'dropDead' - GAMERCONFIG
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Mitglied seit 01.07.2015
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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive KaGaN.CFG for CS2 Extracte Autoexec > DISK:SteamsteamappscommonCounter-Strike Global Offensivegamecsgocfg in console: exec autoexec STEAM > CS2 > LAUNCH OPTIONS: +exec autoexec.cfg FULL GUIDE (RUS) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3053348539 Binds + alias bind END - sell all items bind X - Jump Throw bind V - drop C4 bind CAPSLOCK - voice on/off bind DEL - radio comands on/off (like on DM servers) bind ALT - radar zoom bind N - crosshair color bind "T" - Flash granade bind "c" - Molotov bind "z" - smoke grenade Buy: "F1" - АК-47 / M4a1 "F2" - AWP "F3" - FAMAS / GALILAR "F4" - SG556 / AUG "F5" - vesthelm "F6" - vest "F7" - defuser "F8" - HE grenade "F9" - flash grenade "F10" - smoke grenade "F11" - molotov grenade "F12" - TEC9 / FIVESEVEN 05.11.2023
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive KaGaN CFG+AUTOEXEC 2023 steam guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2923446449 Launch Options: -novid -freq 144 -tickrate 128 +mat_queue_mode 2 +exec autoexec.cfg Extracte KaGaN_CFG.cfg and autoexec.cfg: Steam-steamapps-common-Counter-Strike Global Offensive-csgo-cfg video.txt: Disk:-Steam-userdata-Your STEAM ID-730-local-cfg in game console: exec KaGaN_CFG exec autoexec host_writeconfig Video settings: Aspect Ratio - 4:3 Resolution - 1280x960 STRETCHED Display Mode - Fullscreen Global Shadow Quality - Very Low Model / Texture Detail - Low Texture Streaming - Enabled Effect Detail - Low Shader Detail - Low Boost Player Contrast - Enabled Multicore Rendering - Enabled Multisampling Anti-Aliasing Mode - 8x MSAA FXAA Anti-Aliasing - Disabled Texture Filtering Mode - Bilinear Wait for Vertical Sync - Disabled Motion Blur - Disabled Triple-Monitor Mode - Disabled Use Uber Shaders - Enabled 14.02.2023
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive KaGaN cfg 2021 (Faceit, fps,sound) upd: 4.01.2021 Всем привет :) У кого возникнут вопросы пишите в стим http://steamcommunity.com/id/SL1pknot Кнопка Delete отключает радио команды которые засоряют звук в игре. Кнопка Capd lock отключает голосовую связь чтоб тиммейты не мешали. Кнопки Стрелки меняют размер прицела Кнопка N меняет цвет прицела Кнопки Z, C, T достать гранаты Кнопки цифровой клавиатуры справа сделаны под бинды закупки оружия и гранат res 1440x1080 (custom 4:3 strenched) Video: All low Texture streaming enable Boost player contrast enable multicore enable anti-aliasing x2 texture filtering x2 mouse hz: 1000 hz dpi: 400 sens 3.1 Launch Options: -novid -freq 120 -tickrate 128 +exec autoexec.cfg 01.07.2015


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