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Mitglied seit 18.04.2018
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Nationalität - en

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Best Config - Organized, Optimised, Smooth FPS, Scripts! Optimised Config in every Segment. Better Radar, HUD, Viewmodel, Smooth FPS and good Network Settings. Also i have some basic Scripts in it wich you might wanna use! Autoexec2 is a config without any personal Stuff and some explanation behind some Commands! Autoexec is exact the way i use it! You might wanna change or delete the binds, because i switched some for my personal prefrence. So if you want to keep the default setup, just delete "Binds" Tab! For further Instructions make sure to read my Steam Guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1364379139 I also recommend the Language Pack by Bananagaming: https://bananagaming.tv/textcolormod Vibrance GUI: https://vibrancegui.com/ Simple Radar: http://simpleradar.com/ Launch Options: -novid -nojoy -language bananagaming -tickrate 128 +fps_max 500 Just make sure to put it in the right Folder! YOUR STEAM FOLDER/Steam/userdata/YOUR STEAM ID/730/local/cfg Then just open the game and type "exec autoexec" in the console! 18.04.2018


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