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Mitglied seit 26.01.2015
Alter / Geschlecht Männlich
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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Global Elite Config by BossAmBlock (Updated 01.02.2018) A composition of the worlds best players configs Features: -Optimized sound settings: Localize your enemies earlier and more precisely! -Best netsettings: Get a steady, low ping in matchmaking! -Small viewmodel: Your weapons don't move and cover less of you screen -Perfect grenades: Throw a grenade by holding the left mouse button and pressing "X" to jump-throw or "Y" to step-throw! -Voicechat toggle: Hit the "V" key to mute the voicechat if your teammates can't shut up while you need sound! -Gameinstructor toggle: Press "N" to find the bomb inside a smoke! -Intuitive buyscript: Easy to remember and fully customizable! -Net-Graph in the scoreboard: Press TAB and get additional information about your network connection! -Fast bomb drop: If you have the bomb just press "H" to drop it! -Weapon Dance: Press ALT to make your weapon dance! -Customizable: Put your personal settings into the separate file "autoexec_individual.cfg". If I release an update, you can simply load my new autoexec and still keep your preferred settings from the autoexec_individual. Resolution: 1600x1200 (or any other 4:3 resolution, stretched to 16:9) Windows Mouse Settings: 6/11 , 800 DPI Launch options: -console -novid -high +exec autoexec 26.01.2015


Slake  10.03.2016 11:58

any update on ur cfg?

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