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Mitglied seit 12.10.2020
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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Best CFG for sound , and fps , and anonymous pro player I mixed the best settings of professional players as well as to have the best sound for footsteps the cfg you had to change in the cfg the crosshair and the sensitivity in the CFG THIS LINE snd_front_headphone_position "50.2" change it from your resolution to playing for better hear footsteps 43.2 (5:4 resolution) 45.0 (4:3 resolution) 50.2 (16:10 resolution) 53.2 (16:9 resolution) and change the cl_interp and cl_interp_ratio in relation to your internet connection 1-29 Ping cl_interp0.007813;cl_interp_ratio 1 30-59 Ping cl_interp0.015625;cl_interp_ratio 1 60-89 Ping cl_interp0.015625;cl_interp_ratio 2 90-100+ Ping cl_interp0.03125;cl_interp_ratio 2 I'm professional player but i want anonymous this is all SETTINGS PLAYING by all PRO PLAYER and the best BIND bind mouse3 "toggle cl_righthand 1 0" bind mouse5 "+right" bind mouse4 "+left" bind "uparrow" "buy flashbang;" bind "downarrow" "buy smokegrenade;" bind "rightarrow" "buy hegrenade;" bind "leftarrow" "buy molotov; buy incgrenade;" bind "home" "buy ak47; buy m4a1;" bind "end" "buy awp;" bind "ins" "buy vesthelm;" bind "del" "buy vest;" bind "pgup" "buy defuser;" bind "pgdn" "buy deagle;" bind "kp_home" "volume 0.08" bind "kp_uparrow" "volume 0.15" bind "kp_pgup" "volume 0.6" bind "8" "give weapon_m4a1" bind "K" "toggle voice_enable 0 1" bind "J" "say_team DROP PLEASE <3" bind "L" "noclip" bind "H" "r_cleardecals" bind mwheeldown "+jump" 14.11.2020
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Best Config For FPS This config is the BEST with the best option for best FPS and the best viewmodel and the best sensitivity the crosshair is for ONE TAP the crosshair in the CONFIG better use for 800X600 or 1024 or 4/3 maximum but remove the crosshair CFG and go your resolution and the best BIND bind mouse3 "toggle cl_righthand 1 0" bind mouse5 "+right" bind mouse4 "+left" bind "uparrow" "buy flashbang;" bind "downarrow" "buy smokegrenade;" bind "rightarrow" "buy hegrenade;" bind "leftarrow" "buy molotov; buy incgrenade;" bind "home" "buy ak47; buy m4a1;" bind "end" "buy awp;" bind "ins" "buy vesthelm;" bind "del" "buy vest;" bind "pgup" "buy defuser;" bind "pgdn" "buy deagle;" bind "kp_home" "volume 0.08" bind "kp_uparrow" "volume 0.15" bind "kp_pgup" "volume 0.6" bind "8" "give weapon_m4a1" bind "K" "toggle voice_enable 0 1" bind "J" "say_team DROP PLEASE <3" bind "L" "noclip" bind mwheeldown "+jump" 12.10.2020


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