Karol 'carolpls' Lopes - GAMERCONFIG
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Karol 'carolpls' Lopes

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Name Karol Lopes
Mitglied seit 22.10.2015
Alter / Geschlecht Weiblich
Nationalität - en

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive BEST CFG FIX FPS // MIN AND MAX GRAPHIC opocional option launcher: -novid -high -nojoy -nod3d9ex -freq 144 -threads 4 -refresh 144 +exec autoexec " -novid " - ignored Valve presentation time to start the game. " -high " - Lets csgo with High Priority in system processing . " -threads 4" - Ensures that all processors will be used in csgo . " -nod3d9ex " - Disables the DirectX extension to get faster the Alt + Tab . " cl_forcepreload + 1" - Improves FPS when loading a map. " snd _... " - better sound depth . 22.10.2015


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