'scretchy' - GAMERCONFIG
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Mitglied seit 19.04.2015
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Nationalität - en

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Scretchy settings sensitivity "2.10000" cl_crosshaircolor "5" hud_scaling "1" zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse "1" m_customaccell "0" cl_crosshairsize "2.5" cl_crosshairgap "-1" cl_crosshairdot "0" cl_crosshairthickness "-1" cl_crosshairstyle "4" cl_righthand "1" cl_crosshairusealpha "1" cl_crosshairalpha "255" volume "0.16" bind "kp_end" " buy hegrenade;" bind "kp_downarrow" " buy flashbang;" bind "kp_pgdn" " buy smokegrenade;" bind "kp_leftarrow" " buy molotov; buy incgrenade;" bind "6" "buy ak47; buy m4a1;" bind "7" "buy awp;" bind "8" "buy p90;" 19.04.2015


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