Joao 'johnnybazinga' - GAMERCONFIG
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Joao 'johnnybazinga'

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Name Joao
Mitglied seit 30.08.2012
Alter / Geschlecht Männlich
Nationalität - en

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive johnnybazinga -> autoexec.cfg 14-02-2013 // Don't forget to chance some command values. // Place CFG in SteamsteamappscommonCounter-Strike Global Offensivecsgocfg // The last three catagories are disabled. Remove the "//" at the start of each line to enable it. // When you press and hold TAB now shows net_graph // with "i" you can turn fps_show on or off // with "o" you can turn net_graph on or off // with "[" you can turn your sound on or off // with "]" you can use your weapon left ot right. // with "" you can change your crosshair from a red dot to csgo crosshair // with "=" you can change your interpolate. // with "128" in console you cl_interp changes to 0.007813. (7,8ms) // with "64" in console you cl_interp changes to 0.015625. (15,6ms) 30.08.2012


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