fading hit indicator out
- cg_splatterHitFullInTime "0" // Ratio of time spent with hit indicator at full alpha
- cg_splatterHitInnerAngle "15" // Angle from hit direction at which splatter hit indicator is at full alpha
- cg_splatterHitInnerRadius "0" // Distance from center (0 to 1) at which splatter hit indicator is at zero alpha
- cg_splatterHitOntoScreen "0" // Show blood on screen when on-screen guy shoots you.
- cg_splatterHitOuterAngle "30" // Angle from hit direction at which splatter hit indicator is at zero alpha
- cg_splatterHitOuterRadius "0.6" // Distance from center (0 to 1) at which splatter hit indicator is at full alpha
- cg_splatterTrackAlpha "1" // Alpha to add for each splatter tracking indicator
- cg_splatterTrackFadeInTime "0" // Ratio of time spent fading tracking indicator in
- cg_splatterTrackFadeOutTime "0.5" // Ratio of time spent fading tracking indicator out
- cg_splatterTrackFullInTime "0.3" // Ratio of time spent with tracking indicator at full alpha
- cg_splatterTrackIndependent "1" // Background portion of hit effect tracks independently of splatter portion.
- cg_splatterTrackInnerAngle "5" // Angle from hit direction at which splatter tracking indicator is at full alpha
- cg_splatterTrackInnerRadius "0.4" // Distance from center (0 to 1) at which splatter tracking indicator is at zero alpha
- cg_splatterTrackOntoScreen "0" // Show tracking on screen when on-screen guy shoots you.
- cg_splatterTrackOuterAngle "20" // Angle from hit direction at which splatter tracking indicator is at zero alpha
- cg_splatterTrackOuterRadius "0.6" // Distance from center (0 to 1) at which splatter tracking indicator is at full alpha
- cg_sprintMeterDisabledColor "0.8" // The color of the sprint meter when the sprint meter is disabled
- cg_sprintMeterEmptyColor "0.7" // The color of the sprint meter when the sprint meter is empty
- cg_sprintMeterFullColor "0.8" // The color of the sprint meter when the sprint meter is full
- cg_subtitleMinTime "3" // The minimum time that the subtitles are displayed on screen in seconds
- cg_subtitleWidthStandard "520" // The width of the subtitles on a non wide-screen
- cg_subtitleWidthWidescreen "520" // The width of the subtitle on a wide-screen
- cg_teamChatsOnly "0" // Allow chatting only on the same team
- cg_thirdPerson "0" // Use third person view
- cg_thirdPersonAngle "0" // The angle of the camera from the player in third person view
- cg_thirdPersonMode "Fixed" // How the camera behaves in third person
- cg_thirdPersonRange "120" // The range of the camera from the player in third person view
- cg_turretKillCamBackDist "10" // Turret kill camera: distance of camera backwards from Turret.
- cg_turretKillCamFov "50" // Turret kill camera field of view.
- cg_turretKillCamUpDist "10" // Turret kill camera: distance of camera vertically from Turret.
- cg_viewVehicleInfluence "1" // The influence on the view angles from being in a vehicle
- cg_viewZSmoothingMax "16" // Threshhold for the maximum smoothing distance we'll do
- cg_viewZSmoothingMin "1" // Threshhold for the minimum smoothing distance it must move to smooth
- cg_viewZSmoothingTime "0.1" // Amount of time to spread the smoothing over
- cg_voiceIconSize "0" // Size of the 'voice' icon
- cg_watersheeting "1" // Enables/disables the watersheeting fullscreen effect
- cg_waterSheeting_brightness "0" // Tweak dev var; film color brightness
- cg_waterSheeting_contrast "1" // Tweak dev var; film color contrast
- cg_waterSheeting_darkTint "1" // Tweak dev var; film color dark tint color
- cg_waterSheeting_desaturation "0" // Tweak dev var; Desaturation applied after all 3D drawing
- cg_waterSheeting_distortionScaleFactor "0.021961" // Distortion uv scales (Default to 1)
- cg_waterSheeting_enable "0" // Enable the water sheeting effect
- cg_waterSheeting_fadeDuration "2" // Sets fade duration in seconds
- cg_waterSheeting_lightTint "0.780261" // Tweak dev var; film color light tint color
- cg_waterSheeting_magnitude "0.0655388" // Distortion magnitude
- cg_waterSheeting_radius "4.44051" // Tweak dev var; Glow radius in pixels at 640x480
- cg_weapHitCullAngle "45" // Angle of cone within which to cull back facing weapon hit effects
- cg_weapHitCullEnable "1" // When true, cull back facing weapon hit fx.
- cg_weaponCycleDelay "0" // The delay after cycling to a new weapon to prevent holding down the cycle weapon button from cycling too fast
- cg_weaponHintsCoD1Style "1" // Draw weapon hints in CoD1 style: with the weapon name, and with the icon below
- cg_weaponVisInterval "4" // Do weapon vis checks once per this many frames, per centity
- cg_youInKillCamSize "6" // Size of the 'you' Icon in the kill cam
- clientSideEffects "1" // Enable loading _fx.gsc files on the client
- cl_analog_attack_threshold "0.8" // The threshold before firing
- cl_anglespeedkey "1.5" // Multiplier for max angle speed for game pad and keyboard
- cl_bypassMouseInput "0" // Bypass UI mouse input and send directly to the game
- cl_connectionAttempts "15" // Maximum number of connection attempts before aborting
- cl_connectTimeout "120" // Timeout time in seconds while connecting to a server
- cl_demoBackJump "20000"
- cl_demoFastTimescaleSpeed "3"
- cl_demoForwardJump "4000"
- cl_demoSlowTimescaleSpeed "0.4"
- cl_dirSelConvergenceTime "0.1" // Time to converge to the new direction when selecting a direction on the map.
- cl_freelook "1" // Enable looking with mouse
- cl_freezeDemo "0" // is used to lock a demo in place for single frame advances
- cl_hudDrawsBehindUI "1" // Should the HUD draw when the UI is up?
- cl_ingame "0" // True if the game is active
- cl_maxpackets "30" // Maximum number of packets sent per frame
- cl_maxPing "800" // Maximum ping for the client
- cl_migrationTimeout "40"
- cl_motdString // Message of the day
- cl_mouseAccel "0" // Mouse acceleration
- cl_nodelta "0" // The server does not send snapshot deltas
- cl_noprint "0" // Print nothing to the console
- cl_packetdup "1" // Enable packet duplication
- cl_paused "0" // Pause the game
- cl_pitchspeed "140" // Max pitch speed in degrees for game pad
- cl_serverStatusResendTime "750" // Time in milliseconds to resend a server status message
- cl_showmouserate "0" // Print mouse rate debugging information to the console
- cl_shownet "0" // Display network debugging information
- cl_shownuments "0" // Show the number of entities
- cl_showSend "0" // Enable debugging information for sent commands
- cl_showServerCommands "0" // Enable debugging information for server commands
- cl_showTimeDelta "0" // Enable debugging information for time delta
- cl_stanceHoldTime "300" // The time to hold the stance button before the player goes prone
- cl_timeout "20" // Seconds with no received packets until a timeout occurs
- cl_voice "1"
- cl_yawspeed "140" // Max yaw speed in degrees for game pad and keyboard
- compass "1" // Display Compass Compass ownerdraw had width or height of 0
- compassClampIcons "1" // If true, friendlies and enemy pings clamp to the edge of the radar. If false, they disappear off the edge.
- compassCoords "740" // x = North-South coord base value, y = East-West coord base value, z = scale (game units per coord unit)
- compassECoordCutoff "37" // Left cutoff for the scrolling east-west coords
- compassEnemyFootstepEnabled "0" // Enables enemies showing on the compass because of moving rapidly nearby.
- compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange "500" // The maximum distance at which an enemy may appear on the compass due to 'footsteps'
- compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ "100" // The maximum vertical distance enemy may be from the player and appear on the compass due to 'footsteps'
- compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed "140" // The minimum speed an enemy must be moving to appear on the compass due to 'footsteps'
- compassFastRadarUpdateTime "2" // Time between radar updates for the fast radar mode
- compassFriendlyHeight "16"
- compassFriendlyWidth "16" // The size of the friendly icon on the compass
- compassHellfireTargetSpot "0" // Hellfires on the compass show the spot that they're pointed at, instead of showing their own position.
- compassHideSansObjectivePointer "0" // Hide the compass, but leave the obective pointer visible.
- compassHideVehicles "0" // When enabled, disables the CG_PLAYER_COMPASS_VEHICLES ownerdraw.
- compassMaxRange "2500" // The maximum range from the player in world space that objects will be shown on the compass
- compassMinRadius "0.0001" // The minimum radius from the center of the compass that objects will appear.
- compassMinRange "0.0001" // The minimum range from the player in world space that objects will appear on the compass
- compassObjectiveArrowHeight "20"
- compassObjectiveArrowOffset "2" // The offset of the objective arrow inward from the edge of the compass map
- compassObjectiveArrowRotateDist "5" // Distance from the corner of the compass map at which the objective arrow rotates to 45 degrees
- compassObjectiveArrowWidth "20" // The size of the objective arrow on the compass
- compassObjectiveDetailDist "10" // When an objective is closer than this distance (in meters), the icon will not be drawn on the tickertape.
- compassObjectiveDrawLines "1" // Draw horizontal and vertical lines to the active target, if it is within the minimap boundries
- compassObjectiveHeight "20"
- compassObjectiveIconHeight "16"
- compassObjectiveIconWidth "16" // The size of the objective on the full map
- compassObjectiveMaxHeight "70" // The maximum height that an objective is considered to be on this level
- compassObjectiveMaxRange "2048" // The maximum range at which an objective is visible on the compass
- compassObjectiveMinAlpha "1" // The minimum alpha for an objective at the edge of the compass
- compassObjectiveMinDistRange "1" // The distance that objective transition effects play over, centered on compassObjectiveNearbyDist.
- compassObjectiveMinHeight "-70" // The minimum height that an objective is considered to be on this level
- compassObjectiveNearbyDist "4" // When an objective is closer than this distance (in meters), an "Objective Nearby" type of indicator is shown.
- compassObjectiveNumRings "10" // The number of rings when a new objective appears
- compassObjectiveRingSize "80" // The maximum objective ring sige when a new objective appears on the compass
- compassObjectiveRingTime "10000" // The amount of time between each ring when an objective appears
- compassObjectiveTextHeight "18" // Objective text height
- compassObjectiveTextScale "0.3" // Scale to apply to hud objectives
- compassObjectiveWidth "20" // The size of the objective on the compass
- compassPlayerHeight "18.75"
- compassPlayerWidth "18.75" // The size of the player's icon on the compass
- compassRadarLineThickness "0.4" // Thickness, relative to the compass size, of the radar texture that sweeps across the map
- compassRadarPingFadeTime "4" // How long an enemy is visible on the compass after it is detected by radar
- compassRadarUpdateTime "4" // Time between radar updates for the normal radar mode
- compassRotation "1" // Style of compass
- compassSize "1" // Scale the compass
- compassSoundPingFadeTime "2" // The time in seconds for the sound overlay on the compass to fade
- compassTickertapeStretch "0.5" // How far the tickertape should stretch from its center.
- com_animCheck "0" // Check anim tree
- com_cinematicEndInWhite "0" // Set by script. True if cinematic ends with a white screen.
- com_errorResolveCommand // Command to run when they close the error box
- com_filter_output "0" // Use console filters for filtering output.
- com_maxfps "85" // Cap frames per second
- com_maxFrameTime "100" // Time slows down if a frame takes longer than this many milliseconds
- com_recommendedSet "1"
- com_statmon "0" // Draw stats monitor
- com_timescale "1" // Scale time of each frame
- con_default_console_filter "*"
- con_errormessagetime "8" // Onscreen time for error messages in seconds
- con_gameMsgWindow0FadeInTime "0.25"
- con_gameMsgWindow0FadeOutTime "0.5"
- con_gameMsgWindow0Filter "gamenotify"
- con_gameMsgWindow0LineCount "4"
- con_gameMsgWindow0MsgTime "5"
- con_gameMsgWindow0ScrollTime "0.25"
- con_gameMsgWindow0SplitscreenScale "1.5"
- con_gameMsgWindow1FadeInTime "0.25"
- con_gameMsgWindow1FadeOutTime "0.5"
- con_gameMsgWindow1Filter "boldgame"
- con_gameMsgWindow1LineCount "1"
- con_gameMsgWindow1MsgTime "3"
- con_gameMsgWindow1ScrollTime "0.25"
- con_gameMsgWindow1SplitscreenScale "1.5"
- con_gameMsgWindow2FadeInTime "0.75"
- con_gameMsgWindow2FadeOutTime "0.5"
- con_gameMsgWindow2Filter "subtitle"
- con_gameMsgWindow2LineCount "7"
- con_gameMsgWindow2MsgTime "5"
- con_gameMsgWindow2ScrollTime "0.25"
- con_gameMsgWindow2SplitscreenScale "1.5"
- con_gameMsgWindow3FadeInTime "0.25"
- con_gameMsgWindow3FadeOutTime "0.5"
- con_gameMsgWindow3Filter
- con_gameMsgWindow3LineCount "5"
- con_gameMsgWindow3MsgTime "5"
- con_gameMsgWindow3ScrollTime "0.25"
- con_gameMsgWindow3SplitscreenScale "1.5"
- con_inputBoxColor "0.25" // Color of the console input box
- con_inputHintBoxColor "0.4" // Color of the console input hint box
- con_matchPrefixOnly "1" // Only match the prefix when listing matching Dvars
- con_minicon "0" // Display the mini console on screen
- con_miniconlines "5" // Number of lines in the minicon message window
- con_minicontime "4" // Onscreen time for minicon messages in seconds
- con_outputBarColor "1" // Color of the console output slider bar
- con_outputSliderColor "0.15" // Color of the console slider
- con_outputWindowColor "0.35" // Color of the console output
- con_typewriterColorBase "1" // Base color of typewritten objective text.
- con_typewriterColorGlowCheckpoint "0.6"
- con_typewriterColorGlowCompleted "0"
- con_typewriterColorGlowFailed "0.8"
- con_typewriterColorGlowUpdated "0" // Color of typewritten objective text.
- con_typewriterDecayDuration "700" // Time (in milliseconds) to spend disolving the line away.
- con_typewriterDecayStartTime "6000" // Time (in milliseconds) to spend between the build and disolve phases.
- con_typewriterPrintSpeed "50" // Time (in milliseconds) to print each letter in the line.
- cpu_speed_12players "3"
- cpu_speed_18players "6"
- cpu_speed_8players "2.7"
- developer "0" // Enable development options
- developer_script "0" // Enable developer script comments
- didyouknow "@PLATFORM_DYK_IW4_MSG17"
- drawEntityCount "0" // Enable entity count drawing
- drawEntityCountPos "-55" // Where to draw the entity count graph
- drawEntityCountSize "32" // How big to draw the entity count graph
- drawKillcamData "0" // Enable drawing server killcam data
- drawKillcamDataPos "-55" // Where to draw the server killcam graph
- drawKillcamDataSize "32" // How big to draw the killcam data graph
- drawLagometer "0" // Enable the 'lagometer'
- drawServerBandwidth "0" // Enable drawing server bandwidth
- drawServerBandwidthPos "-55" // Where to draw the server bandwidth graph
- dynEnt_active "1"
- dynEnt_bulletForce "1000" // Force applied from bullet hit
- dynEnt_damageScale "1" // Scales damage applied to destructible dynents
- dynEnt_explodeForce "12500" // Force applied from explosion hit
- dynEnt_explodeMaxEnts "20" // The maximum number of dynents that can be awakened by one explosion
- dynEnt_explodeMinForce "40" // Force below which dynents won't even bother waking up
- dynEnt_explodeSpinScale "3" // Scale of the random offset from the center of mass for explosion forces.
- dynEnt_explodeUpbias "0.5" // Upward bias applied to force directions from explosion hits
- dynEnt_explodingBulletForce "3500" // Force applied from bullet explosion hit
- dynEnt_explodingBulletMaxEnts "5" // The maximum number of dynents that can be awakened by one explosive bullet
- dynEnt_explodingBulletMinForce "5" // Force below which dynents won't even bother waking up when hit by explosive bullets
- dynEnt_explodingBulletSpinScale "1" // Scale of the random offset from the center of mass for bullet explosion forces.
- dynEnt_explodingBulletUpbias "0.5" // Upward bias applied to force directions from bullet explosion hits
- fixedtime "0" // Use a fixed time rate for each frame
- FoFIconMaxSize "640" // Maximum size a Friend-or-Foe icon should ever grow to.
- FoFIconMinSize "30" // Minimum size a Friend-or-Foe icon should ever shrink to.
- FoFIconScale "1.3" // Base scale of Friend-or-Foe icons.
- FoFIconSpawnTimeDelay "1" // How long to wait, after spawning, before showing the Friend-or-Foe icon on a player.
- FoFIconSpawnTimeFade "5" // Length of the Friend-or-Foe icons' fade-ins.
- friction "5.5" // Player
- fs_basegame
- fs_basepath "G:codmw2"
- fs_cdpath
- fs_copyfiles "0"
- fs_debug "0"
- fs_game
- fs_homepath "G:codmw2"
- fs_ignoreLocalized "0"
- fx_count "0" // Debug effects count
- fx_cull_elem_draw "1" // Culls effect elems for drawing
- fx_cull_elem_spawn "1" // Culls effect elems for spawning
- fx_debugBolt "0" // Debug effects bolt
- fx_draw "1" // Toggles drawing of effects after processing
- fx_drawClouds "1" // Toggles the drawing of particle clouds
- fx_enable "1" // Toggles all effects processing
- fx_freeze "0" // Freeze effects
- fx_marks "1" // Toggles whether bullet hits leave marks
- fx_marks_ents "1" // Toggles whether bullet hits leave marks on entities
- fx_marks_smodels "1" // Toggles whether bullet hits leave marks on static models
- fx_mark_profile "0" // Turn on FX profiling for marks (specify which local client, with '1' being the first.)
- fx_profile "0" // Turn on FX profiling (specify which local client, with '1' being the first.)
- fx_profileFilter // Only show effects with this as a substring in FX profile
- fx_profileSkip "0" // Skip the first n lines in FX profile (to see ones off bottom of screen)
- fx_profileSort "cost" // Choose sort criteria for FX profiling
- fx_visMinTraceDist "80" // Minimum visibility trace size
- gameMode "mp"
- glass_angular_vel "5" // Sets the range of angular velocities used by new glass pieces
- glass_break "1" // Toggle whether or not glass breaks when shot
- glass_debug "0" // Shows debug info for glass
- glass_edge_angle "5" // Sets the range of angle deflections used by new glass pieces on a supported edge
- glass_fall_delay "0.2" // Sets how long a heavy piece supported by a single edge waits before falling, based on glass_fall_ratio
- glass_fall_gravity "800" // Gravity for falling pieces of glass
- glass_fall_ratio "1.5" // Ratio of piece area to supporting edge length squared. Below the min, the piece never falls.
- glass_fringe_maxcoverage "0.2" // The maximum portion of the original piece of glass that is allowed to remain after the glass shatters
- glass_fringe_maxsize "150" // The maximum area for an edge piece of glass when shattering. Pieces larger than this will be broken into smaller ones
- glass_fx_chance "0.25" // Chance to play an effect on a small piece of glass when it hits the ground
- glass_hinge_friction "50" // Friction used by moving glass pieces when joined like a hinge to a frame
- glass_linear_vel "200" // Sets the range of linear velocities used by new glass pieces
- glass_max_pieces_per_frame "100" // Maximum number of pieces to create in one frame. This is a guideline and not a hard limit.
- glass_max_shatter_fx_per_frame "6" // Maximum number of shatter effects to play in one frame This is a guideline and not a hard limit.
- glass_physics_chance "0.15" // The chance for a given shard of glass to use physics
- glass_physics_maxdist "512" // The maximum distance of a glass piece from the player to do physics
- glass_shard_maxsize "300" // The maximum area for a flying piece of glass when shattering. Pieces larger than this will be broken into smaller ones
- glass_shattered_scale "48" // The scale of the shattered glass material
- glass_trace_interval "100" // The length of time, in milliseconds, between glass piece traces
- g_allowvote "1"
- g_gametype "war"
- g_gravity "800" // Gravity in inches per second per second
- g_hardcore "0"
- g_logsync "2"
- g_synchronousClients "0" // Client is synchronized to the server - allows smooth demos
- heli_barrelMaxVelocity "1250"
- heli_barrelRotation "70"
- heli_barrelSlowdown "360"
- hiDef "1" // True if the game video is running in high-def.
- hudElemPausedBrightness "0.4" // Brightness of the hudelems when the game is paused.
- hud_bloodOverlayLerpRate "0.3" // Rate at which blood overlay fades out
- hud_deathQuoteFadeTime "1000" // The time for the death quote to fade
- hud_enable "1"
- hud_fadeout_speed "0.1" // The speed that the HUD will fade at
- hud_fade_ammodisplay "0" // The time for the ammo display to fade in seconds
- hud_fade_compass "0" // The time for the compass to fade in seconds
- hud_fade_healthbar "2" // The time for the health bar to fade in seconds
- hud_fade_offhand "0" // The time for the offhand weapons to fade in seconds
- hud_fade_sprint "1.7" // The time for the sprint meter to fade in seconds
- hud_fade_stance "1.7" // The time for the stance to fade in seconds
- hud_flash_period_offhand "0.5" // Offhand weapons flash period on changing weapon
- hud_flash_time_offhand "2" // Offhand weapons flash duration on changing weapon
- hud_health_pulserate_critical "0.5" // The pulse rate of the 'critical' pulse effect
- hud_health_pulserate_injured "1" // The pulse rate of the 'injured' pulse effect
- hud_health_startpulse_critical "0.33" // The health level at which to start the 'critical' pulse effect
- hud_health_startpulse_injured "1" // The health level at which to start the 'injured' pulse effect
- intro "0" // Intro movie should play
- in_mouse "1"
- iwnet_debug "0" // turn on iwnet debugging
- iwnet_maxResendTime "120" // maximum resend time for iwnet commands
- iwnet_minResendTime "4" // minimum resend time for iwnet commands
- iwnet_searching "1" // Whether to use IW matchmaking
- iwnet_sessionFullHeartbeat "20000"
- iwnet_sessionHeartbeat "5000" // How often to send a heartbeat msg
- iwnet_sessions "1" // Whether to give IWNet info about our session
- iwnet_xuid "504"
- jump_height "39" // The maximum height of a player's jump
- jump_ladderPushVel "128" // The velocity of a jump off of a ladder
- jump_slowdownEnable "1" // Slow player movement after jumping
- jump_spreadAdd "64" // The amount of spread scale to add as a side effect of jumping
- jump_stepSize "18" // The maximum step up to the top of a jump arc
- koth_autodestroytime "60"
- koth_capturetime "20"
- koth_delayPlayer "0"
- koth_destroytime "10"
- koth_extraDelay "0"
- koth_kothmode "0"
- koth_proMode "0"
- koth_spawnDelay "60"
- koth_spawntime "30"
- laserDebug "0" // Enables the display of various debug info.
- laserEndOffset "0.5" // How far from the point of collision the end of the beam is.
- laserFlarePct "0.2" // Percentage laser widens over distance from viewer.
- laserFlarePct_alt "0"
- laserForceOn "0" // Force laser sights on in all possible places (for debug purposes).
- laserLight "1" // Whether to draw the light emitted from a laser (not the laser itself)
- laserLightBeginOffset "13" // How far from the true beginning of the beam the light at the beginning is.
- laserLightBodyTweak "15" // Amount to add to length of beam for light when laser hits a body (for hitboxes)
- laserLightEndOffset "-3" // How far from the true end of the beam the light at the end is.
- laserLightRadius "3" // The radius of the light at the far end of a laser beam
- laserLightRadius_alt "100"
- laserLightWithoutNightvision "0" // Whether to draw the light emitted from a laser (not the laser itself) when nightvision is off. Player always gets light.
- laserRadius "0.8" // The size (radius) of a laser beam
- laserRadius_alt "30"
- laserRange "1500" // The maximum range of a laser beam
- laserRangePlayer "1500" // The maximum range of the player's laser beam
- laserRange_alt "5000"
- loading_sre_fatal "1"
- lobby_animationSpeed "30" // How long each frame of the animation should draw, in milliseconds
- lobby_animationTilesHigh "4" // How many animation tiles high is the searching_for_player texture
- lobby_animationTilesWide "8" // How many animation tiles wide is the searching_for_player texture
- lobby_numAnimationFrames "30" // How many animation tiles are in the searching_for_player texture
- lobby_partySearchWaitTime "1000" // How long to wait for party members to join the lobby before we start searching for games
- lobby_searchingPartyColor "0.941177" // The color to show that we're searching for that slot when shown in lobbies
- loc_forceEnglish "0" // Force english localized strings
- loc_language "0" // Language
- loc_translate "1" // Enable translations
- loc_warnings "0" // Enable localization warnings
- loc_warningsAsErrors "0" // Throw an error for any unlocalized string
- loc_warningsUI "0" // Enable localization warnings for UI
- logfile "1" // Write to log file - 0 = disabled, 1 = async file write, 2 = Sync every write
- lowAmmoWarningColor1 "0.701961" // Color 1 of 2 to oscilate between
- lowAmmoWarningColor2 "1" // Color 2 of 2 to oscilate between
- lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor1 "0.8" // Like lowAmmoWarningColor1, but when no ammo.
- lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor2 "1" // lowAmmoWarningColor2, but when no ammo.
- lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor1 "0.701961" // Like lowAmmoWarningColor1, but when no ammo to reload with.
- lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor2 "0.701961" // lowAmmoWarningColor2, but when no ammo to reload with.
- lowAmmoWarningPulseFreq "2.3" // Frequency of the pulse (oscilation between the 2 colors)
- lowAmmoWarningPulseMax "1.5" // Min of oscilation range: 0 is color1 and 1.0 is color2. Can be < 0, and the wave will clip at 0.
- lowAmmoWarningPulseMin "0" // Max of oscilation range: 0 is color1 and 1.0 is color2. Can be > 1.0, and the wave will clip at 1.0.
- lsp_debug "0" // Whether to print lsp debug info
- mantle_check_angle "60" // The minimum angle from the player to a mantle surface to allow a mantle
- mantle_check_radius "0.1" // The player radius to test against while mantling
- mantle_check_range "20" // The minimum distance from a player to a mantle surface to allow a mantle
- mantle_debug "0" // Show debug information for mantling
- mantle_enable "1" // Enable player mantling
- mantle_max_vertical_end_velocity "0" // The maximum allowed vertical velocity when finishing a mantle
- mantle_view_yawcap "60" // The angle at which to restrict a sideways turn while mantling
- mapcrc "0"
- mapname
- masterPort "20810"
- masterServerName "cod4master.activision.com"
- matchmaking_debug "1" // Enable matchmaking debugging information
- maxVoicePacketsPerSec "100"
- maxVoicePacketsPerSecForServer "20"
- migrationPingTime "10"
- migration_blocksperframe "0" // Number of blocks to send out each server frame. A value of 0 means base it off our tested bandwidth.
- migration_dvarErrors "1" // Whether to check for illegal script dvar changes.
- migration_limit "5" // maximum number of migrations within migration_timeBetween dvar's value in milliseconds.
- migration_msgtimeout "500" // timeout time in ms of migration messages
- migration_timeBetween "30000" // milliseconds between migration_limit dvar's value of migrations.
- migration_verboseBroadcastTime "100" // time in milliseconds between verbose migration state broadcasts
- missileRemoteFOV "15" // Remote missile-cam, FOV to use.
- missileRemoteSteerPitchRange "1" // Remote-controlled missile allowed up/down range. To keep players from steering missiles above the horizon.
- missileRemoteSteerPitchRate "35" // Remote-controlled missile up/down steering speed.
- missileRemoteSteerYawRate "35" // Remote-controlled missile left/right steering speed.
- monkeytoy "0" // Restrict console access
- motd "Welcome"
- motionTrackerBlurDuration "0.2" // The motion blur duration for motion tracker dots
- motionTrackerCenterX "0" // The fractional position of the player on the motion tracker
- motionTrackerCenterY "-0.37"
- motionTrackerPingFadeTime "3" // How long an enemy is visible on the motion tracker after being detected
- motionTrackerPingPitchAddPerEnemy "0" // The added percentage of pitch for each additional enemy that is detected (final pitch = base pitch * (1 + enemy count * this))
- motionTrackerPingPitchBase "1" // The pitch of the motion tracker sound for a distant enemy
- motionTrackerPingPitchNearby "2" // The pitch of the motion tracker sound for a nearby enemy
- motionTrackerPingSize "0.2" // The width and height of the motion tracker's enemy indicators as a percentage of motion tracker scale
- motionTrackerRange "1600" // The range, in world units, that the motion tracker displays
- motionTrackerSweepAngle "90" // The maximum angle from straight forward that the motion tracker detects enemies
- motionTrackerSweepInterval "3" // The time between motion tracker sweeps
- motionTrackerSweepSpeed "2000" // The speed, in world units per second, of the motion tracker sweep
- mp_paused "0" // If true ignore server time advancing. Handy for taking hi-res screen shots.
- msg_dumpEnts "0" // Print snapshot entity info
- msg_hudelemspew "0" // Debug hudelem fields changing
- msg_printEntityNums "0" // Print entity numbers
- m_filter "0" // Allow mouse movement smoothing
- m_forward "0.25" // Forward speed in units per second
- m_pitch "0.022" // Default pitch
- m_side "0.25" // Sideways motion in units per second
- m_yaw "0.022" // Default yaw
- name
- net_ip "localhost" // Network IP address
- net_lanauthorize "0" // Authorise CD keys when using a LAN
- net_noipx "0"
- net_noudp "0"
- net_port "28960" // Network port
- net_profile "0" // Profile network performance
- net_showprofile "0" // Show network profiling display
- net_socksEnabled "0"
- net_socksPassword
- net_socksPort "1080"
- net_socksServer
- net_socksUsername
- nextdemo // The next demo to play
- nextmap
- nightVisionDisableEffects "0"
- nightVisionFadeInOutTime "0.1" // How long the fade to/from black lasts when putting on or removing night vision goggles.
- nightVisionPowerOnTime "0.3" // How long the black-to-nightvision fade lasts when turning on the goggles.
- objectiveFadeTimeGoingOff "0.5" // Onscreen Objective Pointer - How long to take to fade out.
- objectiveFadeTimeGoingOn "1" // Onscreen Objective Pointer - How long to take to fade back in.
- objectiveFadeTimeWaitOff "2" // Onscreen Objective Pointer - How long to wait before turning off, when appropriate.
- objectiveFadeTimeWaitOn "2" // Onscreen Objective Pointer - How long to wait before turning back on, when appropriate.
- objectiveFadeTooClose "0.1" // Onscreen Objective Pointer - Will not fade back in if target ent is closer than this.
- objectiveFadeTooFar "25" // Onscreen Objective Pointer - Will not fade out if target ent is farther than this.
- objectiveFontSize "0.6" // Onscreen Objective Pointer - Fontsize of the icon's text.
- objectiveHide "0" // When enabled, objectives will not show.
- objectiveTextOffsetY "-5.33" // Onscreen Objective Pointer - Offset of the icon's text.
- onlinegame "0" // Current game is an online game with stats, custom classes, unlocks
- onlinegameandhost "0" // true only if this is an xbox live game AND we're the host, otherwise false
- onlineunrankedgameandhost "0" // true only if this is an xbox live RANKED game AND we're the host, otherwise false
- overrideNVGModelWithKnife "0" // When true, nightvision animations will attach the weapDef's knife model instead of the night vision goggles.
- packetDebug "0" // Enable packet debugging information
- painReverbDryLevel "0.5" // Pain reverb dry level.
- painReverbRoomType "underwater" // Pain reverb room type.
- painReverbWetLevel "0.4" // Pain reverb wet level.
- painVisionLerpOutRate "0.3" // Rate at which pain vision effect lerps out
- painVisionTriggerHealth "0.55" // Health (0 to 1) that will trigger the pain vision effect
- partymigrate_broadcast_interval "200"
- partymigrate_cpuBonusPing "25"
- partymigrate_cpuBonusThreshold "0.5"
- partymigrate_pingtest_retry "100"
- partymigrate_pingtest_timeout "600"
- partymigrate_selectiontime "1800"
- partymigrate_timeout "8000"
- partymigrate_timeoutmax "15000"
- party_autoteams "1" // Enables/Disables auto team functionality
- party_connectTimeout "1000" // Connect timeout
- party_connectToOthers "1" // If false, we will just start our own lobby rather than connect to another lobby, even if others exist
- party_currentSearchTier "2" // Current search tier we want when joining a game
- party_debug "0" // Debug party functionality
- party_defaultSearchTier "2" // Default search tier we want when joining a game
- party_editingsettings "0" // True if the host is editing game settings
- party_firstSubpartyIndex "0" // Determines sort order and coloring of parties in lobbies. Randomly set by code. Dvar provided for debugging.
- party_gamesize // Current maximum game size
- party_gameStartTimerLength "10" // Time in seconds before a game start once enough party members are ready
- party_gametype // Current gametype
- party_host "0" // True if we are the host of the party
- party_hostmigration "1" // Whether to use host migration in lobbies
- party_hostname // The name of the host player
- party_IAmSelected "0" // True if selected player is you. Only valid when used with party feeders.
- party_kickplayerquestion // String to store the question about kicking the selected player
- party_listFocus "0"
- party_lobbyPlayerCount // Number of players currently in the party/lobby in lobby format (x/y players)
- party_mapname // Current map name
- party_mappacks
- party_matchedPlayerCount "4" // Number of matched players before revealing their true names
- party_maxplayers "16" // Maximum number of players in a party
- party_maxPrivatePartyPlayers "18" // Max number of players allowed in a private party.
- party_maxSearchTier "6" // Max possible search tier we want when joining a game
- party_maxTeamDiff "1" // Maximum difference allowed between teams before starting a match
- party_membersMissingMapPack "0" // Whether any party member is missing one of the enabled map packs. Only valid after running partyUpdateMissingMapPackDvar
- party_minLobbyTime "60" // Minimum time (in seconds) for a lobby to be open before auto starting a match
- party_minplayers "2" // Minimum number of players in a party
- party_msPerTier "50" // ms per search tier
- party_partyPlayerCount // Number of players currently in the party/lobby in party format (x players in y's party)
- party_playervisible "0" // Whether selected player in party is showing true info or not. Only valid when used with party feeders.
- party_pregameStartTimerLength "5" // Time in seconds before showing and starting the game start timer
- party_searchPauseTime "2000" // Minimum amount of time to pause between searches
- party_searchRandomDelay "500" // Time period over which the search timers will get randomly delayed.
- party_searchResultsLifetime "45000" // Time at which we consider the search results stale
- party_searchResultsMin "2000" // Minimum amount of time that has to pass before we'll search again for matches
- party_selectedIndex "0" // Current selected player index in the feeder.
- party_selectedIndexChangedTime "0" // Time stamp in milliseconds when the selected index last changed.
- party_statusString // Party Status (localized )
- party_teambased "1" // True if the current playlist is team based
- party_teamsVisible "0" // teams are visible in UI
- party_timer "0" // Time until game begins in seconds, for UI display
- party_vetoButtonVisible "0" // The party veto button is visible in the UI
- party_vetoDelayTime "4" // Delay time in seconds for a successful map vote to execute
- party_vetoPassed "0" // Did the veto pass?
- party_vetoPercentRequired "0.501" // The fraction of the waiting players who need to veto for a map to be skipped
- party_vetoStatus // Veto progress (localized )
- password
- perk_armorPiercingDamage "40"
- perk_blastShield "65"
- perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier "2" // Multiplier for extra bullet penetration
- perk_diveDistanceCheck "64" // Length of required empty space to allow diving
- perk_diveGravityScale "0.75" // Scale for gravity while diving
- perk_diveVelocity "250" // Horizontal velocity when diving
- perk_diveViewRollResetSpeed "4" // Rate at which view rotates after the dive is finished
- perk_diveViewRollSpeed "0.5" // Rate at which view rotates
- perk_diveViewRollTarget "45" // Max angle to rotate view by when diving
- perk_extendedMagsMGAmmo "10" // Number of extra bullets per clip for machine gun weapons with the extended mags perk.
- perk_extendedMagsPistolAmmo "5" // Number of extra bullets per clip for pistol weapons with the extended mags perk.
- perk_extendedMagsRifleAmmo "10" // Number of extra bullets per clip for rifle weapons with the extended mags perk.
- perk_extendedMagsSMGAmmo "10" // Number of extra bullets per clip for sub machine gun weapons with the extended mags perk.
- perk_extendedMagsSpreadAmmo "5" // Number of extra bullets per clip for spread weapons with the extended mags perk.
- perk_extendedMeleeRange "176" // The range of the auto melee with the extened perk
- perk_extraBreath "5" // Number of extra seconds a player can hold his breath
- perk_fastSnipeScale "2" // Scales the recovery speed of the view kick when using a sniper.
- perk_footstepVolumeAlly "0.25"
- perk_footstepVolumeEnemy "4"
- perk_footstepVolumePlayer "0.25"
- perk_grenadeDeath "frag_grenade_short_mp" // Name of the grenade weapon to drop
- perk_improvedExtraBreath "5" // Number of extra seconds a player can hold his breath on top of the base perk
- perk_lightWeightViewBobScale "0.75" // Scale for first person view movement while lightweight.
- perk_parabolicAngle "180" // Eavesdrop perk's effective FOV angle
- perk_parabolicIcon "specialty_parabolic" // Eavesdrop icon to use when displaying eavesdropped voice chats
- perk_parabolicRadius "400" // Eavesdrop perk's effective radius
- perk_quickDrawSpeedScale "1.5" // Scales the 'Hip to ADS' transition speed.
- perk_scavengerMode "0"
- perk_sprintMultiplier "2" // Multiplier for player_sprinttime
- perk_sprintRecoveryMultiplierActual "0.6" // Percent of sprint recovery time to use.
- perk_sprintRecoveryMultiplierVisual "0.6"
- perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.75" // Percentage of weapon firing rate to use
- perk_weapReloadMultiplier "0.5" // Percentage of weapon reload time to use
- perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.65" // Percentage of weapon spread to use
- physVeh_collideWithClipOnly "0" // Physics vehicles will only collide with vehicle clip when true
- physVeh_explodeForce "800" // The force applied to physics vehicles due to explosions
- physVeh_explodeSpinScale "3" // The max (random) offset from the center of mass at which splash damage applies its force
- physVeh_jump "0" // Set to 1 to make a vehicle jump.
- physVeh_minImpactMomentum "17.6" // The minimum collision momentum needed to register an impact
- physVeh_pathConstraintCfm "1e-006" // The constraint cfm for path-constrained vehicles
- physVeh_pathConstraintErp "0.8"
- physVeh_slideReductionForHighSpeed "0" // A larger value makes it harder to slip when moving faster than the max speed
- physVeh_StepsPerFrame "3" // The number of physics timesteps that the server frame will be divided into.
- phys_autoDisableAngular "57" // A body must have angular velocity less than this to be considered idle. (deg/sec)
- phys_autoDisableFastAngular "270" // Auto disable settings that make bodies go to sleep faster (i.e., they don't have to slow down as much first). (deg/sec)
- phys_autoDisableFastLinear "40" // Auto disable settings that make bodies go to sleep faster (i.e., they don't have to slow down as much first).
- phys_autoDisableFastTime "0.5"
- phys_autoDisableLinear "20" // A body must have linear velocity less than this to be considered idle.
- phys_autoDisableTime "0.9" // The amount of time a body must be idle for it to go to sleep.
- phys_bulletSpinScale "3" // Scale of the effective offset from the center of mass for the bullet impacts.
- phys_bulletUpBias "0.5" // Up Bias for the direction of the bullet impact.
- phys_cfm "0.0001" // Physics constraint force mixing magic parameter.
- phys_collUseEntities "0" // Disable to turn off testing for collision against entities
- phys_contact_cfm "1e-005" // Physics constraint force mixing magic parameter for contacts.
- phys_contact_cfm_ragdoll "0.001"
- phys_contact_cfm_vehicle "0.001"
- phys_contact_cfm_vehicleSoft "0.05"
- phys_contact_erp "0.8" // Physics error reduction magic parameter for contacts.
- phys_contact_erp_ragdoll "0.3"
- phys_contact_erp_vehicle "0.5"
- phys_contact_erp_vehicleSoft "0.05"
- phys_csl "0.3" // Physics contact surface level magic parameter.
- phys_dragAngular "0.5" // The amount of angular drag, applied globally
- phys_dragLinear "0.03" // The amount of linear drag, applied globally
- phys_drawAwake "0" // Debug draw a box indicating which bodies are disabled
- phys_drawCollisionObj "0" // Debug draw collision geometry for each physics object
- phys_drawCollisionWorld "0" // Debug draw collision brushes and terrain triangles
- phys_drawcontacts "0" // Debug draw contact points
- phys_drawDebugInfo "0" // Print info about the physics objects
- phys_dumpcontacts "0" // Set to true to dump all constraints in next physics frame.
- phys_erp "0.8" // Physics error reduction magic parameter.
- phys_frictionScale "1" // Scales the amount of physics friction globally.
- phys_gravity "-800" // Physics gravity in units/sec^2.
- phys_gravityChangeWakeupRadius "120" // The radius around the player within which objects get awakened when gravity changes
- phys_gravity_ragdoll "-800" // Physics gravity used by ragdolls in units/sec^2.
- phys_jitterMaxMass "200" // Maximum mass to jitter - jitter will fall off up to this mass
- phys_jointPullThreshold "4" // If joints are farther apart than sqrt(this distance), they will be pulled together.
- phys_joint_cfm "0.0001" // Physics constraint force mixing magic parameter for joints.
- phys_joint_stop_cfm "0.0001" // Physics constraint force mixing magic parameter for joints at their limits.
- phys_joint_stop_erp "0.8" // Physics error reduction magic parameter for joints at their limits.
- phys_mcv "20" // Physics maximum correcting velocity magic parameter.
- phys_mcv_ragdoll "1000" // Physics maximum correcting velocity magic parameter (for ragdoll).
- phys_mcv_vehicle "300" // Physics maximum correcting velocity magic parameter (for vehicles).
- phys_minImpactMomentum "250" // The minimum momentum required to trigger impact sounds
- phys_narrowObjMaxLength "4" // If a geom has a dimension less than this, then extra work will be done to prevent it from falling into cracks (like between the wall and the floor)
- phys_noIslands "0" // Make all contacts joints between an object and the world: no object-object contacts
- phys_qsi "15" // Number of iterations that QuickStep performs per step.
- phys_reorderConst "1" // ODE solver reorder constraints
- player_adsExitDelay "0" // Delay before exiting aim down sight
- player_backSpeedScale "0.7" // The scale applied to the player speed when moving backwards
- player_breath_fire_delay "0" // The amount of time subtracted from the player remaining breath time when a weapon is fired
- player_breath_gasp_lerp "6" // The interpolation rate for the target waver amplitude when gasping
- player_breath_gasp_scale "4.5" // Scale value to apply to the target waver during a gasp
- player_breath_gasp_time "1" // The amount of time a player will gasp once they can breath again
- player_breath_hold_lerp "1" // The interpolation rate for the target waver amplitude when holding breath
- player_breath_hold_time "4.5" // The maximum time a player can hold his breath
- player_breath_snd_delay "1" // The delay before playing the breathe in sound
- player_breath_snd_lerp "2" // The interpolation rate for the player hold breath sound
- player_burstFireCooldown "0.2" // Seconds after a burst fire before weapons can be fired again.
- player_debugHealth "0" // Turn on debugging info for player health
- player_dmgtimer_flinchTime "500" // Maximum time to play flinch animations
- player_dmgtimer_maxTime "750" // The maximum time that the player is slowed due to damage
- player_dmgtimer_minScale "0" // The minimum scale value to slow the player by when damaged
- player_dmgtimer_stumbleTime "500" // Maximum time to play stumble animations
- player_dmgtimer_timePerPoint "100" // The time in milliseconds that the player is slowed down per point of damage
- player_footstepsThreshhold "0" // The minimum speed at which the player makes loud footstep noises
- player_lastStandCrawlSpeedScale "0.2" // The scale applied to the player speed when crawling in last stand.
- player_lastStandDebug "0" // Forces players into last stand for debugging purposes.
- player_lean_rotate_crouch_left "0.8" // Amount to rotate the player 3rd person model when crouch leaning left
- player_lean_rotate_crouch_right "0.3" // Amount to rotate the player 3rd person model when crouch leaning right
- player_lean_rotate_left "0.8" // Amount to rotate the player 3rd person model when leaning left
- player_lean_rotate_right "0.4" // Amount to rotate the player 3rd person model when leaning right
- player_lean_shift_crouch_left "4" // Amount to shift the player 3rd person model when crouch leaning left
- player_lean_shift_crouch_right "15" // Amount to shift the player 3rd person model when crouch leaning right
- player_lean_shift_left "5" // Amount to shift the player 3rd person model when leaning left
- player_lean_shift_right "9" // Amount to shift the player 3rd person model when leaning right
- player_meleeHeight "10" // The height of the player's melee attack
- player_meleeRange "64" // The maximum range of the player's mellee attack
- player_meleeWidth "10" // The width of the player's melee attack
- player_moveThreshhold "10" // The speed at which the player is considered to be moving for the purposes of
- player_move_factor_on_torso "0" // The contribution movement direction has on player torso direction(multi-player only)
- player_runThreshhold "110" // The speed threshold before a player is considered to be running forwards
- player_scopeExitOnDamage "0" // Exit the scope if the player takes damage
- player_spectateSpeedScale "1" // The scale applied to the player speed when spectating
- player_sprintCameraBob "0.5" // The speed the camera bobs while you sprint
- player_sprintForwardMinimum "105" // The minimum forward deflection required to maintain a sprint
- player_sprintMinTime "1" // The minimum sprint time needed in order to start sprinting
- player_sprintRechargePause "0" // The length of time the meter will pause before starting to recharge after a player sprints
- player_sprintSpeedScale "1.5" // The scale applied to the player speed when sprinting
- player_sprintStrafeSpeedScale "0.667" // The speed at which you can strafe while sprinting
- player_sprintTime "4" // The base length of time a player can sprint
- player_sprintUnlimited "0" // Whether players can sprint forever or not
- player_strafeAnimCosAngle "0.5" // Cosine of the angle which player starts using strafe animations
- player_strafeSpeedScale "0.8" // The scale applied to the player speed when strafing
- player_sustainAmmo "0" // Firing weapon will not decrease clip ammo.
- player_turnAnims "0" // Use animations to turn a player's model in multiplayer
- player_view_pitch_down "85" // Maximum angle that the player can look down
- player_view_pitch_up "85" // Maximum angle that the player can look up
- playlist "0" // The number
- playlistFilename "playlists.info" // Playlist filename
- privateMatch_joinPassword
- privateMatch_serverPassword
- pro******nuOption_blacklevel "0"
- pro******nuOption_gamma "0.8"
- pro******nuOption_safeAreaHorz "0.85"
- pro******nuOption_safeAreaVert "0.85"
- pro******nuOption_volume "0.8"
- protocol "134"
- radarjamDistMax "800"
- radarjamDistMin "350"
- radarjamSinCurve "0"
- ragdoll_baselerp_time "1000" // Default time ragdoll baselerp bones take to reach the base pose
- ragdoll_bullet_force "500" // Bullet force applied to ragdolls
- ragdoll_bullet_upbias "0.5" // Upward bias applied to ragdoll bullet effects
- ragdoll_debug "0" // Draw ragdoll debug info (bitflags)
- ragdoll_dump_anims "0" // Dump animation data when ragdoll fails
- ragdoll_enable "1" // Turn on ragdoll death animations
- ragdoll_explode_force "18000" // Explosive force applied to ragdolls
- ragdoll_explode_upbias "0.8" // Upwards bias applied to ragdoll explosion effects
- ragdoll_exploding_bullet_force "5000" // Force applied to ragdolls from explosive bullets
- ragdoll_exploding_bullet_upbias "0.8" // Upwards bias applied to ragdoll from explosive bullets
- ragdoll_fps "20" // Ragdoll update frames per second
- ragdoll_idle_min_velsq "2" // Minimum squared speed a ragdoll body needs to be moving before it will shut down due to time
- ragdoll_jitter_scale "1" // Scale up or down the effect of physics jitter on ragdolls
- ragdoll_jointlerp_time "3000" // Default time taken to lerp down ragdoll joint friction
- ragdoll_max_life "4500" // Max lifetime of a ragdoll system in msec
- ragdoll_max_simulating "16" // Max number of simultaneous active ragdolls
- ragdoll_max_stretch_pct "10" // Force ragdoll limbs to not stretch more than this percentage in one frame
- ragdoll_rotvel_scale "1" // Ragdoll rotational velocity estimate scale
- ragdoll_self_collision_scale "1.2" // Scale the size of the collision capsules used to prevent ragdoll limbs from interpenetrating
- ragdoll_stretch_iters "10" // Iterations to run the alternate limb solver
- rate "25000" // Player's preferred network
- reliableResendTime "300"
- reliableTimeoutTime "20000"
- RemoteCameraSounds_DryLevel "0.1"
- RemoteCameraSounds_RoomType "underwater"
- RemoteCameraSounds_WetLevel "0.5"
- requireOpenNat "1"
- r_aaAlpha "dither"
- r_aaMaxQuality "0"
- r_aaSamples "2"
- r_altModelLightingUpdate "0"
- r_aspectRatio "auto"
- r_atlasAnimFPS "15" // Speed to animate atlased 2d materials
- r_autopriority "0"
- r_blacklevel "0" // Black level (negative brightens output)
- r_blur "0" // Dev tweak to blur the screen
- r_brightness "0" // Brightness adjustment
- r_cacheModelLighting "1" // Speed up model lighting by caching previous results
- r_cacheSModelLighting "1" // Speed up static model lighting by caching previous results
- r_clear "never" // Controls how the color buffer is cleared
- r_clearColor "0" // Color to clear the screen to when clearing the frame buffer
- r_clearColor2 "0" // Color to clear every second frame to (for use during development)
- r_colorMap "Unchanged" // Replace all color maps with pure black or pure white
- r_contrast "1" // Contrast adjustment
- r_customMode
- r_debugLineWidth "1" // Width of server side debug lines
- r_debugShader "none" // Enable shader debugging information
- r_depthPrepass "None"
- r_desaturation "1" // Desaturation adjustment
- r_detail "1"
- r_detailMap "Unchanged" // Replace all detail maps with an image that effectively disables them
- r_diffuseColorScale "1" // Globally scale the diffuse color of all point lights
- r_displayRefresh "60"
- r_distortion "1" // Enable distortion
- r_dlightLimit "4" // Maximum number of dynamic lights drawn simultaneously
- r_dof_bias "0.5" // Depth of field bias as a power function (like gamma); less than 1 is sharper
- r_dof_enable "1" // Enable the depth of field effect
- r_dof_farBlur "1.8"
- r_dof_farEnd "7000" // Depth of field far end distance, in inches
- r_dof_farStart "1000" // Depth of field far start distance, in inches
- r_dof_nearBlur "6"
- r_dof_nearEnd "60" // Depth of field near end distance, in inches
- r_dof_nearStart "10" // Depth of field near start distance, in inches
- r_dof_tweak "0" // Use dvars to set the depth of field effect; overrides r_dof_enable
- r_dof_viewModelEnd "8" // Depth of field viewmodel end distance, in inches
- r_dof_viewModelStart "2" // Depth of field viewmodel start distance, in inches
- r_dpvsFilterDebug "0" // Filter all entities to all cells (debug)
- r_drawDecals "1"
- r_drawSun "1"
- r_drawWater "1" // Enable water animation
- r_envMapExponent "5" // Reflection exponent.
- r_envMapMaxIntensity "0.5" // Max reflection intensity based on glancing angle.
- r_envMapMinIntensity "0.2" // Min reflection intensity based on glancing angle.
- r_envMapOverride "0"
- r_envMapSunIntensity "2" // Max sun specular intensity intensity with env map materials.
- r_fastSkin "0"
- r_filmAltShader "1" // Use alternate shader (with middle tint and dark desat) for film color.
- r_filmTweakBrightness "0"
- r_filmTweakContrast "1.4"
- r_filmTweakDarkTint "0.7"
- r_filmTweakDesaturation "0.2"
- r_filmTweakDesaturationDark "0.2"
- r_filmTweakEnable "0"
- r_filmTweakInvert "0"
- r_filmTweakLightTint "1.1"
- r_filmTweakMediumTint "0.9"
- r_filmUseTweaks "0" // Overide film effects with tweak dvar values.
- r_floatz "1"
- r_fog "1" // Set to 0 to disable fog
- r_forceLod "none" // Force all level of detail to this level
- r_fullbright "0" // Toggles rendering without lighting
- r_fullscreen "0" // Display game full screen
- r_gamma "0.8" // Gamma value
- r_glow "1"
- r_glowTweakBloomCutoff "0.5"
- r_glowTweakBloomDesaturation "0"
- r_glowTweakBloomIntensity0 "1"
- r_glowTweakEnable "0"
- r_glowTweakRadius0 "5"
- r_glowUseTweaks "0"
- r_glow_allowed "1" // Allow glow.
- r_glow_allowed_script_forced "0" // Force 'allow glow' to be treated as true, by script.
- r_gpuSync "off"
- r_heroLighting "1" // Enable hero-only lighting
- r_highLodDist "-1" // Distance for high level of detail
- r_ignore "0" // used for debugging anything
- r_ignorehwgamma "0" // Ignore hardware gamma
- r_inGameVideo "1" // Allow in game cinematics
- r_lightCacheLessFrequentMaxDistance "64" // Adjust the distance fx models (and models tagged as less-frequently-lit by script) move before immediately being relit
- r_lightCacheLessFrequentPeriod "10" // Adjust how frequently fx models (and models tagged as less-frequently-lit by script) get relit on average (1 is every frame, 8 is every 8th frame)
- r_lightGridContrast "0" // Adjust the contrast of light color from the light grid
- r_lightGridEnableTweaks "0" // Enable tweaks of the light color from the light grid
- r_lightGridIntensity "1" // Adjust the intensity of light color from the light grid
- r_lightGridUseTweakedValues "1" // Use tweaked values instead of default
- r_lightMap "Unchanged" // Replace all lightmaps with pure black or pure white
- r_loadForRenderer "1"
- r_lockPvs "0" // Lock the viewpoint used for determining what is visible to the current position and direction
- r_lodBiasRigid "0"
- r_lodBiasSkinned "0"
- r_lodScaleRigid "1"
- r_lodScaleSkinned "1"
- r_lowestLodDist "-1" // Distance for lowest level of detail
- r_lowLodDist "-1" // Distance for low level of detail
- r_mediumLodDist "-1" // Distance for medium level of detail
- r_mode "1024x768"
- r_modelVertColor "1"
- r_monitor "0"
- r_multiGpu "0"
- r_normal "1"
- r_normalMap "Unchanged" // Replace all normal maps with a flat normal map
- r_outdoor "1"
- r_outdoorFeather "8" // Outdoor z-feathering value
- r_picmip "0"
- r_picmip_bump "0"
- r_picmip_manual "0"
- r_picmip_spec "0"
- r_picmip_water "0"
- r_polygonOffsetBias "-1" // Offset bias for decal polygons; bigger values z-fight less but poke through walls more
- r_polygonOffsetScale "-1" // Offset scale for decal polygons; bigger values z-fight less but poke through walls more
- r_portalBevels "0.7" // Helps cull geometry by angles of portals that are acute when projected onto the screen, value is the cosine of the angle
- r_portalBevelsOnly "0" // Use screen-space bounding box of portals rather than the actual shape of the portal projected onto the screen
- r_portalMinClipArea "0.02" // Don't clip child portals by a parent portal smaller than this fraction of the screen area.
- r_portalMinRecurseDepth "2" // Ignore r_portalMinClipArea for portals with fewer than this many parent portals.
- r_portalWalkLimit "0" // Stop portal recursion after this many iterations. Useful for debugging portal errors.
- r_preloadShaders "0"
- r_pretess "1"
- r_primaryLightTweakDiffuseStrength "1"
- r_primaryLightTweakSpecularStrength "1"
- r_primaryLightUseTweaks "0"
- r_reflectionProbeGenerate "0"
- r_reflectionProbeGenerateExit "0"
- r_reflectionProbeRegenerateAll "0"
- r_rendererInUse "Shader"
- r_rendererPreference "Default"
- r_resampleScene "1" // Upscale the frame buffer with sharpen filter and color correction.
- r_scaleViewport "1" // Scale 3D viewports by this fraction. Use this to see if framerate is pixel shader bound.
- r_showFbColorDebug "None" // Show front buffer color debugging information
- r_showFloatZDebug "0" // Show float z buffer used to eliminate hard edges on particles near geometry
- r_showLightGrid "0" // Show light grid debugging information (2: detailed, 3: detailed for this box only)
- r_showMissingLightGrid "0" // Use rainbow colors for entities that are outside the light grid
- r_showPortals "0"
- r_showPortalsOverview "0"
- r_singleCell "0" // Only draw things in the same cell as the camera. Most useful for seeing how big the current cell is.
- r_skipPvs "0" // Skipt the determination of what is in the potentially visible set (disables most drawing)
- r_smc_enable "1"
- r_smc_optimize "1"
- r_smp_backend "1" // Process renderer back end in a separate thread
- r_smp_worker "1" // Process renderer front end in a separate thread
- r_smp_worker_thread0 "1"
- r_smp_worker_thread1 "1"
- r_specular "1"
- r_specularColorScale "2.5" // Set greater than 1 to brighten specular highlights
- r_specularMap "Unchanged" // Replace all specular maps with pure black (off) or pure white (super shiny)
- r_spotLightBrightness "14" // Brightness scale for spot light to get overbrightness from the 0-1 particle color range.
- r_spotLightEndRadius "196" // Radius of the circle at the end of the spot light in inches.
- r_spotLightEntityShadows "1" // Enable entity shadows for spot lights.
- r_spotLightExponent "2" // Exponent for spot light to control falloff away from the center
- r_spotLightFovInnerFraction "0.5" // Relative Inner FOV angle for the dynamic spot light. 0 is full fade 0.99 is almost no fade.
- r_spotLightMaxLength "5000" // Maximum length of the spot light used to light geo. The will limit the length set in the effect.
- r_spotLightShadows "1" // Enable shadows for spot lights.
- r_spotLightSModelShadows "1" // Enable static model shadows for spot lights.
- r_spotLightStartRadius "36" // Radius of the circle at the start of the spot light in inches.
- r_sse_skinning "1"
- r_subwindow "0" // subwindow to draw: left, right, top, bottom
- r_sunblind_fadein "0.5" // time in seconds to fade blind from 0% to 100%
- r_sunblind_fadeout "3" // time in seconds to fade blind from 100% to 0%
- r_sunblind_max_angle "5" // angle from sun in degrees inside which blinding is max
- r_sunblind_max_darken "0.75" // 0-1 fraction for how black the world is at max blind
- r_sunblind_min_angle "30" // angle from sun in degrees outside which blinding is 0
- r_sunflare_fadein "1" // time in seconds to fade alpha from 0% to 100%
- r_sunflare_fadeout "1" // time in seconds to fade alpha from 100% to 0%
- r_sunflare_max_alpha "1" // 0-1 vertex color and alpha of sun at max effect
- r_sunflare_max_angle "2" // angle from sun in degrees inside which effect is max
- r_sunflare_max_size "2500" // largest size of flare effect in pixels at 640x480
- r_sunflare_min_angle "45" // angle from sun in degrees outside which effect is 0
- r_sunflare_min_size "0" // smallest size of flare effect in pixels at 640x480
- r_sunflare_shader "sun_flare" // name for flare effect; can be any material
- r_sunglare_fadein "0.5" // time in seconds to fade glare from 0% to 100%
- r_sunglare_fadeout "3" // time in seconds to fade glare from 100% to 0%
- r_sunglare_max_angle "5" // angle from sun in degrees inside which glare is minimum
- r_sunglare_max_lighten "0.75" // 0-1 fraction for how white the world is at max glare
- r_sunglare_min_angle "30" // angle from sun in degrees inside which glare is maximum
- r_sunsprite_shader "sun" // name for static sprite; can be any material
- r_sunsprite_size "16" // diameter in pixels at 640x480 and 80 fov
- r_sun_from_dvars "0" // Set sun flare values from dvars rather than the level
- r_sun_fx_position "0" // Position in degrees of the sun effect
- r_texFilterAnisoMax "4" // Maximum anisotropy to use for texture filtering
- r_texFilterAnisoMin "1" // Minimum anisotropy to use for texture filtering (overridden by max)
- r_texFilterDisable "0" // Disables all texture filtering (uses nearest only.)
- r_texFilterMipBias "0" // Change the mipmap bias
- r_texFilterMipMode "Unchanged" // Forces all mipmaps to use a particular blend between levels (or disables mipping.)
- r_useLayeredMaterials "0"
- r_vc_makelog "0" // Enable logging of light grid points for the vis cache. 1 starts from scratch, 2 appends.
- r_vc_showlog "0" // Show this many rows of light grid points for the vis cache
- r_vsync "0" // Enable v-sync before drawing the next frame to avoid 'tearing' artifacts.
- r_warningRepeatDelay "5"
- r_zfar "0" // Change the distance at which culling fog reaches 100% opacity; 0 is off
- r_zFeather "1"
- r_znear "4" // Things closer than this aren't drawn. Reducing this increases z-fighting in the distance.
- r_znear_depthhack "0.1" // Viewmodel near clip plane
- safeArea_adjusted_horizontal "1" // User-adjustable horizontal safe area as a fraction of the screen width
- safeArea_adjusted_vertical "1" // User-adjustable vertical safe area as a fraction of the screen height
- safeArea_horizontal "0.85" // Horizontal safe area as a fraction of the screen width
- safeArea_vertical "0.85" // Vertical safe area as a fraction of the screen height
- scr_airdrop_ac130 "3"
- scr_airdrop_ammo "17"
- scr_airdrop_counter_uav "15"
- scr_airdrop_emp "1"
- scr_airdrop_harrier_airstrike "7"
- scr_airdrop_helicopter "7"
- scr_airdrop_helicopter_flares "5"
- scr_airdrop_helicopter_minigun "3"
- scr_airdrop_mega_ac130 "2"
- scr_airdrop_mega_ammo "12"
- scr_airdrop_mega_counter_uav "16"
- scr_airdrop_mega_emp "0"
- scr_airdrop_mega_harrier_airstrike "5"
- scr_airdrop_mega_helicopter "5"
- scr_airdrop_mega_helicopter_flares "3"
- scr_airdrop_mega_helicopter_minigun "2"
- scr_airdrop_mega_nuke "0"
- scr_airdrop_mega_precision_airstrike "10"
- scr_airdrop_mega_predator_missile "14"
- scr_airdrop_mega_sentry "16"
- scr_airdrop_mega_stealth_airstrike "3"
- scr_airdrop_mega_uav "12"
- scr_airdrop_nuke "0"
- scr_airdrop_precision_airstrike "11"
- scr_airdrop_predator_missile "12"
- scr_airdrop_sentry "12"
- scr_airdrop_stealth_airstrike "5"
- scr_airdrop_uav "17"
- scr_arena_numlives "1"
- scr_arena_promode "0"
- scr_arena_roundlimit "0"
- scr_arena_roundswitch "3"
- scr_arena_scorelimit "1"
- scr_arena_timelimit "2.5"
- scr_arena_winlimit "4"
- scr_ctf_halftime "1"
- scr_ctf_numlives "0"
- scr_ctf_playerrespawndelay "0"
- scr_ctf_promode "0"
- scr_ctf_returntime "30"
- scr_ctf_roundlimit "1"
- scr_ctf_scorelimit "0"
- scr_ctf_timelimit "10"
- scr_ctf_waverespawndelay "10"
- scr_ctf_winlimit "1"
- scr_dd_addtime "2.5"
- scr_dd_bombtimer "45"
- scr_dd_defusetime "5"
- scr_dd_numlives "0"
- scr_dd_planttime "5"
- scr_dd_playerrespawndelay "0"
- scr_dd_promode "0"
- scr_dd_roundlimit "3"
- scr_dd_roundswitch "1"
- scr_dd_scorelimit "1"
- scr_dd_timelimit "2.5"
- scr_dd_waverespawndelay "0"
- scr_dd_winlimit "2"
- scr_diehard "0"
- scr_dm_numlives "0"
- scr_dm_playerrespawndelay "0"
- scr_dm_promode "0"
- scr_dm_roundlimit "1"
- scr_dm_scorelimit "1500"
- scr_dm_timelimit "10"
- scr_dm_waverespawndelay "0"
- scr_dm_winlimit "1"
- scr_dom_numlives "0"
- scr_dom_playerrespawndelay "0"
- scr_dom_promode "0"
- scr_dom_roundlimit "1"
- scr_dom_scorelimit "200"
- scr_dom_timelimit "0"
- scr_dom_waverespawndelay "0"
- scr_dom_winlimit "1"
- scr_explBulletMod "1"
- scr_game_allowkillcam "1" // script allow killcam
- scr_game_deathpointloss "0"
- scr_game_forceuav "0"
- scr_game_graceperiod "0"
- scr_game_hardpoints "1"
- scr_game_killstreakdelay "0"
- scr_game_onlyheadshots "0"
- scr_game_perks "1"
- scr_game_spectatetype "1"
- scr_game_suicidepointloss "0"
- scr_gtnw_numlives "0"
- scr_gtnw_playerrespawndelay "0"
- scr_gtnw_promode "0"
- scr_gtnw_roundlimit "1"
- scr_gtnw_roundswitch "0"
- scr_gtnw_scorelimit "101"
- scr_gtnw_timelimit "10"
- scr_gtnw_waverespawndelay "0"
- scr_gtnw_winlimit "1"
- scr_hardcore "0"
- scr_hardpoint_allowartillery "1"
- scr_hardpoint_allowhelicopter "1"
- scr_hardpoint_allowuav "1"
- scr_koth_numlives "0"
- scr_koth_playerrespawndelay "0"
- scr_koth_promode "0"
- scr_koth_roundlimit "1"
- scr_koth_roundswitch "1"
- scr_koth_scorelimit "250"
- scr_koth_timelimit "15"
- scr_koth_waverespawndelay "0"
- scr_koth_winlimit "1"
- scr_maxPerPlayerExplosives "2"
- scr_nukeCancelMode "0"
- scr_nukeTimer "10"
- scr_oldschool "0"
- scr_oneflag_numlives "0"
- scr_oneflag_playerrespawndelay "0"
- scr_oneflag_promode "0"
- scr_oneflag_roundlimit "0"
- scr_oneflag_roundswitch "3"
- scr_oneflag_scorelimit "1"
- scr_oneflag_timelimit "3"
- scr_oneflag_waverespawndelay "0"
- scr_oneflag_winlimit "4"
- scr_patientZero
- scr_player_forcerespawn "1"
- scr_player_healthregentime "5"
- scr_player_maxhealth "100"
- scr_player_numlives "0"
- scr_player_respawndelay "0"
- scr_player_sprinttime "4"
- scr_player_suicidespawndelay "0"
- scr_RequiredMapAspectratio "1"
- scr_restxp_cap "0.5"
- scr_restxp_enable "0"
- scr_restxp_levelsPerDay "0.5"
- scr_restxp_minRestTime "4"
- scr_restxp_restedAwardScale "0.5"
- scr_restxp_timescale "1"
- scr_riotShieldXPBullets "15"
- scr_sab_bombtimer "30"
- scr_sab_defusetime "5"
- scr_sab_hotpotato "0"
- scr_sab_numlives "0"
- scr_sab_planttime "2.5"
- scr_sab_playerrespawndelay "7.5"
- scr_sab_promode "0"
- scr_sab_roundlimit "1"
- scr_sab_roundswitch "1"
- scr_sab_scorelimit "0"
- scr_sab_timelimit "20"
- scr_sab_waverespawndelay "0"
- scr_sab_winlimit "1"
- scr_sd_bombtimer "45"
- scr_sd_defusetime "5"
- scr_sd_multibomb "0"
- scr_sd_numlives "1"
- scr_sd_planttime "5"
- scr_sd_playerrespawndelay "0"
- scr_sd_promode "0"
- scr_sd_roundlimit "0"
- scr_sd_roundswitch "3"
- scr_sd_scorelimit "1"
- scr_sd_timelimit "2.5"
- scr_sd_waverespawndelay "0"
- scr_sd_winlimit "4"
- scr_team_fftype "0" // script team friendly fire type
- scr_team_kickteamkillers "0"
- scr_team_respawntime "0"
- scr_team_teamkillpointloss "1"
- scr_team_teamkillspawndelay "20"
- scr_thirdPerson "0"
- scr_tispawndelay "0"
- scr_vip_numlives "0"
- scr_vip_promode "0"
- scr_vip_roundlimit "3"
- scr_vip_roundswitch "1"
- scr_vip_scorelimit "1"
- scr_vip_timelimit "2.5"
- scr_vip_winlimit "2"
- scr_war_numlives "0"
- scr_war_playerrespawndelay "0"
- scr_war_promode "0"
- scr_war_roundlimit "1"
- scr_war_scorelimit "7500"
- scr_war_timelimit "10"
- scr_war_waverespawndelay "0"
- scr_war_winlimit "1"
- scr_xpscale "1"
- sensitivity "5" // Mouse
- sentry_placement_debug "0" // Enables sentry placement debug lines
- sentry_placement_feet_offset "17" // Position of the feet from the center axis.
- sentry_placement_feet_trace_dist_z "20" // Max distance for a foot to be considered touching the ground
- sentry_placement_trace_dist "42" // Distance along the trace axis where the sentry will attempt to position itself
- sentry_placement_trace_min_normal "0.7" // Minimum normal to accept a sentry position
- sentry_placement_trace_pitch "20" // Pitch used for the trace axis
- sentry_placement_trace_radius "30" // Radius of the bound used for the placement trace
- sentry_placement_trace_radius_canon_safety "5" // Extra radius used in the forward direction to compensate for the canon length
- server1
- server10
- server11
- server12
- server13
- server14
- server15
- server16
- server2
- server3
- server4
- server5
- server6
- server7
- server8
- server9
- session_immediateDeleteTinySessions "0" // Whether to immediately delete sessions with 1 user
- session_nonblocking "1" // Non-blocking Session code
- shieldImpactBulletShakeDuration "500" // Viewmodel shake duration for bullet impacts.
- shieldImpactBulletShakeScale "0.35" // Viewmodel shake scale for bullet impacts.
- shieldImpactExplosionHighShakeDuration "1250" // Viewmodel shake duration for strong splash damage.
- shieldImpactExplosionHighShakeScale "0.5" // Viewmodel shake scale for strong splash damage.
- shieldImpactExplosionLowShakeDuration "800" // Viewmodel shake duration for weak splash damage.
- shieldImpactExplosionLowShakeScale "0.4" // Viewmodel shake scale for weak splash damage.
- shieldImpactExplosionThreshold "85" // Pre-shield splash damage that is above this will be 'strong'.
- shieldImpactMissileShakeDuration "1500" // Viewmodel shake duration for direct missile impacts.
- shieldImpactMissileShakeScale "0.5" // Viewmodel shake scale for direct missile impacts.
- shortversion "1.0" // Short game version
- showdrop "0" // Show dropped packets
- showpackets "0" // Show packets
- sm_enable "1" // Enable shadow mapping
- sm_fastSunShadow "1" // Fast sun shadow
- sm_lightScore_eyeProjectDist "64" // When picking shadows for primary lights, measure distance from a point this far in front of the camera.
- sm_lightScore_spotProjectFrac "0.125" // When picking shadows for primary lights, measure distance to a point this fraction of the light's radius along it's shadow direction.
- sm_maxLights "4" // Limits how many primary lights can have shadow maps
- sm_minSpotLightScore "0.5" // Minimum score (based on intensity, radius, and position relative to the camera) for a spot light to have shadow maps.
- sm_polygonOffsetBias "0.125" // Shadow map offset bias
- sm_polygonOffsetScale "2" // Shadow map offset scale
- sm_qualitySpotShadow "1" // Fast spot shadow
- sm_spotDistCull "1" // Distance cull spot shadows
- sm_spotEnable "1" // Enable spot shadow mapping from script
- sm_spotLimit "4" // Limit number of spot shadows from script
- sm_spotShadowFadeTime "1" // How many seconds it takes for a primary light shadow map to fade in or out
- sm_strictCull "1" // Strict shadow map cull
- sm_sunEnable "1" // Enable sun shadow mapping from script
- sm_sunSampleSizeNear "0.25" // Shadow sample size
- sm_sunShadowCenter "0" // Sun shadow center, 0 0 0 means don't override
- sm_sunShadowScale "1" // Sun shadow scale optimization
- sm_sunShadowScaleLocked "1"
- snaps "20" // Snapshot rate
- snd_cinematicVolumeScale "0.5" // Scales the volume of Bink videos.
- snd_draw3D "Off" // Draw the position and info of world sounds
- snd_drawInfo "None" // Draw debugging information for sounds
- snd_enable2D "1" // Enable 2D sounds
- snd_enable3D "1" // Enable 3D sounds
- snd_enableEq "1" // Enable equalization filter
- snd_enableReverb "1" // Enable sound reverberation
- snd_enableStream "1" // Enable streamed sounds
- snd_errorOnMissing "0" // Cause a Com_Error if a sound file is missing.
- snd_khz "44"
- snd_levelFadeTime "250" // The amout of time in milliseconds for all audio to fade in at the start of a level
- snd_outputConfiguration "Windows"
- snd_slaveFadeTime "500" // The amount of time in milliseconds for a 'slave' sound
- snd_touchStreamFilesOnLoad "0"
- snd_volume "0.8" // Game sound master volume
- splitscreen "0" // Current game is a game
- stat_version "10"
- stopspeed "100" // The player deceleration
- stringtable_debug "0"
- sv_allowAnonymous "0"
- sv_allowClientConsole "1"
- sv_allowDownload "1"
- sv_allowedClan1 // Allow this clan to join the server
- sv_allowedClan2
- sv_cheats "0"
- sv_clientArchive "1" // Have the clients archive data to save bandwidth on the server
- sv_clientSideBullets "1" // If true, clients will synthesize tracers and bullet impacts
- sv_connectTimeout "120" // seconds without any message when a client is loading
- sv_debugRate "0" // Enable snapshot rate debugging info
- sv_debugReliableCmds "0" // Enable debugging information for 'reliable' commands
- sv_floodProtect "1" // Prevent malicious lagging by flooding the server with commands
- sv_hostname "CoD4Host"
- sv_hugeSnapshotDelay "200" // How long to wait before building a new snapshot after a 'huge' snapshot is sent
- sv_hugeSnapshotSize "4000" // Size of a snapshot to be considered 'huge'
- sv_iwdNames
- sv_iwds
- sv_kickBanTime "300" // Time in seconds for a player to be banned from the server after being kicked
- sv_mapRotation // List of maps for the server to play
- sv_mapRotationCurrent // Current map in the map rotation
- sv_maxclients "18"
- sv_maxPing "0" // Maximum ping allowed on the server
- sv_maxRate "25000" // Maximum bit rate
- sv_minPing "0" // Minimum ping allowed on the server
- sv_network_fps "50" // Number of times per second the server checks for net messages
- sv_packet_info "0" // Enable packet info debugging information
- sv_padPackets "0" // add nop bytes to messages
- sv_paused "0" // Pause the client/server
- sv_privateClients "0" // Maximum number of private clients allowed on the server
- sv_privateClientsForClients "0"
- sv_privatePassword
- sv_pure "1"
- sv_reconnectlimit "3" // minimum seconds between connect messages
- sv_referencedFFCheckSums
- sv_referencedFFNames
- sv_referencedIwdNames
- sv_referencedIwds
- sv_rejoinTimeout "5"
- sv_running "0" // Server is running
- sv_showAverageBPS "0" // Show average bytes per second for net debugging
- sv_timeout "20" // seconds without any message
- sv_voiceQuality "3"
- sv_zombietime "2" // seconds to sync messages after disconnect
- systemlink "0" // Current game is a system link game
- sys_configSum "230111639"
- sys_configureGHz "18.5691"
- sys_cpuGHz "2.67277"
- sys_cpuName "Intel®"
- sys_gpu "ATI"
- sys_lockThreads "none"
- sys_quitMigrateTime "15000"
- sys_smp_allowed "1"
- sys_SSE "1"
- sys_sysMB "2048"
- testClients_doAttack "1" // Testclients will use the attack button.
- testClients_doCrouch "0" // Testclients will use the crouch button.
- testClients_doMove "1" // Testclients will use the movement.
- testClients_doReload "1" // Testclients will use the reload button.
- testClients_watchKillcam "1" // Testclients will not press buttons during killcam.
- thermalBlurFactorNoScope "250" // Amount of blur to use when drawing blur that is NOT through a weapon's thermal scope.
- thermalBlurFactorScope "250" // Amount of blur to use when drawing blur through a weapon's thermal scope.
- thermal_playerModel // Model to draw for players when in thermal vision mode
- timescale "1"
- tracer_debugDraw "0" // Draw debug lines where the tracers should be visible.
- tracer_explosiveColor1 "1" // The 1st color of a bullet tracer when using explosive bullets
- tracer_explosiveColor2 "1" // The 2nd color of a bullet tracer when using explosive bullets
- tracer_explosiveColor3 "1" // The 3rd color of a bullet tracer when using explosive bullets
- tracer_explosiveColor4 "1" // The 4th color of a bullet tracer when using explosive bullets
- tracer_explosiveColor5 "1" // The 5th color of a bullet tracer when using explosive bullets
- tracer_explosiveColor6 "1" // The 6th color of a bullet tracer when using explosive bullets
- tracer_explosiveOverride "1" // When turned on, will apply an override to the tracer settings when shooting explosive bullets.
- tracer_explosiveWidth "15" // The width of a bullet tracer when using explosive bullets
- tracer_firstPersonMaxWidth "4" // The maximum width our OWN tracers can be when looking through our ADS
- tracer_stoppingPowerColor1 "0" // The 1st color of a bullet tracer when using StoppingPower bullets
- tracer_stoppingPowerColor2 "1" // The 2nd color of a bullet tracer when using StoppingPower bullets
- tracer_stoppingPowerColor3 "1" // The 3rd color of a bullet tracer when using StoppingPower bullets
- tracer_stoppingPowerColor4 "1" // The 4th color of a bullet tracer when using StoppingPower bullets
- tracer_stoppingPowerColor5 "1" // The 5th color of a bullet tracer when using StoppingPower bullets
- tracer_stoppingPowerColor6 "1" // The 6th color of a bullet tracer when using StoppingPower bullets
- tracer_stoppingPowerOverride "0" // When turned on, will apply an override to the tracer settings when the stopping power perk is active.
- tracer_stoppingPowerWidth "6" // The width of a bullet tracer when using StoppingPower bullets
- tracer_thermalWidthMult "2" // The multiplier applied to the base width when viewed in thermal vision
- turret_adsEnabled "1" // Enable/Disable ADS on turrets
- turret_adsFov "35" // FOV when using a turret in ADS
- turret_adsTime "250" // Time (msec) to transition to ADS
- turret_fov "55" // FOV when using a turret
- uiscript_debug "0"
- ui_allow_classchange "0" // Whether the UI should allow changing class
- ui_allow_controlschange "1"
- ui_allow_teamchange "0" // Whether the UI should allow changing team
- ui_bigFont "0.4" // Big font scale
- ui_borderLowLightScale "0.35" // Scales the border color for the lowlight color on certain UI borders
- ui_browserFriendlyfire "-1"
- ui_browserKillcam "-1"
- ui_browserMod "0"
- ui_browserShowDedicated "0"
- ui_browserShowEmpty "1"
- ui_browserShowFull "1"
- ui_browserShowPassword "-1"
- ui_browserShowPure "1"
- ui_buildLocation "-60" // Where to draw the build number
- ui_buildSize "0.2" // Font size to use for the build number
- ui_cinematicsTimestamp "0" // Shows cinematics timestamp on subtitle UI elements.
- ui_connectScreenTextGlowColor "0.3" // Glow color applied to the mode and map name strings on the connect screen.
- ui_currentFeederMapIndex "0" // Currently selected map
- ui_currentMap "0" // Current map index
- ui_customClassName // Custom Class name
- ui_customModeEditName // Name to give the currently edited custom game mode when editing is complete
- ui_customModeName // Custom game mode name
- ui_debugMode "0" // Draw ui debug info on the screen.
- ui_drawCrosshair "1" // Whether to draw crosshairs.
- ui_extraBigFont "0.55" // Extra big font scale
- ui_gametype "war"
- ui_hud_hardcore "0" // Whether the HUD should be suppressed for hardcore mode
- ui_hud_obituaries "1"
- ui_hud_showobjicons "1"
- ui_joinGametype "0"
- ui_mapname "mp_afghan"
- ui_maxclients "18"
- ui_mousePitch "0"
- ui_multiplayer "1"
- ui_netGametype "0"
- ui_netGametypeName "dm"
- ui_netSource "1" // The network source where: 0:Local 1:Internet 2:Favourites
- ui_partyFull "0" // True if the current party is full.
- ui_playerPartyColor "1" // The local player's font color when shown in lobbies and parties
- ui_serverStatusTimeOut "7000" // Time in milliseconds before a server status request times out
- ui_showEndOfGame "0"
- ui_showList "0" // Show onscreen list of currently visible menus
- ui_showmap "1"
- ui_showMenuOnly // If set, only menus using this name will draw.
- ui_sliderSteps "40" // The number of steps for a slider itemdef
- ui_smallFont "0.25" // Small font scale
- ui_textScrollFadeTime "0.2" // Text scrolling takes this long (seconds) to fade out at the end before restarting
- ui_textScrollPauseEnd "3" // Text scrolling waits this long (seconds) at the end before restarting
- ui_textScrollPauseStart "1" // Text scrolling waits this long (seconds) before starting
- ui_textScrollSpeed "30" // Speed at which text scrolls vertically
- unbindall
- upnp_maxAttempts "4"
- useFastFile "1"
- useMapPreloading "1" // Whether to start loading the map before connecting to server
- useonlinestats "0" // Whether to use online stats when in offline modes
- useRelativeTeamColors "0" // Whether to use relative team colors.
- useSvMapPreloading "1" // Whether to start loading the map before starting the server
- useTagFlashSilenced "1" // When true, silenced weapons will use "tag_flash_silenced" instead of "tag_flash".
- vehAudio_inAirPitchDownLerp "1.2" // Rate at which the pitch lerps down
- vehAudio_inAirPitchUpLerp "0.75" // Rate at which the pitch lerps up
- vehAudio_spawnVolumeTime "2" // Seconds it takes for spawned vehicles to reach full volume.
- vehCam_angles "0" // Camera angles from vehicle
- vehCam_editMode "0" // Enables camera edit mode via dvars
- vehCam_freeLook "0" // Enables free look mode
- vehCam_offset "0" // Focus offset from vehicle origin
- vehCam_pitchClamp "45" // Pitch clamp for user adjustment
- vehCam_pitchTurnRate "90" // Pitch turn rate for user adjustment
- vehCam_radius "0" // Camera radius from vehicle
- vehCam_speedInfluence "0" // Controls how much the vehicle's speed effects the camera.
- vehCam_yawClamp "45" // Yaw clamp for user adjustment
- vehCam_yawTurnRate "260" // Yaw turn rate for user adjustment
- vehCam_zOffsetMode "World" // Camera offset mode for Z axis
- veh_boneControllerLodDist "2000" // Distance at which bone controllers are not updated.
- version "IW4" // Game
- vid_xpos "22"
- vid_ypos "53"
- viewModelDebugNotetracks "0" // Enable display of viewmodel notetrack debug info.
- viewModelHacks "1" // Enabled depth hack and remove viewmodel from shadows.
- viewposNow "0"
- voiceDebug "0"
- voiceDegrade "0"
- waypointDebugDraw "0"
- waypointDistScaleRangeMax "3000" // Distance from player that icon distance scaling ends.
- waypointDistScaleRangeMin "1000" // Distance from player that icon distance scaling starts.
- waypointDistScaleSmallest "0.8" // Smallest scale that the distance effect uses.
- waypointIconHeight "36" // Height of the offscreen pointer.
- waypointIconWidth "36" // Width of the offscreen pointer.
- waypointOffscreenCornerRadius "105" // Size of the rounded corners.
- waypointOffscreenDistanceThresholdAlpha "30" // Distance from the threshold over which offscreen objective icons lerp their alpha.
- waypointOffscreenPadBottom "30"
- waypointOffscreenPadLeft "103" // Offset from the edge.
- waypointOffscreenPadRight "0"
- waypointOffscreenPadTop "0"
- waypointOffscreenPointerDistance "20" // Distance from the center of the offscreen objective icon to the center its arrow.
- waypointOffscreenPointerHeight "12"
- waypointOffscreenPointerWidth "25"
- waypointOffscreenRoundedCorners "1" // Off-screen icons take rounded corners when true. 90-degree corners when false.
- waypointOffscreenScaleLength "500" // How far the offscreen icon scale travels from full to smallest scale.
- waypointOffscreenScaleSmallest "1" // Smallest scale that the offscreen effect uses.
- waypointPlayerOffsetCrouch "56" // For waypoints pointing to players, how high to offset off of their origin when they are crouching.
- waypointPlayerOffsetProne "30" // For waypoints pointing to players, how high to offset off of their origin when they are prone.
- waypointPlayerOffsetStand "66" // For waypoints pointing to players, how high to offset off of their origin when they are standing.
- waypointSplitscreenScale "1.8"
- waypointTweakY "-17" // Scale applied to waypoint icons in splitscreen views.
- wideScreen "0" // True if the game video is running in 16x9 aspect, false if 4x3.
- winvoice_loopback "0"
- winvoice_mic_mute "1"
- winvoice_mic_reclevel "65535"
- winvoice_mic_scaler "1"
- winvoice_save_voice "0"
- xblive_hostingprivateparty "0" // true only if we're hosting a party
- xblive_loggedin "0" // User is logged into xbox live
- xblive_playEvenIfDown "0" // Allow people to play online even if Live is down
- xblive_privatematch "0" // Current game is a private match