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Mitglied seit 27.08.2014
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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Simple but effective configuration (2014-08-27) # Summary of "autoexec.cfg": - Rates and Interpolation (FPS, rate, ...) - Audio (english voice, improved response time, quality, ...) - View improved (bobbing, ...) - Custom crosshair (color, size, ...) - Mouse precision improved (mouse acceleration, sensitivity, ...) - Console improved (Highlight goods information, ...) - Gameplay improved (Weapons switch, team color, ...) - Joystick disabled # Summary of "video.txt": - Fullscreen - 1280x720 - No V-Sync - All settings in low quality # Summary of "Launch options.txt": - CPU priority improved - Mouse precision improved - Console enabled - Joystick disabled How to: 1. Right-click on CS:GO in your Steam library 2. "Properties" 3. "SET LAUNCH OPTION..." 4. Paste then "OK" IMPORTANT: Delete "-refresh 120" if you don't have a 120 Hz screen! # Summary of "config.cfg": This file is personal, you don't need to use it, it's just for information. # Stream: http://hitbox.tv/Meydiem --- If you have any questions, suggestions, improvements or if you just like it, leave a comment please! 27.08.2014


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