Rapido CSGO config - GAMERCONFIG
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Rapido CSGO config

- NET settings are optimized for MatchMaking and casual (64 tick).

- Many crosshair scripts. 8 different crosshairs. Options such as changing crosshairdot and outline on or off. changing crosshair thickness. Change between different crosshairs: Numpad 1 to 8.

- Changing net_graph on or off script.

- CS 1.6 viewmodel.

- Usefull commands such as disabling auto weapon switch and HTML motd.

- Optimizing sound output.

- Optimizing mouse input to feel like in CS1.6. (rawinput and mousespeed disabled without mousefix, feels great).

- Optimized video settings for 1024x768 100Hz.

- Stable 128 fps for mid-category computer.

My mouse settings for Kinzu V2:

- DPI1: 400
- DPI2: 400
- Win 6/11
- 500Hz
- sensitivity: 3.2
- m_rawinput 0
- m_mousespeed 0
- m_customaccel 0
- zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1

Spiel:   Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Benutzer: Rapido25
Datei(en): 3
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